Page 10 of Dominating Devney (Montana Maiden 3)
I helped her stand, grabbed a clean cloth by the washbasin and gently wiped her fingers. They were long and tapered, elegant. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were blurry with desire. The ointment seemed to be working; however, I imagined she was aroused mostly because her pussy was the center of attention. It was something she thought about now. With the harness, it had been impossible not to. I'd spoken about her pussy and how much I wanted to fill it, lick it, fuck it. It was a beautiful sight and I'd told her so.
Married to Jake Jenkins, she’d no doubt had no idea how her pussy could bring her pleasure. She was finally seeing what she'd been missing for all those years. Now that she was aware, she was practically making up for all the time it was neglected. She was needy, frantic even, for this awakening.
Most husbands tamed their wives through their needs. Jake liked to fuck Catherine's ass, so he trained her to love it. Cole wanted Tessa to suck his cock better than any whore at Rose's, and he was well on the way to taming her to do so. I had no doubt I could dominate Devney. It would take a little bit of time, and quite a bit of fucking. And she'd enjoy every minute of it.
Doc was swift, returning with not only Reverend Abernathy, but McKenzie as well. The sheriff slapped me on the back as he removed his hat. "Glad I could be a witness for you." He turned to Devney. "Haven't found Sarah yet, but we’ll search again later. Thought you might want to know."
Devney gave McKenzie a small smile. "Thank you, but I don't think she's going to be easy to find."
She was undoubtedly right. McKenzie was the best tracker around, but Sarah, as Devney had said, had years to create a plan and perhaps even hide some money. Even during the brief time I'd I known her, she seemed competent enough to accomplish it. I stood next to Devney and took her small hand in mine. She glanced at me, then the minister.
"Shall we begin?" Reverend Abernathy asked, his Bible open in his palms. The man was accustomed to unusual weddings. I was the third Bridger brother to marry this month. Jake had taken Catherine straight from the stagecoach to the altar. Cole had known Tessa for years, but had surprised her by standing at the altar last Sunday, forcing the contrary woman into wedlock. Now, it was my turn. In Doc's office.
I glanced at Devney and squeezed her hand reassuringly. Her need had abated a bit. Her dark eyes were clear, but her cheeks still held a pretty rosy flush. Her hair was slightly mussed and she looked perfectly...fuckable. The only thing standing in our way was that we weren’t married, and that was about to change.
"Yes, Reverend," I replied, ready to make this legal. Make her mine.
The ceremony was thankfully short and I sealed the ceremony with a quick, chaste kiss. Devney's lips were soft, warm and very plush, the touch of her mouth hesitant. This little hint of naiveté only made me want her more, made my cock throb with the need to claim her.
"Congratulations to you both," the minister commented. "I won't linger as this room is quite crowded as it is. Also, Mrs. Abernathy has prepared a pot roast that I do enjoy."
"Thank you, Reverend, and enjoy your dinner," I replied, shaking the man's hand.
Devney stood dwarfed between Doc, McKenzie and me. Even with the minister gone, there wasn't much room. We turned as a formidable group and she stepped back, bumping into the table behind her. Her eyes widened, she licked her lips, and her cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
"McKenzie, you're a good cook," Doc said. "Come help me make something that won't kill the newlyweds."
McKenzie gave a little nod and followed Doc from the room, shutting the door behind him. I could see Devney sigh - in relief?
"Now, wife, is your pussy still begging for my touch?" I grabbed her waist and once again placed her upon the table. She looked up at me, wide eyed, yet not fearful. Her dark gaze was curious, eager even. She licked her lips and shifted her hips. I waited for some kind of response. I wouldn't let her hide from me.
She nodded.
Ah, so honest. "Then let me see about making things better for you. Lie back like before and lift your dress."
She complied without saying a word, moving into a similar position as earlier. In fact, the only words she'd spoken in the past fifteen minutes were I do. I moved to the bottom of the table to where I could look up her body. I reached for her hips and slid her down the smooth surface so her feet were close to her ass. She gasped at the shift, perhaps because her legs were open wide and she was completely exposed.
"Touch yourself, baby. Show me what you like." I smiled reassuringly. I planned to fuck her, and soon, but first I needed to get her ready. Not just her body, but her mind as well. She needed to remember this first time in a pleasing way, not with tears and pain.
She glanced at me, unsure.
"Go on." I tilted my chin in her direction. "It's going to be such a pretty sight."
Tentatively, she placed her hand over her pussy, which still glistened from the ointment she'd spread earlier.
"Devney, have you ever had someone take care of you before?" I asked, watching her closely as she moved her hand.
She paused, her fingers over her pussy and she stared at me, probably surprised by the turn of topic. She shook her head, whispered, "No. My father, he was...cruel. Then Mr. Jenkins, well...he mostly ignored me, but wouldn't let anyone else have me either."
"That's about to change." I grasped her trim ankle and gave it a gentle squeeze to ensure she looked at me. "It's my job to take care of you now. So when I tell you to touch yourself, it's because I want you to. In your marriage vows, you said you would obey. I'm telling you to touch your pussy, which means you don't have to think, don't have to worry if it's right or wrong, you just do it."
I kept my voice calm, relaxed. This wasn't the time to show my dominance by the strength of my voice or what consequence I might mete out. Devney could learn my power over her just by her submission. I wanted to make it as easy as possible; I knew she worried that this was highly inappropriate. But if I took the blame, if I was the one that made her touch herself so wickedly - at least in her mind - then she'd let go of those burdensome thoughts and just do as I bid.
Satisfied and reassured, perhaps by the conviction of my words, she began to move her hand slowly up and down her pussy. Every time she found her clit, she gasped, but it was clear with her fumbling fingers she didn't know where to touch herself. Hell, she probably didn't even know how to come. This would be my first job as husband, to show her how.
"That hard little nub, Devney. Yes, that, right there. Circle it with the tips of your fingers. Very gently. Yes, just like that. Now, take your other hand and slide a finger up into yourself. Good girl." Her pussy was within reach. I could easily tug her even closer, open my pants and fuck her. The way my cock was uncomfortably hard, it was almost impossible to resist, especially when the pussy in front of me now belonged to me. I would take her right after she found her first pleasure. I wanted her pussy wet, soft and open for my cock.
Devney spread her knees wider of her own accord and started rocking her hips into her fingers. Along with the ointment I could see her own arousal coating the finger that plunged into her pussy. A sheen of sweat glistened on her brow. Her eyes were closed as if concentrating. She bit her lip.