Page 1 of Twin Passions

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Page 1 of Twin Passions


Being shipwrecked upon a tropical island was supposed to be the stuff of fantasies and dreams. Though the start of it for them was anything but. They weren’t alone at first; they had several companions, all of whom were great assets in surviving the environment. For as lovely and bountiful as the isle was with its fruit trees and fish, it was still a far cry from the comforts of home with its grocery stores and ovens.

Zach was a strong young man, fit and capable. Even before coming to the island, the blonde eighteen year old was an athlete. The whole trip was supposed to be something of an expedition to compete in various events about the Pacific. Instead, the ship, with their instructors and family, was lost and ran ashore.

Illness claimed the rest. It got the twins for a while too, and though Zach and Zahra recuperated, the others did not. It was strange to have to fend for themselves, but Zach had absorbed all his instructor–the old survivalist enthusiast–had to teach during their first weeks there. Now his golden, hard body was only fitter and more adapted to the climate than when he started.

All he wore were a pair of orange shorts as he inspected the old ship. Little was left of it; they’d stripped it down in the early days to help make their shelter. The hull was too devastated to possibly save, so the ship became merely building materials, and now all that was left were the worst of that.

It was a sad sight at first, seeing the skeletal remains of the boat, but Zach brushed his increasingly long blonde hair back from his face, his emerald eyes glittering in the sun and paid it a final farewell. Any day now, the ocean would claim what was left.

He’d gotten wet in the trip out to it, his hard, toned body glistening damply in the sun as he made his way back. The home he now shared with his sister was spa-cious for them. It was made as a spartan shelter for the five of them originally, but now its two stories suited the both of them well. The cabin of the old ship formed a bedroom, the old beds that were aboard it now combined for a spacious room. It kept them cool on the hottest days.

Zahra had just finished filleting the fish and he could see her bounding down, still with that spring in her step. She was only a few minutes younger, but her vibrant smile and positive outlook seemed perpetually youthful, even though her hands were pink with fish innards.

“Hey,” she grinned as she moved towards the water, her matching emerald eyes gazing over him with amusement, “Check this out.” She lifted her palms, flexing her fingers at him, “Supper!”

Her own golden tresses were already long, but the salt air made it wavier, and she had clipped it from out of her face, revealing her bra and panties that she now called her swim suit, even though the scandalous outfit was lacy and a bright gold against her own tanned flesh.

Zach would’ve found this place hell despite the beauty and bounty, if not for her. The loss of their companions and family, the loss of hope of ever getting home. He’d have given up. Instead, he found so many moments of happiness, like now.

Smiling broadly, his white teeth on display, he laughed at her as he approached. “You’ve taken care of everything,” he said affectionately. Zach tried not to stare over long at her. They’d lost a lot of shame since coming here, but he loved his sister deeply.

“The ocean’s about carried off what’s left of the ship,” he remarked , brushing his hair back and looking her over again. “Amazing that stuff still holds on,” he re-marked about her lacy underthings. His own shorts were worn and tattered, and a tight fit that cupped about his sizable package, especially when damp like it was then.

“Yea, well, mom pitched a fit at the price, but look who's laughing now,” she teased as she made her way down to the water, bending down and washing off her hands. It was hard not to stare when her back was too him and she was posed so provocatively, even if she didn’t intend it. Maybe especially if she didn’t intend it.

She finally rose back up, her hands clean but for the salt water and she kicked a bit of liquid at the wreckage, shrugging her shoulders, “Deserves to be taken anyways. What good’s it doin’ us here?”

Zach had been staring, and he was lucky enough to avert his gaze before she no-ticed, though nothing really hid the thick bulge that was snaking its way across his groin, outlined so completely and unmistakably through his worn shorts. “Yeah,” he said, looking off to the wreckage oblivious to the fact. Hands on his hips, his golden tanned chest was pushed out in such a masculine manner, “it’s just kind of an eyesore now.”

“Ruining our view of the horizon,” she grinned as she bounded back to him, staring just a couple of inches away. She was such a pretty girl, and that bra certainly wasn’t helping his arousal. It just barely covered her nipples and pushed the fleshy breasts up, begging them to be looked at. She smelled of the outdoors, of the sea air, and she smiled up at him with such love and devotion.

She might be helping him out, but he was always going to be her older brother. “I got the fish ready to cook anyways. You can do that.”

With a smirk and

a roll of his eyes, Zach feigned insult at the chore. Truthfully, he liked their routine of passing off duties to one another; they had a natural knack for cooperation, and he enjoyed doing things for her as she did for him. “You owe me,” he said jokingly.

It didn’t take him long to start up the fire. Ben had taught him that amongst many other things in the time before that unknown tropical illness had claimed him. It was as he crouched down, preparing to fry the fish, that the awkwardly large, stiff erection shifted and pressed into him that he noticed how embarrassing a position he’d been in before his sister.

Zach’s cheeks flushed and he went about cooking as calmly as he could. “When we finish eating, would you like to go for a walk with me down the beach?”

“Sure,” she said as she plunked herself down in the sand, her arms pressing into the tiny white granules behind her as she looked up at him. Her ankles were crossed, and her body looked so lean and long. Though she was shorter than he by a good margin, she was still quite buff and with her new tan, he could see the lines of her biceps and the faint tracing of her abdominal muscles.

“I hate the smell of fish cookin’. Figured I’d be used to it out here,” she muttered as her head tilted back towards the sun, trying to deepen that golden tinge of her skin.

The long isolation was beginning to make Zach see things–see her–more differently. They had always been close, but not like this. Being around her, and only her, all the time, the both of them fitter, more attractive than ever before, and always near nude, it stirred his desires for her in ways he should have found disgusting, but couldn’t.

“I think it’s one of those things you never get used to,” he remarked, nothing able to hide that impressively sized dick throbbing in his shorts as he finished frying the fish and serving it up. “You’re looking better than ever these days, sis,” he remarked, his golden hued cheeks reddening a little, though the embarrassment wasn’t enough to make him look away.

If she noticed him throbbing, she was being exceptionally kind about it. Though that was often how she was. She used to volunteer at an animal shelter before moving up to a homeless shelter because ‘they needed it more’. Zahra was a lover at the core, and her gaze turned to him and softened at his compliment. “Hey, thanks. You too. Guess not wasting away in school is good for the body,” she teased as she began to peel the fish apart. She always played with her food.

Trying to hide his arousal would’ve only made him look silly and childish he real-ized. Well, he realized some time ago when he kept trying it around her. They didn’t really have much in the way of clothing left, so it was simply one of those things they had to accept.

Zach didn’t play with his food though, he just ate and enjoyed. The fresh caught fish was bare on flavouring, but it had a natural taste to it that was pleasing, especially after the hours of activity he’d just experienced. “It is nice,” he said absently, his eyes sliding over her as he thought. “I’m kinda glad I’m not wasting away in some university now,” he remarked, “this is more my thing when it gets down to it, sis.” Always the optimist.

“You don’t have to feel bad about being okay with this, you know,” she said as she popped that first bit into her mouth, the rest of it spread over one of the salvaged plates. “Not like feeling happy about it is going to keep us here forever or feeling shitty about us will get us saved.”

It was so matter of fact, the way she said that, but the way she looked at him was odd. It was almost pleading, though that wasn’t like her.

“That’s the thing,” he said immediately, looking to her with his large, emerald eyes, “I don’t feel bad about it,” he shrugged his golden-browned shoulders. “I have almost everything I could ever want here,” he remarked, shifting his legs to one side and leaning back on one palm as he picked off bits of his fish to eat. “I’ve got all the fitness and activities I could want, beautiful landscapes to do them on, and I’ve got you,” he said, his masculine voice taking on that almost romantic air.

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