Page 27 of Daddy In Secret (Forbidden Fantasies 25)
Yet I’m still awed as I wander around the open-plan duplex. It’s spacious and airy, and there’s a huge glass window that runs the length of one wall. Expensive beige furniture is scattered about, and Bruce even put in an elevator just to make sure we wouldn’t get too exhausted traipsing up and down the stairs while carrying our babies.
Yet, the change in my man is astonishing because of his past as a playboy. I knew Bruce was serious about moving in together, but I wasn’t expecting him to embrace the domestic life quite so fast. Bruce still travels, and with Vapopen more popular than ever, that isn’t going to change any time soon. But whenever he’s in town, he’s a doting dad who loves spending time with his sons. He even puts on an apron to cook for us, and helps out with laundry and garbage if need be. It’s astonishing. I think if anyone saw this side of Bruce Crown, they would be shocked, but that’s how much my boyfriend has adapted to domestic life.
“Mommy, look at the cake,” Riley tells me excitedly, pulling on the hem of my shirt. I glance at my son’s creation. I was in charge of the baking, but he was in charge of the frosting, so the final result is a bit of a mess. But my son managed to cover it all in chocolate icing, even writing the words “Happy Birthday Daddy” in vanilla.
“It’s perfect!” I say, ruffling his dark hair. “Let me get it onto a plate and we can bring it in and show Daddy.”
“I take it it’s almost time?” Bruce calls from the living room, where he’s got our second son in his lap. Ronnie is gurgling happily because he loves being with his father.
“Be patient!” I admonish playfully. “Good things take time!”
Bruce chuckles. “Fair enough, sweetheart. I trust your artistry.”
“Oh, believe me,” I say with a smile as I slide the cake onto a plate, “this was all Riley.” I wink down at my son as I put the candles in, and the black-haired boy gives me a gap-toothed smile in return, making my heart contract.
After all, my previous fears as a mother seem so distant now. Money is no longer an issue, and probably never will be again. Not to mention, having a two-parent household makes all the difference. I can now take a leisurely bath while Bruce watches the children, and I have a partner to discuss issues like schools, development, and our sons’ well-being.
Of course, I quit City Girls after that fateful day because Bruce made it clear that escorting is no longer part of my future. I’m not sure I’m ready to be a stay at home mom forever, but for now, it’s nice. In fact, against all odds, I’ve finally found the time and energy to work towards my Education degree again. Sure, the classes are all online, but they still count, and I’m looking forward to one day being able to walk across a graduation stage in a cap and gown.
“Ready?” I ask Riley, who nods eagerly. I hold up the cake as he marches proudly alongside me into the living room, where Bruce sits on the couch. My man is just as handsome as ever, with his black hair tousled, and that big form clad casually in a soft grey t-shirt and jeans. We sing “Happy Birthday” out of key, Riley practically jumping up and down with excitement which prompts an amused look from his father.
“You made this for me?” he asks Riley in a tone of over-the-top surprise.
“Yeah!” the small boy replies. “It’s your birthday present!”
“It looks delicious,” Bruce says. “I love it, thank you.” He pulls his elder son in for a hug, ruffling the boy’s hair, and even the baby squeals with glee, sensing our excitement.
“Blow out the candles, Dad! Come on!” Riley demands, pulling on Bruce’s t-shirt.
“Okay, okay,” my boyfriend replies, “but only if you guys help me.” With that, Riley clambers onto the couch next to his father’s big form and leans forward. “Everyone make a wish,” Bruce instructs. “One… two… three!” The two of them blow furiously at the candles, which go out in a puff and the baby squeals again.
“Yay!” I applaud, beaming. “Happy birthday, honey.”
My boyfriend stands up and pulls me in for a kiss, still cradling our son. “It’s you who made it so special,” he whispers, looking down at me with a look of pure love in his blue eyes. “And speaking of which, I have a present for Mommy, too.”
“Happy birthday, Mommy!” Riley shouts, laughing, even though he knows it’s not my special day. “Do you want some of Daddy’s cake?”
I laugh. “Yes, definitely. You made it, so I know it’s good. Right Bruce?” I ask, nudging him playfully.
But my man is no longer by my side. Instead, he’s propped the baby up on a couch cushion and is currently on one knee, looking at me with adoration in those midnight blue eyes. My heart stops as he holds up a velvet lined box, my cheeks flooding with heat as my hands fly to my mouth. “Bruce,” I breathe.