Page 27 of Kiss Me Crazy (Bridgewater County 6)
I laughed, stood, scratched the back of my neck. “Cozy, huh? That doesn’t exactly scream masculine.”
While she’d spent the night here, we hadn’t given her much opportunity to check anything out besides Jackson’s bed.
She tipped her head back with a laugh. The sound made some of my anxiety ease. She couldn’t be feeling too terrible if she could laugh like that.
“Are you sure you don’t mean rustic? Earthy, maybe?” I teased.
Coming over to my side, she wrapped an arm around my waist and looked up at me, tucked her hair behind her ear when it fell in her face. “Hmm. Nope, I’m sticking with cozy.”
I feigned offense and she squeezed me, letting her head fall against my chest in a way that made me ache for her to be ready for the next step. I couldn’t wait to say the words I love you and maybe even have her say them back. I was a Bridgewater man through and through and holding it in was killing me. She was The One and I was so fucking glad we ran into her at the airport.
“Cozy is perfect,” she said. “This place feels like a real home.”
The sound of the logs crackling from the growing fire sounded good and the heat against my legs did feel…cozy. Especially with Avery in my arms. Maybe it was cozy now that she was here.
I grinned as I kissed the top of her head. “Good. I’m glad you like it since we’re hoping you’ll make this your home someday, too.”
Her head snapped back and I bit back a curse at my stupidity. I shouldn’t have pushed the issue, not now when she was obviously feeling vulnerable and even more prone to flight. Yeah, she was a runner, that was for damned sure.
We turned at the sound of Jackson’s grumbling coming from the kitchen doorway. “Forget he said that,” he said, his easy charm coming in handy at the perfect time. He had no snacks in hand, so I had to assume he’d heard our conversation and abandoned them.
I could feel Avery’s body relax as he moved toward us with a grin. “As you’ve probably figured out, Dash doesn’t exactly do subtle.” He paused just long enough to give me a warning look.
Point taken.
He turned to Avery again.
“Besides, it’s not like we’re going to handcuff you to our bed or anything.”
The sarcasm made her smile.
“Tonight isn’t about trying to convince you to be with us for the long haul. We just want to show you what it could be like at home with us. A nice, normal night in.”
She pulled out of my hug, crossing her arms over her chest as she moved around the room. I would have thought she was studying the pictures and knickknacks if I hadn’t heard her short, humorless laugh. “Normal for whom? Nothing about this house is normal in my world.”
Jackson and I shared a wince.
“Your parents’ party last night?” She turned to face us with raised brows. “That was not normal.” She was starting to get worked up as she paced. “The loving family that welcomed me into their home with open arms? Not normal.” Spinning to face us once again, she gestured wildly to Jackson, herself, and then me. “This…whatever this is…is not normal. You guys are being too nice to me. You expect things of me as if…”
We waited for her to finish her rant and when she didn’t, Jackson prompted her. “As if what, sweetheart?”
Her eyes came up to meet mine and I flinched at the pain I saw there.
“As if I’m capable of giving it to you.”
I moved to her then, enfolding her in my arms and crushing her to me once again. I’d do just about anything to keep from seeing that look on her face again or the hurt in her eyes. “Baby doll, you have more love in your heart than anyone I’ve ever known.”
She was stiff against my chest but I heard her sniffle. I knew she was listening, and I knew she wanted to believe. She wanted love, wanted everything she said was not normal. Hell, she just wanted a new normal. It was right there for her to take, she just had to take it. Choose it.
Choose us.
Jackson moved to her side, stroking her hair. “You’re not like your family, Avery. We’re not like them.” He gave a short laugh. “Hell, no one else in Bridgewater is like them. You can choose to be in a relationship completely unlike your parents.”
She shook her head against me and I just barely heard her mutter something about her sister was like them. Jackson and
I shared a look. So that’s what had set this off.
“You are not your sister, baby doll. I assume the guy she was with wasn’t her fiancé?”