Page 33 of Ride Me Dirty (Bridgewater County 1)
I blinked a couple of times at her rapid pace, unsure of what I was supposed to respond to first. “Yes, he was a great guy.” From what I remember. I felt so bad not knowing more, remembering more, about the man who seemed to have thought so highly of me. “As for the house, I haven’t decided yet what I’m going to do with it.”
And that was the truth—from what Sally said, I’d need to do my research before I made any decisions. As for her comment about whether I was going to stay… hopefully I managed to sidestep that nicely.
Of course I wouldn’t stay. I couldn’t. I had a job to get back to. A career. One I worked my ass off for, thank you very much. It wasn’t like I could just walk away from that just because there happened to be two sensational lovers in Montana who knew how I liked it, even better than I did. An unbidden image of Jack’s cock in my mouth as Sam fucked me from behind rose u
p in my mind and suddenly oxygen was in short supply.
Oh shit, the coffee shop was way too warm. Didn’t they have AC?
If Angie noticed my sudden discomfort, she didn’t let on. She was too busy prattling on about the countless charms of Bridgewater. Either this woman worked for the tourism board or she really did want me to move here.
Why? Maybe it was the jaded New Yorker in me, but I couldn’t imagine why Angie—or Sally or Cara or anyone else for that matter—cared where the hell I ended up. They barely knew me but they were more invested in my future happiness than most of my acquaintances back home. Heck, no one would have come up to me, a stranger, in a coffee shop unless I’d stolen their seat.
But, other than Elaine, no one would care if I disappeared off the face of Manhattan. Life would go on as usual with or without me. I had to wonder how long it would take before my parents realized I wasn’t even in town. God, those were depressing thoughts.
“Okay, well, I better get these pups off their leashes before they go nuts,” Angie said, that broad smile never faltering. “Will I see you at Cara’s tonight?”
“She should be calling you soon with the details,” Angie added. Apparently this woman knew my social calendar better than I did.
“I hope you can make it,” she added. “I’ll be there and so will Declan.”
As if on cue, my phone vibrated and Cara’s name popped up on the screen. I held it up to show Angie. “Speak of the devil.”
She grinned—of course she did—and started to back away, mouthing the words “see you later” even though I hadn’t answered the phone yet.
Sure enough, Cara was calling to invite me to dinner. “Jack and Sam Kane will be there,” she added, her voice filled with laughter. Yup, it was official. My threesome was public knowledge.
I would have said yes anyway but the fact that they would be there definitely added to the appeal. Why did my heart skip a beat at the mention of their names? The now-familiar ache between my thighs intensified as if on command. Good Lord, I hadn’t known the Kanes for more than twenty-four hours and I was already hooked on them like a drug.
No, not them. I was hooked on amazing sex. A woman could become addicted to multiple orgasms from two hot cowboys if she wasn’t careful. And it wasn’t just orgasms. It was dirty, rough, wild sex. With orgasms.
After hanging up with Cara, I turned my attention back to work. Or I tried, anyway.
The phone rang again and I didn’t look at the screen, thinking it was Cara again.
“Did you sign the papers?”
All my good feelings slipped away.
“Leave me alone, Chad.” I sighed.
“That property is half mine.”
“Talk to my lawyer.”
His bark of laughter had me wincing. “What, you can’t represent yourself?”
I could, but then I’d have to listen to his shit.
“Talk to my lawyer,” I repeated.
“And who would that be?”
Sam’s smiling face came unbidden to my mind. I wasn’t going to subject him to Chad, though. I wasn’t that cruel. “If you figured out about my uncle’s land, then you’ll figure this out, too.”