Page 7 of Submitting Sarah (Montana Maiden 4)
Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as Tagg knelt behind me so his line of sight was directly on my bottom and lower back. I gulped as his eyes darkened and his jaw clamped down tightly.
"Garrett!" Tagg shouted, which made me jump.
A moment later, Garrett came out of the barn, the building next door to the stable, wiping his hands on a cloth. His eyes widened in surprise at seeing us. I could only imagine what he was thinking, seeing me standing in the open only in a shift, holding it up to expose the dark leather harness that went around my hips and down between my legs. I glanced down my body and saw some of the red hair around my woman's core peeking out around the edges of the leather.
"Oh!" I gasped, lowering my hands.
"What's the matter, baby?" Tagg asked.
Garrett stopped in front of me, blocking the sun.
"I've...I've never been exposed...I mean, except for when he put the harness on, only Doctor Graham has seen more than my wrists and ankles."
"We've seen almost all of you," Garrett reminded, placing his hands on his hips. "Lift the shift, Sarah."
"Go grab one of the small awls so I can get this lock open," Tagg said to his brother.
Garrett nodded and headed off into the stable.
"The only thing we haven't seen of you is your pussy."
Tagg's reminder as to the extent of my indecency was unnecessary.
Garrett quickly returned with the small tool that looked like a pick and handed it to Tagg. After a short amount of time with the belt tugging and pulling at my waist and between my legs, the lock popped open and with it, the leather came loose about my waist.
Tagg worked it down my legs and I stepped free. I couldn't help but smile at the relief at having it removed. Garrett pointed toward the house. "Washroom's inside. Bathe while you're there, if you desire. Take your time."
The house was two story, white sided and well built. It was also quite large - bigger than my father's house - and that had more rooms than we ever used. It was clear the Erickssons' were not without means. Having a washroom was a decadence in these parts. The only reason my father had provided one for Devney and me was because he didn't want us walking out to a privy in front of the ranch hands at all hours of the day and night. It was one concession to his control that I did not mind tolerating.
While Tagg and Garrett had shown me the bedroom, I hadn't known of the washroom. As I dashed inside, I grumbled about that, then frantically opened several doors before I found and made use of the necessary. Afterwards, I did as Garrett suggested and bathed, luxuriating in the lukewarm water - no need to heat it when it was summer - and fresh smelling soap. Lathering my hair and rinsing it clean, I vowed to never take being clean for granted ever again.
Once dry, I contemplated my shift I'd tossed on the floor, which was dirty and stiff from my dip in the river. The idea of wearing it now that I was clean was not favorable.
I had one clean dress in the bag I'd tied to the saddle, but I had no idea of its whereabouts. For all I knew, it was still on the back of the horse. But, knowing a rancher took better care of his animals than the humans around him, the horse had probably been brushed down and was munching on some oats. While I, on the other hand, had no clothes and stuck with two strangers. Men. Men who wanted to share me. I'd seen animals mate on the ranch before, so I knew the basic workings of what happened between a man and woman, but what happened between a woman and two men?
With the harness off of my person, I wouldn't have to find out. I could readily escape when Garrett and Tagg weren't watching. Or awake. I could sleep now - it was no hardship to close my eyes as I'd been up all night - then slip out with the cover of darkness once the men were asleep. I'd done it with the doctor. I could do it again.
"She's going to try and run away," I said as I approached Garrett in the stable. I leaned against the rail of an indoor pen, crossing my arms over my chest. It was time for the noonday meal and we'd seen nothing from the house since Sarah had run inside a few hours earlier, and we'd both been monitoring closely.
Garrett stood from checking on a horse's hoof, cleaning out dirt from the bottom with a hoof pick. He sighed. "She can try, but she won't find her bag in the tack room. Running away wearing that harness was hard enough, doing it naked might be downright impossible."
I envisioned Sarah, naked upon a horse, like Boadicea with her flowing red hair fighting for what she thought was right. I doubted the legend had been naked when doing so, but the correlation was apt.
"We need to get Ian. Today. Now. Before she does something to get herself hurt." As Justice of the Peace, Ian McKenzie, Liberty's sheriff, could marry couples just as readily as the minister, and often did if the man of God wasn't readily available. Our situation, unorthodox as it was, needed a legal wedding without the objections a minister might find in having two grooms for one bride. As the elder, Garrett would marry Sarah. On paper. But there was no question that she would be mine as well.
Ian was another friend of ours and knew our ways. It would not be a problem. Waiting any longer than necessary to take her maidenhead and make her ours most certainly was.
"You're right. I'll go," Garrett said. "By tonight, she'll be ours."
I ran my hand over the back of my neck. "This is pretty hasty. We've only known her a few hours. You're sure, brother?"
The look he gave me was serious. "She belongs to us." There was no wavering, no question or doubt in his words, his tone, his bearing.
I exhaled, relieved he was in complete agreement. It might have been destiny that led her to us finding her. It might have been pure, dumb luck. Whatever it was, Sarah was ours. All of her.
"We'll need to train her ass before we can fuck her properly." I envisioned filling her pussy and her ass at the same time. Her ultimate submission. "She's going to be a little hellcat when we tell her what that entails," I warned, remembering how she fought us over a simple spanking.