Page 15 of Claiming Catherine (Montana Maiden 1)
"Suck me." He placed a hand on the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my curls, pulling me forward.
Before I could ask what he meant, the front door flew open and Cole bounded in. His gaze raked over the large room before he found us, me on my knees in my open fronted blouse, Jake with his male member inches from my face. Oh! I tried to pull free, but my husband held me in place.
"The foal might be in the wrong position," Cole said, then a grin spread across his handsome face. "Although I see someone's in just the right position in here."
Jake's hand loosened and I stood, turned my face away, hiding the shame at Cole seeing me that way.
"Well aren't you pretty as a picture?" he crooned from across the room.
Jake tucked himself back in his pants, then stood. He took the few steps to reach me, then ran his knuckle over an exposed nipple.
I'd forgotten about my blouse - that my breasts were exposed and thrust out in front of me.
"Isn't she lovely? She's got a pretty pink glow about her from her first climax."
I pressed my face into Jake's shoulder, trying to hide. He kissed the top of my head. "I need to tend to the foal, sweetheart. There's dinner to eat that Maura cooked. You're welcome to look around the house while you wait, and there are books in the library if you want to read. I'll be back as soon as I can." He tilted my chin up to look at him. "When I'm gone, don't cover yourself. Don't touch your cork. I'm going to sink into that sweet pussy of yours and fuck you. Later." His eyes showed his seriousness so I just nodded.
I watched Cole give me one last look, grinned and slapped his brother on the back as they left me alone. With a cork in my ass.
Chapter Five
"So, brother, is your wife all you expected?" Cole asked, a big grin splitting his face as he took in the hints of blood on my pants. "Her tits are incredible. I'm going to have a cock stand being around her."
We were in the stable where one of the mares was struggling with the delivery of her foal. Grant, our cousin, was the real expert with these situations, so the three of us just stood back, watched as he took care of the birthing.
"She has incredible full lips, top and bottom. Perfect for fucking," Sam added. He leaned against the wooden wall.
Cole punched me in the shoulder. "What? You let him see her pussy without me?"
"Hell, man, I didn't just see her pussy, I got to put her pill in her ass. Her cork, too." He held up two fingers. "Nice and tight."
I held my hands out in front of me in surrender the way Cole glared. "He was in the right place at the right time." I grinned, feeling pride in my wife. Possessiveness, too. Sam may have put his hands upon her, but she was mine. Her body belonged to me, whether she knew it yet or not.
"Did she take the pill right off?" Grant asked as he knelt by the mare's head, running his hand over her sleek coat.
I shook my head. "Nope. I did just as you recommended. The doctor set me up with everything I might need. Mr. Carter at the mercantile, too. I'd say she learned her lesson, as she was sick all night. She'll take that pill like a good girl from now on."
"My Maura was a stubborn lass," Grant added, shaking his head at the memory. "Took three days, but I broke her. Just like the new fillies."
I picked up a piece of hay, ripping it into pieces as I thought of Catherine. "She's not stubborn. She's...sweet." I thought of how she wanted to please me. Even though she fought me, it was out of embarrassment, not contrariness. "It'll be hard for her, being from the big city and all, but she likes a soft hand. Gentle coaxing."
"Gentle coaxing? Seriously?" Sam asked. Once married, he'd tame his wife in a completely different way and I didn't think he'd be overly gentle.
Cole grunted. "I'm going to have a time of it. That Tessa Bowers is a wildcat. All hissing and claws."
"That girl's been sniffing around you for years, ever since she got that woman's body of hers. That talk you had with her father went a long way to ease his mind."
The Bowers family lived on a ranch an hour's ride away. They had four children and Tessa was the second oldest. Her older sister had married a friend of ours, Kade Sellers, the year before, so Tessa had some vague ideas of the role of a wife, but nothing specific like a corking. She was too feisty, too independent to be ruled by a man, yet Cole had laid claim to her.
"I want her. No question. I'll enjoy taming her. I expect much more of a fight than you’re having from Catherine, Jake, but it'll be completely my pleasure." Cole gave another easy grin. "When I asked her father for her hand, he was mighty relieved, but agreed she needed more time to run wild before I took control. She wasn't ready, but soon. Very soon. Not that she's aware. Her father's agreed to keep it a secret as he doubts she'd show up for the wedding otherwise. It's going to be one fine surprise."
I could see the anticipation on my brother's face, knew how the nineteen-year-old had used her feminine charms on Cole, only to tease. She'd been playing with fire, and she'd learn soon enough what happened to naughty girls once she stood in front of the minister beside Cole. Her father agreed with Cole that he'd protect and guard her virtue until the wedding, but the wilder she became, the greater the taming she'd require. No doubt her father would relish the knowledge that his daughter would be tamed, and then some, at hand of her very strict husband.
"The honeymoon pill seems to be working well."
"I'll tell Doc your progress when I see him next."