Page 15 of Sweet Justice
"My turn." Carefully, so as not to make her skittish, I lifted my hands and began working the buttons of her bodice free. As I did so, her pale, creamy skin became exposed a little at a time. The top swells of her breasts were plump and full. I'd been correct in my guess; her pale skin was sprinkled with pale freckles. I couldn't resist and I kissed them, starting on the top of her right breast and worked my way across to the other. She was silky soft and her scent filled my nose. Floral, spring sunshine, and pure woman. It was a heady mixture. Her breathing escaped in little pants, making her breasts rise and fall as I kissed her.
"Wiley," she whispered, her hand tangling in my hair. As I continued to kiss her, I worked the material down her arms and over her hips so it pooled at her feet. One moment she was tugging me away, the next holding me to her. I smiled against her warm skin. I looked up at her from my very appealing spot, moving my chin back and forth, rubbing my whiskers against her, just above the edge of her corset. Her eyes were emerald green and a tad blurry, indicative of the start of her arousal. It was heady to watch her awakening to passion.
"Like that?" I asked.
"Can I...can I feel your whiskers?" she whispered.
I raised an eyebrow at her question, then sat back and tilted my chin up. If she wanted to touch me, I wasn't going to stop her.
Tentatively, she ran her palm over my jaw, sliding it back and forth. She was focused on her task and when her thumb ran over my lips, I opened and took the tip into my mouth.
Her eyes widened as I sucked on the tip, then let it go.
"I shouldn't like this, but I do," she told me.
I couldn't help but grin, for it went completely against her earlier brazen behavior. She might have been mad at me, she might have hated that we were married, that I'd come to see Ethel on our wedding night, but she couldn't lie about her reaction to me. Mad or not, she was attracted and quickly becoming aroused. I ran my hand over her hair to pull the pins from it, letting the long tresses fall down her back. Then, I tangled my fingers in the silky strands and tugged her into a kiss as her hand fell to my shoulder. Her attentions were more ardent now, her mouth responsive. She was a quick learner. Shifting, I turned, bringing her with me and lowering her to the bed so I loomed over her, my weight resting on one forearm. I did not break the kiss, only lowered one hand to work the stays on the corset, wanting to feel heated, soft flesh. Once the sides of the stiff garment parted, I finally was able to see what her breasts looked like, felt like. Tasted like.
I sat back on my heels so I could look down at her. As I did so, she watched me, and certainly didn't fight me, her lips slick and swollen from my kisses. Her breasts were full and plump and pink tipped, with perfect nipples that I longed to taste. And so I did. I took one into my mouth, the plump feel of it luscious against my tongue.
"Wiley, oh!" she cried, her hands once again in my hair. I laved the tip, sucked on it, even grazed it gently with my teeth, testing what made her writhe, what made her breath catch and what made her moan. It was a sweet sound, full of longing and surprise and sheer bone-deep pleasure. What was so powerful, so heady about it was that I was giving it to her.
I moved from one breast to the other, licking and sucking and laving them while I plucked and tugged on the tight little tip. She was very responsive, and her breasts were very sensitive to my play. It was heady knowledge, indeed. I wanted to see more of her, taste more, touch more.
Her skin was so pale, her legs long and shapely. Everything about her was well formed and perfect. Running my hands over her, I discovered the inside of her arm was ticklish and that her skin was unbelievably smooth. How could she be soft and dainty when I was so hard and rough?
I stood tall, taking a moment to breathe and cool my ardor, but only a moment. I worked her stockings down her legs, removed her shoes, then her drawers last. She watched me with clear eyes, yet I could see nervousness there, perhaps a fear of the unknown. Hopefully, I was being gentle and slow enough to allay her fears of me. "Show me all of you, sweetheart."
She frowned. "I'm...I'm naked. What else is there to see?"
"Spread your thighs and show my your pussy."
Instead of widening her legs, she pressed them together and shook her head. "This...this is happening too quickly."
It was, but my cock didn't care. This wasn't just any woman; this was my wife. I was looking down upon the body of the one woman who belonged to me. While I'd earned the right to do whatever I wished with her via the law and God, I had to earn her trust to do so.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I gently ran my hands over her once again, gentling her as I would a skittish mare. "While it's true we hardly know each other and most likely will drive each other to drink more times than not, I have no doubt we'll be compatible in bed." Lazily, I circled my finger around the perfect swell of her breast. "What the ladies downstairs told you, I liked. Very much. My cock was—is—hard for you. Only you. We're going to be good together."
When I avoided her nipple, she arched her back and I watched it tighten before my eyes. It was all I could do not to groan. " are you so sure?"
I shrugged. Meeting her eyes, I said, "Trust me to make you feel good and I'll trust you to tell me if you don't like something. I promise I'll stop. All right?"
I pushed my advantage, flicking the tip of her nipple with my fingertip and her eyes slipped shut.
"Yes," she replied on a moan.
Instead of having her spread her luscious thighs, I'd have to do it for her. She was of the mindset that if she did so herself, she'd consider herself wanton or forward. While I wanted her to be both, she'd have to learn her power over me. In the meantime, I grazed my finger down her body, circled her navel once, and then dipped lower and to where her legs were clenched tightly together. My finger dipped into her wheat colored curls and her eyes widened and her muscles relaxed.
"What...what was that?" she asked.
I took advantage of her shock and took hold of her thighs and slowly, gently parted her legs. My eyes widened and my breath caught at the sight.
"You look so surprised. Surely you've seen a naked woman before," she said, her voice tentative, clearly worried about her body and my judgment.
I did not want to even discuss the women who'd come before, especially since I'd just forced one of them out of the room. Their faces, their bodies all blurred together and were forgotten. All I could see now, all I could want, lay before me like a buffet and I was a starving man. My cock pressed against my pants in a painful reminder of what it wanted. I could see her pretty pink folds barely
hidden by pale curls. Her hips were round and narrowed to a tapered waist. While trim, she was lush and soft and perfectly formed.
"You're mine, Piper. That's the difference. I'm seeing my wife's body for the first time."