Page 5 of Twin Passions
Ideas overwhelmed him. He had to get back to Zahra and tell her of this, he realized. She was probably wondering at where he was, because they rarely left each other’s sides these days. He told her he was going to get her some food, and the oddness of that she brushed off as an offer of generosity. Now he had something more remarkable to tell her about.
As he began to walk towards the incline where the stream had worn down the dirt wall, he felt the drag of his torn shorts. They were damaged now, and before he could curse his luck he instead removed them entirely. “Fuck it,” he muttered, standing nude, his sizable cock and balls loose and free now as he tossed the torn garment aside. “We’re passed that point anyhow,” and they were. After all, once he’d confessed his unnatural love of his sister and they’d consummated it, little was left hidden between them.
He saw her waiting for him, her brow furrowed beneath that beautiful crown of hair. When she saw he was nude, though, her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened, moving towards him with concern. “Where were you?” she gasped as her generous breasts pushed into his arm.
They were twins, and with their blonde hair and tanned skin, it was easy to see the resemblance. They were both attractive, and had been chased all through high school, but both were still virgins when they were wrecked upon the tropical island.
She hugged him, her toned body surrounding him. Her thighs and ass were shapely, her breasts equally so, and she felt so good pressed against him.
Zach put his arm around her in return and kissed her head, a big toothy smile on his face. “Missed me that much, did ya sis?” he said, cheerful as ever as their tan bodies tangled up and he went with her to their little makeshift home on the beach. It was made of the remnants of the ship they’d came there on, put together by themselves and their old coach before he died of some illness with their parents.
The water had already dried on his body on the walk back, the powerful tropical sun leaving him smooth and dry.
“You had me worried. Weirdo,” she sighed as she walked at his side, their warm, bronzed skin rubbing against one another. “What took you so long anyways? And what’s wrong with the food we have, huh?”
Zach merely laughed. Before they came to the spot he pulled her around to his front, shamelessly nude in front of her, even though it was but the day before they’d broken that barrier between them. Done what no siblings ever should. “You’re right,” he said, giving her a big kiss on the lips. “We’ll eat in tonight,” he jested, his emerald eyes moving down over her, devouring her beautiful, bronzed form, the perfect pair for his own.
She waited for just another beat before finally her eyes dropped, “Where’s your shorts?”
Cocky and full of himself he shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t need ‘em anymore,” he declared. “Tossed ‘em in the jungle.” He gave her an obvious look over, even though he’d just done that already unwittingly. “Not like you need yours now either,” he added with a wry grin, his manhood twitching to life before her, expanding and rising with rapid speed.
“Zach,” she groaned, pushing his shoulder. “Fuck, I thought you were going to tell me they were ripped off or something.” She was still in her golden lingerie, that lacy bra pushing up her breasts, and the underwear doing almost nothing to hide her round ass cheeks. She was, however, modest compared to his newfound nudism.
Zahra moved away from him and over to a pile of fruit, grabbing one and beginning to prepare it for dinner, “You can be naked all you want, you pervert, but I’m not going to. Wanna grab the fish?” she motioned to some of the fish she had caught yesterday, having left them in a salt water bucket just outside the door.
Her dismissal was nothing strange really, though it irked him a bit. He went over and grabbed the bucket all the same, lifting it up, his bicep swelling as he carted the heavy pale to her, shamelessly sporting a sizable erection as he stood before her. “I’ve got good news, sis,” he said confidently. “Somethin’ special.”
“Oh?” she asked as she sliced off another piece of melon, beginning to mash them into a paste. She could be quite the cook, when she cared to, and it didn’t take her long to prepare a sweet paste to roll the fish in. “What’d you find?” Excitement edged her voice as she went through the repetitive task of filleting the fish and preparing them in the sauce.
His round eyes were glued to her, he didn’t know why, but something about the whole task piqued his interest. He crouched down, thighs spread and loins bared as he rested his elbows to his legs. “Your lover’s found a new home for you,” he said with smooth confidence. “Something much nicer than this ratty old place,” he said of their beachfront hideaway dismissively.
Her nose crinkled as she looked towards his eyes, not daring to drop her gaze to his throbbing package. “Look, Zach, don’t call us that, alright? It’s weird. Just..” she took in a deep breath and turned back to her work. She was such a pretty young woman, his twin, and he could swear her cheeks were flushed. It was so unlike her, though.
“What’d you find?”
His brows furrowed at her rebuke. He’d swore to be true to her, not to treat what they had as some act of desperation that they’d regret if they ever got off the island. As far as he was concerned, that meant they were lovers. No, more than that.
He brushed it aside though, watching her work. “I found us a beautiful grotto, sis,” he said, his confident smile returned. “Freshwater. Waterfall to bath in. A place to hide out from the rain, should it ever rain,” he clarified, for the weather had been so beautifully sunny all the time. “Safe and secure,” he declared toothily.
Anxiety melted from her and was replaced with a broad, h
appy smile. It was obvious she was afraid, terrified of what had happened between them. What it meant for their future, and what would happen if they were ever found, but she still loved him. Adored him.
“A waterfall? Really? How far?” Zahra asked excitedly.
With a shrug of his shoulders he said, “A nice ways inland, but it’s beautiful, Zahra. You’ll just die,” though he worried she’d object to it because it’d make them harder to find. Frankly, since she’d accepted his declaration of desire, he’d almost stopped caring about getting rescued. “I figure we’ll pack up and move in tomorrow,” he asserted. “Bright and early.”
“But there’s not a house, is there? Where would we sleep?” It wasn’t like their place was a castle, built from the wreckage of their ship, but it was comfortable enough. It had almost become home, since they landed there weeks back.
He mulled that over a moment as he watched her work, never losing that obscene erection. “I’ll handle it,” he declared authoritatively then smiled, as if it was all under control. “All I gotta do is strip out some of the things we need and carry ‘em in land to our new home,” never mind the daunting nature of such a task, he’d figure it out, he assured himself.
“Are you sure, Zach? I mean, what’s wrong with this place? If it’s not far we can go out to the waterfall and just bring back some fresh water and grab a shower.” She moved from her makeshift counter out to the small, smoldering fire, putting the braised fish on a pan overtop it.
Zach felt exasperated with her, though he wasn’t sure why. He had predicted she’d find fault with his idea the entire way back. In fact, she always had. Part of what made them a strong pair was that she always had criticisms or ideas of her own to go with his.
“This way’ll be better,” he insisted, and he realized his arousal had already started to go down. “It’ll be easier to protect,” though protect from what? “And easier to care for and maintain, sis. It’ll be better, trust me.”
She laughed as she flipped the fish, looking at him with such amusement, “Yea, we’re both run off our feet out here, we could definitely use less cleaning.” She shifted and crossed her legs, revealing that bronzed body beneath her golden underwear, a wide smile parting her lips. “Fuck, Zach. Why’re you so desperate to get away from this place? I like it here.”