Page 12 of Make Me Yours (Bridgewater County 5)
I shifted in my saddle, thinking about being stuck with Colt. “Are you both from Montana?” I asked, trying to keep the small talk going. I liked what I saw about the two of them, but if I left it at that—their good looks—then I wasn’t any better than my fans; lusting after the surface and not knowing the person underneath.
“We’re Bridgewater men, through and through.”
I’d passed through Bridgewater from the airport. A quaint, small town right out of a western postcard. “Seems like a great place to grow up. Your families are here?”
Micah used his finger to tip his hat up a bit. His face was less in shadow and I could see his pale eyes better. “My parents are in Bridgewater. My brother lives in Helena.”
“My parents moved to Texas a few years ago,” Colt added.
“You live in town then?” I thought of Ann Marie and our conversation, bit my lip, then bit the bullet and sought the answer I’d been dying for. “With your…with your wives?”
I looked down at my hands, afraid to see their faces. They were quiet. I was an idiot. God, such an idiot!
“Are you asking if we have a woman in our lives?” Colt asked.
I frowned a little, confused by his wording. I shrugged, afraid to say more.
“It’s fine. You have a right to know,” he added.
I glanced up at him, frowned. “No, I don’t. It’s none of my business. I apologize. I was trying to make small talk and I… well, should have asked after the weather or something.”
The wind kicked up then and I tugged my ball cap lower. I’d put it on earlier to shield my eyes from the bright sun, but it had since hidden behind clouds.
Micah laughed, drawing my attention away from Colt.
“Lacey, we kissed you. We don’t do that if we’re with someone else. We’re not married,” he said. “No girlfriend. We’ve been looking for the right woman to come along.”
I nodded. Definitely understanding. If I were Ann Marie, I would have laughed this all off, said some witty reply and moved on. Me? I felt silly. “I can understand that. So…it’s warm today.”
It was Colt’s turn to laugh. “You don’t need to talk about the weather. After the kiss we shared, you can ask us anything.”
I bit my lip, my thoughts taking a very naughty turn. Did they always go after the same woman? Did they like it a little rough and wild? Were they as dominant in bed as they seemed to be out? “Anything?”
“Anything,” he repeated, this time his tone a touch more serious. “We’ll take turns.”
I glanced between the two of them, saw their relaxed postures, their easy smiles. They weren’t embarrassed as I was, so I let it go. I took a deep breath, smiled. “Sure.”
“I’ll go first,” Micah said. “An easy one. What do you do for a living?”
I bit my lip. I wouldn’t lie. While I was enjoying being anonymous, I wasn’t going to be something I wasn’t. “I’m an actress.”
“Movies?” Colt asked.
“No.” I didn’t do movies. That was the truth. “My turn.” I kept my gaze on Colt. The wind was stronger now, stirred my ponytail. I wanted to ask him if he liked a woman on top or if he liked to fuck her from behind—either was fine with me—but no. I stuck with the vanilla question. “You’re the foreman at the guest ranch. What does that involve?”
“I oversee all the non-hospitality side of Hawk’s Landing. Stables, animals, land.”
That was a big job. Tons of responsibility. Based on what I saw of the guest ranch, it was well run and the property was gorgeous. The horse I was on seemed…trained.
“Is this what you always wanted to do?”
“Yes, but on my own ranch. But that’s two questions,” Colt replied. “My turn.”
“No, it’s not,” Micah countered. “You asked her if she was in the movies.”
Colt sighed. I couldn’t help the laugh as they fought over me.
“Your acting. Been in anything we know?” Micah asked, then glanced up at the sky.