Page 30 of Taming Tessa (Montana Maiden 2)
Maura nodded. "Yes, please."
"Very well." He dropped his hand. "Let me know if you need more ointment. I don't want them to chafe."
Maura's small hands came up and cupped her breasts, catching each full nipple between a thumb and forefinger and pulling out, stretching them so they were extended out from her body. Releasing them, she covered them with her palms and moved them in circles.
"I have to keep them coated with ointment when she's like this because she plays with them so much."
Cole pushed his fingers a little deeper into my mouth to break my attention from Maura's hands.
Jake came in, dropped down into the third chair by the fire with a sigh and a wicked grin. "Sorry Cole, Tessa, for not being here when you arrived."
"Sounds like you were busy," Cole replied, a humorous lilt to his voice.
Jake grinned. "Catherine took that big cork beautifully and we're having fun trying to close her back up. She'll be out in a minute."
"Hello!" Sam called from the front door and he shut it with a slam behind him. "Where is everyone?"
"In here," Jake replied.
Sam came in, taking his hat off. "I thought we were here for dinner." He observed me with my mouth full, Maura playing with her breasts.
"I think it's up to the two of us to get the food on the table. Everyone else is busy," Jake commented, glancing around the room. Maura was lost in her own little world, in a haze of pleasure and I was at the whim of Cole's fingers.
"Looks that way. Where's Catherine?" Sam asked.
"I left her sprawled across our bed recovering from a good ass fucking," Jake replied, looking rather relaxed himself.
Sam gave a quick nod of acknowledgement but said nothing, as if it were a normal occurrence.
"I'm starved, so help me before I gnaw on my arm," Jake said as he stood and slapped his brother on the shoulder. They left the room and I heard noises from the kitchen.
"Do you like my fingers in your mouth?" Cole whispered, working his fingers in and out. I nodded and my tongue licked around and over the penetrating digits. "Look at Maura. See yourself. That's what you look like when your heat's overtaken you, although a hard cock is in your mouth. Do you want to play with your nipples like she's doing?"
I shook my head. She obviously found great pleasure in her breasts, as did Grant judging by his hooded gaze or the hardness behind the placket of his pants, but I did not want my nipples to be so prominent. My breasts were large enough as they were.
"Grant likes Maura's nipples like that, all big and a mouthful. Your breasts, your little pink nipples, Tessa, are perfect just the way they are. Besides, your heat comes from your mouth being filled." He nudged his fingers in deeper to bump the back of my throat and I moaned, my pussy clenching and a small gush of Cole's seed and my own juices seeped out.
"The food's on the table. Join us when you can," Jake called from the other room.
Cole pulled his fingers from my mouth, helped me to stand and led me into the dining room.
Sam and Jake stood behind their places, Sam at the end of the table, Jake, at the other. Catherine came in then, wearing the same clothes as this morning, but with a very satisfied grin on her face.
"Hello Cole, Tessa," Catherine said, her voice scratchy from, I assumed, her screams. Her dark hair was up in a proper bun, her blouse neat and crisp, but her skin was flushed a bright pink that extended down and across her full breasts. Her nipples were tightly furled and her eyes were heavy lidded and sleepy. If we hadn't heard her sounds of pleasure, it was obvious just looking at her what she'd been up to.
"Is that smaller cork better, sweetheart?" Jake asked her quietly. He took her chin and tilted it up so she looked at him. I could see the adoration in her eyes.
"Oh yes, Jake," she murmured.
"All right, darlin'," Cole said. I knew he spoke to me because of the endearment. "On your knees and make us both happy."
"Here?" He wanted me to suck his cock? How could I do it here with everyone around? They'd know what I was doing, if not watching outright.
Grant led Maura into the dining room as I worried my lip. He held out her chair, then sat next to her. She continued to play with her nipples, her hands now coated in the slick ointment as well.
Sam and Jake both sat, leaving the two of us standing. Cole pulled my chair out of the way, turned his to face the empty space, then sat down. "There's not enough room under the table like at Grant and Maura's yesterday, so you will do it here."
He pointed to the space on the floor in front of his open knees.