Page 110 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
It was heaven. Better than I ever had with my parents, he could afford anything for me, and denied me nothing.
Except the pill.
It wasn’t all bliss after all, but swelling up with his baby inside me didn’t put him off. And I still got to live the life of a queen, catered to at all times as I toted his baby boy around inside my belly. So maybe it wasn’t love, or what I’d expected out of my life.
But I was damned happy with it.
Bought by the Billionaire
Book Themes:
Virgin, Barely Legal, Breeding, Mild blackmail
Word Count:
* * *
Life on the farm was generally quiet and peaceful. Sure, there was lots of hard work, but it was uneventful generally speakin’, especially since my ma and pa passed away, leavin’ the property to me. But that was all fixed to change the moment that fancy black sedan rolled up to my door. I just didn’t know right then I’d be ass up in the back of her before the day was through.
* * *
He was a slick lookin’ man, with long dark hair, backswept and shiny in the midday sun, and a pair of sunglasses that must’ve cost more’n my car. He stepped out of his vehicle in a fitted suit, and looked better’n a catalogue model, I gotta say.
Though all of that looked completely out of place on my lil’ farm. The farmhouse itself was about two centuries old, even if it did have about a dozen renovations since then, and the whole plot of land had that rustic look that city slickers liked to stop and gawk at.
Though this guy was no usual city slicker, I could tell that. I wiped my hands as I strode up the gravel drive towards him, tuckin’ the hand towel into the back of my tight daisy dukes as I got close to him. Though as I studied him, his dark, piercin’ eyes turned to peer right back into me in turn.
“Are you the owner of this place, ma’am?” He asked, his voice so deep and gravelly, despite his glossy, well-kept appearance.
He kinda had me on edge a little. You know, like when you meet someone that seems better off and more educated and you’re just waitin’ to be made the fool of? Yea, that was me, ‘cause he had everythin’ that the books told me was bad news. He was all calm and cool, and chose his words all careful like, and he was sexy to boot. So I knew I was in trouble.
But I smiled at him all the same, like a polite girl does, and nodded my head. “Yea, sure do. All the land from here to there,” I said, pointin’ out the boundaries.
He listened real closely and all that, but I could tell he had somethin’ important on his mind from the get go.
“Got some bad news for you then, little lady,” he said, and truly I was lil’ compared to him! He was well over six feet tall, and I was well over a foot shorter’n him. “I recently acquired the local creditors to consolidate into a branch of my business,” he said, reaching into his car and pulling out a thick stack of papers. “And it turns out your place is well in arrears on payments. As in, about forty years,” he said, holding out the document to me. “I don’t know why the debt has been put aside for this long, but it showed up after my acquisition.”
I mean, I half understood most of what he said, but I did understand that we were in debt for forty years? I mean, that was even before my parents took over probably... I didn’t have time to think on the math just then.
I pushed my fingers through my hair, fixing my ponytail before I grabbed the papers, lookin’ at them like I might be able to figure out what’d happened.
He undid the front of his blazer, the only sign he wasn’t fully comfortable in the hot midday sun, and stepped in a lil’ closer to me. He set his sunglasses atop his head, and those dark eyes studied me somethin’ fierce.
“It’s all there. And the bank is set to foreclose on your
place within the week. But that’s why I came out. I wouldn’t want to set a woman out of house and home without at least first meeting her,” he said so calmly, so smoothly, as if nothin’ ever fazed him.
“Foreclosed?” I asked, my jaw dropped open. “But my ma and pa owned this place outright, and they gave it to me in their will,” I protested. I couldn’t lose my house! My farm! I didn’t have anythin’ else, not in this world.
He looked me over with that hard gaze of his, and I knew then and there he had all the world in his pocket. Rich as they come, he could buy and sell people like me clear and easy. He took his time, took out a cigarette and lit it up, the grey smoke carryin’ on the air before me, fillin’ my nostrils with its acrid tang.
“Maybe you and I can come to some sort of accommodation, however,” he remarked in his low, growling voice.
“Accommodation?” I said with a bit of a growl. I couldn’t believe what I was hearin’! This was my home, and had been since I was born!