Page 6 of Daddy In Secret (Forbidden Fantasies 25)
Two years later.
It’s hard to believe it’s been two years, I sigh while applying the final few strokes of mascara. It’s funny how my mind sometimes goes back to that night, to the sexy stranger who lit up my world. If I had known Bruce would end up getting me pregnant, I would have at least thought to ask him for his last name. But how could I have known that a one-night stand would end up making me a mother?
Having a baby at nineteen isn’t exactly what most girls aspire to, but Riley is the love of my life, and my heart belongs to my child. He’s a joy to be around, although at the moment, he’s being awfully quiet. Then again, maybe that’s a good thing because tonight, I have to go out and work.
Taking a step back, I assess my appearance in the mirror. I’m glammed up. Sexy. Ferocious, even. I brought out a little black dress, the one I only wear on special occasions. Not bad, all in all, seeing that I’m a mother now, and have never entirely lost the baby weight. My voluptuous curves make me look womanly and feminine, so I’ve given up trying to lose it.
But Colette will be coming by soon, and she should have an easy time with my son tonight. It’s nice having a best friend live so close, even if she does live at the other end of the island. Then again, getting my own apartment in the city for me and the baby was the best choice given my work, and not even the fact that it’s a dingy walk-up is enough to dampen my spirits. I’m a working mom who’s providing for her child. What more can society ask of me?
Straightening, I take a deep breath and exit the bathroom. This is my first client this month, and I want to make sure I do a good job. Becoming an escort wasn’t my first choice, but the money is good. It’s enough to keep a roof over my head, keep Riley fed and clothed, and even have a bit leftover each month to put in my savings account.
I did try the college thing, and gave it an honest effort despite my busy lifestyle. City College seemed like it might work out, but by the end of my first semester, I felt like I was drowning. Juggling a newborn and getting a degree at the same time was downright impossible. Not to mention the cost: City College wasn’t break-the-bank expensive, but financial aid will only get you so far, and my brief stint there showed me that money doesn’t just fall out of the sky. My parents would have helped, I’m sure, but I didn’t want to burden them with my problems. It’s bad enough that I had a baby with someone whose last name I didn’t even know; I wasn’t going to bankrupt them with tuition payments on top of that.
Besides, I want to make my own way in the world. I want to maybe open a daycare someday. Maybe I’ll get my diploma and like it so much that I’ll follow up with a graduate degree. Who knows? There are so many maybes, but at the moment, I just need to focus on the here and now. My baby needs to eat, and I’ll do anything to make sure Riley’s tummy stays full.
At least City Girls, my escort agency, isn’t so bad. They only work with high-end clients, meaning men who are willing to spend a fortune taking a woman out. Plus, the agency takes special precautions: they make sure clients are legitimate, that he has the funds, and that he’s not a criminal. Even more, City Girls makes it clear that sex isn’t a requirement, although occasionally, I’ve indulged with the handsome ones who offer extra. Why not? Post-pregnancy hormones can make your libido skyrocket, and if the guy is good-looking and kind, I refuse to be shamed for the way I live.
I step into my shabby living room and smile. Colette has Riley in her arms, and she’s bouncing him on her knee. He’s giggling happily, and I can’t help but smile. He has Bruce’s sky-blue eyes and black hair, and it’s moments like these when I wish I could have found out more about that handsome stranger. My friend looks up when I walk in, whistling as she takes in my outfit. “Hot damn,” she says, grinning. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked this good before, Annemarie.”
“Yeah?” I smile ruefully and glance down at myself. “That’s sweet of you, but I’ve still got the baby weight. It’s here to stay, I’m afraid.”
“Well, you shouldn’t lose it,” Colette says emphatically. “Seriously, it looks good on you and it’s in all the right places.”
I smile with relief. My best friend has been there for me through thick and thin, and supported me every step through my pregnancy. The fact that she’s here now reminds me why I have so much to be grateful for.