Page 13 of Fight For Her (More Than A Cowboy 1)
We sat in silence, watching the game. Had I been interested in all the wrong guys? It wasn't like I had much chance to find out. Being pregnant at nineteen, married and with a baby at twenty didn’t offer much opportunity to play the field. Of course, Jack had decided he’d wanted more and ditched me for a newer model. Maybe a guy like Gray was exactly what I needed. He wasn't normal. He sure as hell would push my boundaries.
I watched his body as he played the game and tried not to drool. Muscles tightened and flexed in ways that had me taking a big swig of my soda just to cool off. What would it be like to kiss him, to run my hands over that body, to have his weight pin me up against a wall? Those thoughts made butterflies return to my stomach and scared the crap out of me at the same time.
I hadn’t even realized there was a ref until he blew the whistle. I obviously wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to the game, only Gray and he'd only had the ball a few times. The men worked their way to the sidelines, exhausted and sweating, slapping each other on the back or giving a man hug. I couldn’t tell by the looks on their faces who’d won or lost. The camaraderie was surprising, considering they’d just been tackling the crap out of each other.
Gray was drinking from a water bottle when he saw me. His eyes narrowed and I felt once again frozen in place as if he had a freeze ray stare. He swallowed, wiped his chin with the back of his hand and smiled. With a little bob of his head as hello, he held up one finger. He didn’t look away until I nodded back.
“Jesus, Em,” Simon whispered.
While Gray talked with other players, Simon leaned in and said, “You can bring me to watch anytime.” I glanced up and he waggled his eyebrows. I grinned. Not having a boyfriend at the moment, Simon was no doubt checking out the possibilities, but I was only interested in Gray.
A minute later, Gray walked over to us, a teammate with him. Although he'd looked pretty darn fine the other night in a suit and tie, wearing shorts and a T-shirt, sweaty and dirty, Gray looked downright sexy. Rugged and manly. This was his element. H
is chest and shoulders were clearly delineated, his biceps thick and bulging, his thighs and calves well defined. Everything about him was powerful, and the way he watched me now was seriously intense. I licked my lips and saw his eyes drop to follow the action.
Simon and I stood as they got closer.
“Hi,” he said, stopping directly before me. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“I just so happened to be in the park.” I swiped my hand through the air. “Big coincidence.”
He gave a quick laugh, reminded by what he’d said on Friday night. It felt good, really good, to make him laugh. For once, I said something right. He angled his head. “This is my friend Rob.”
“Everyone calls me Thor,” the other man added, his voice deep. He held up his hands. “I’d shake your hand, but you probably would rather not.” Streaks of mud and sweat covered his palms.
I could see why he got the nickname. He had two inches on Gray, making him a giant. Football linebacker big. Hot dog eating contest winner huge. Dark hair, dark eyes, square jaw, goatee.
“I like your team spirit,” he added. “Looks better on her than us, don’t you think, Gray?”
I frowned, confused. He pointed to my tank top. Glancing down, I realized my shirt was also black-and-white stripe.
“Of course. Wouldn’t want to be accused of rooting for the other team,” I countered with a smile, then shrugged as if it were no big deal. “This is my neighbor, Simon.”
Simon shook Gray’s hand and nodded at Thor.
“Hey, wow. I didn’t recognize you at first, but it’s a pleasure,” Simon gushed, practically ogling Gray. “How are you enjoying retirement?”
Simon knew Gray? Baltimore was a big city, so what were the chances?
Gray glanced at me as he answered. “Getting better every day. Everyone usually goes to the bar down the street after the game. Want to join us?”
Simon looked to me to answer. He was waiting for me to decide if he was still needed or not. Since he and Gray seemed to know each other, he’d probably want to tag along, but he seemed to have the wingman thing down. He gave me a little head nod and I knew he was giving his personal green light on Gray.
This was it, the moment between a life of normal and a life of…God, I could only imagine. “I’d like to go, but Simon has something to do.”
Simon smiled broadly, clearly thrilled I was content not to need him to tag along. If I'd said otherwise, Gray would blatantly know Simon was sticking around for me and that would only embarrass me more. Besides, it would make Gray think I thought he was a lech or something and I needed a chaperone, which was the farthest thing from the truth.
“Yeah, I have plans,” Simon said, but everyone knew he was lying through his teeth. “Another time, however. Definitely.” He turned to me. “Do you want me to take your car?”
I paused. “Oh, um. I hadn’t thought of that.”
“I’ll drive you home later,” Gray offered.
Simon raised a brow, waiting. Pulling my keys from my little purse that I had slung cross-shoulder, he took them, gave me a wink, then grabbed the blanket and cooler.
“Thanks, Simon,” I called out as he left.
He spun and replied as he walked backward. “Anytime.” He gave a little salute and turned.