Page 9 of Claiming Catherine (Montana Maiden 1)
“Sweetheart, your body is beautiful and I long to see it."
He'd been nothing but kind to me. Stern, but no stricter than I expected any other husband. He'd agreed to all my demands, compromised more than a spouse should. He could have fucked me, but he hadn't, although his requirement with my bottom was a little extreme. The tears filling my eyes overflowed, slipped down my burning skin.
He eyed me closely. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
“I...I can't say,” I replied, my voice a whisper.
He watched me closely. “Your pill came out, didn't it?” His voice shifted from tender to severe.
My gaze darted up to his. “ did yo
u know?”
“Your ass needs to be corked after the pill is inserted. Otherwise, the ointment will seep out." The truth must have shown on my face. "Feel how slick you are? That's supposed to be up inside your fuck hole, kept there by the cork or plug. It keeps the medicine inside so you don't get sick. I can also slide right in and give you a good fuck whenever I want. You wouldn't want to be dry when I do that, do you? The doctor was mighty thoughtful to make the pill have the ointment with it.”
“Are...are you mad at me?” I asked, looking up at him from beneath tear soaked lashes. I was afraid to look at him directly.
“You promised that you'd keep the pill in and you broke that promise. This is the second time where you thought you knew best, and what happened? You became sick, and now, your pill seeped out of your ass. You might get sick again since the medicine isn't deep inside you. Your wellbeing is my responsibility and this isn't safe. If you can't make healthy choices, then I'll make them for you."
I could only nod in agreement.
"I know what's best for you, don't I?"
Shamefully, I could only nod again.
"So when I expect you to do something, even if you don't want to, even if you don't understand, I do it because it's for your own good. Yes?"
"Yes, Jake," I replied meekly.
"Very well. Now let's get you cleaned up, put a new pill in so you don't get sick, and your cork your ass. Right, Catherine?”
Shamefaced, I wiped my tears from my cheeks. "Yes, Jake."
He went over to the washbasin and wet a clean cloth and returned to sit on the side of the bed. He gave me an arch look, and I knew he was waiting for me to climb from the safety of the covers. I tugged back the sheet and moved to stand before him. His gaze was on my breasts and belly and when I looked down I could see the haze of his dried seed still coating my belly. Dried white clumps clung to the hair between my thighs.
“Does this hurt?” he asked, gently running his fingers through the downy hair between my legs.
I winced slightly when he became caught on a snarl made from dried seed.
“Sweetheart, I can see that it's causing you discomfort. When I fuck you, you're going to have cum dribbling from you all the time. You don't want your pretty pussy to be a mess like this, do you?”
Tears started again. Mortified, I just stood there as I watched my husband's large fingers tug uncomfortably in my pubic hair. I couldn't speak, couldn't watch anymore so I shut my eyes, squeezed them tight in shame. I couldn't answer him other than shaking my head.
He brushed a tear away.
“I'll clean the ointment from you first, then shave you. Come across my lap.”
My eyes flew open at his words. Shave? Down there? I opened her mouth to argue, but when I saw his raised eyebrow, I said nothing and did as he bid. This was another fight where I couldn't win. It seemed I couldn't win at all.
I bent forward over his lap, my bottom in the air. My feet were on the wood floor on one side of his legs and my upper body on the bed beside him. This was awful! I felt like a child being scolded, punished.
Jake began running the cloth over my bottom, with one cheek spread wide. “You may not understand my rules, but they're for your safety, your health or because I just know what's best. Just as keeping your pussy bare will minimize your discomfort once my seed dries upon you.”
He hooked his ankle around one of my feet and pulled back, exposing me. I couldn't see his face as mine was buried in the soft blanket on the bed, but I knew he looked there. I could feel the ointment coating me, having worked it's way down to my spread thighs. I moaned into the quilt to muffle it.
I heard a knock. Was that the door? Oh God. No! I jumped at the idea of someone seeing me like this. Naked, exposed over my husband's lap.
“Come in,” Jake called, holding me down with a firm hand on my upper back.