Page 8 of Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County 2)
Hannah turned a pretty shade of pink as it became obvious that the tables around us, which had been filling up with lunch customers, were making this their business. Yes, everyone knew we were interested in her. Hell, we’d been coming here all week. But no one piped up and said it was wrong for her to have two men outright tell her they were interested in making her their wife. Just the opposite. We had the town on our side.
Cole gave her a wink.
“It’s true. Everything they’ve said since we began eavesdropping,” Violet added. “I’ve known these boys their whole lives. You couldn’t ask for two finer men. Right, Jessie?”
Jessie was walking past with a tray filled with food. “I’ve already told her she’d be crazy not to let these boys show her a good time. Lord knows she needs it.”
Hannah’s blush deepened as she fixed her stare on my hands, on the table…anywhere to keep from making eye contact. Jessie had clearly hit the nail on the head. This woman needed to be shown a good time. And we’d be the men to give it to her. Maybe an orgasm or three would help this woman relax and open up a bit.
Shit. I hated having to admit that Cole was right, but it seemed he’d known what he was doing from the start. Appeal to Hannah’s sexual interest and let her see for herself how great the three of us could be. “Go out with us?”
She finally looked up at me.
I dropped my voice and let her see the desire I’d been trying to hide. “Will you give us the chance to show you a good time?”
She licked her lips and my cock hardened instantly. I could tell she was thinking about how we’d show her a good time. Fuck, this woman was turned on and just knowing that she was just the slightest bit curious had me primed and ready to go. I could run with curious and up that to interested and take that a step further to aroused. What I wouldn’t give to taste those sweet lips, and other parts of her.
My sister’s sudden arrival at our table was the cold shower I needed to stay in control, to remember everyone was watching us. And listening in. And butting in.
“What’s going on over here?” she asked with a teasing grin. “Everyone in this place is watching you guys try to land the hot new waitress. With not much success, I might add,
based on the look on her face.”
Hannah laughed at that, which broke all of the tension in her body, and my sister’s smile grew. “Hey, I’m Cara.”
“Hannah Lauren.” She nodded. “Nice to meet you.”
My sister, who was several inches taller than Hannah, threw an arm around her like they’d been best friends forever. “So what’s the hold up, lady? You need another woman to vouch for these guys? I can tell you right now you couldn’t do any better, even if one of them is my annoying older brother.”
Cole let out a snort of amusement and looked up at Hannah. “She has to say that. Dec’s a damn pest.”
“And you’re practically my brother, which makes you just as annoying,” Cara added. She turned to Hannah. “It’s true. I’m not exactly unbiased.” She lowered her voice as if that would keep the eavesdroppers from listening. “But from one woman to another, I can tell you that you’d be missing out if you didn’t give the Bridgewater way a try.”
She glanced over at her table, where Mike and Tyler were sitting, and Hannah looked, too. My sister’s whisper was loud enough for me and Cole and everyone around us to hear. “Seriously, girl. You owe it yourself and all womankind to give these guys a shot.”
With one over-the-top wink she dropped her arm and headed back to her table, calling out, “We need to grab drinks soon, Hannah. I’ll give you all the juicy gossip on my brother.”
Hannah turned back to me, those bright green eyes still filled with laughter. Sweet Jesus, she was stunning.
“So what do you say?” Sally called out.
Christ, we had the entire town in on this asking out thing. I wasn’t sure if Cole and I were totally pathetic or if Hannah needed a little more coaxing than most. “Thanks everyone, I think Hannah’s gotten the point,” I said.
All eyes were on Hannah and she gave in with a smile. “Sure, why not? Besides, everyone will hate me if I don’t go on at least one date with you. With both of you.”
“I heard that,” Jessie said, walking past again. “Now that it’s settled, let the girl get back to work.”
Hannah offered us one last smile before she ran off to take an order at one of the new tables that just sat down. I looked over at Cole, who was leaning back in his seat looking too fucking pleased with himself.
“You know she just agreed to go out with us to get everyone off her back, don’t you?” I asked.
That didn’t seem to affect him. He shrugged it off. “Whatever it takes to get her between us. Doesn’t really matter, does it? If she’s the one, we’ll prove it to her. We just need a chance.”
I couldn’t argue with that. If we had the opportunity, we’d show her what it would be like between us. As in in bed together, Cole beneath her, her body pressed into his, and me, behind her, taking her until she cried out her pleasure.
Still, I watched her carefully as we ate our lunch and she ran around the restaurant taking orders and delivering plates full of food. We lingered over our meal; neither of us wanted to walk out of there without confirming our plans.
Cole might talk big, but even he could see that her yes had been coerced out of her by our well-meaning friends. Hell, practically the whole damn town.