Page 15 of Deeper (Bad Boys of Texas 3)
“Wolf.” I breathe him in, my nose in the crook of his neck.
“Not that I don’t mind having you in my arms, sunshine. But what are you doing home and in the barn with your surprise?” My eyes pop open.
“You brought Dominic home for me?” I don’t touch on the first question yet.
“Yeah, it was supposed to be for when you came over tomorrow afternoon after we have breakfast with your parents. You care to answer my question?” I motion for him to let me down, dreading this talk because this could very well ruin our plans for tomorrow morning and doing the whole schmoozing thing.
“About that, let’s just say Dad isn’t willing to budge on meeting you tomorrow, and he’s basically said he’ll cut me off if I move down here. My mother, she just sat there, saying nothing. I’m not sure what hurt worse, her silence or my dad running his mouth in the heat of the moment. Anyways, I wasn’t going to stay where not only was I not wanted but you weren’t either. So, yeah, as far as tomorrow morning, or this morning, I guess, I’m not really sure what time it is right now, it might not happen. I’m really sorry, Wolf. So, so sorry.” I’m wringing my fingers together, hair falling out of my messy bun, covering my eyes.
“Well, there’s nothing to be sorry about. Shit happens. Time to get to bed though, sunshine. Daylight will be here before you know it. Nothing we can do about it now. May as well let everyone sleep on it and then go from there.” He cups my cheek, bringing my eyes to his. God, this man, he’s indescribable, and he’s all freaking mine.
“Okay, thank you, Wolf, and I don’t know if you’ve named the newest addition out there, but I’m pretty sure Dominic would be the perfect name for him.” I smile at him.
“Is that right? Well, it’s a good thing that’s your donkey. I am thinking you’ve listened to one too many Christmas songs.” He arches an eyebrow, and paired with his grin, I’m freaking toast. Panties wet, nipples pebbled, and my mouth is salivating for another taste of him.
“Who, me?” I tease back. Wolf doesn’t mention anything else, instead, his lips meet mine, conveying everything I need to feel without another word, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I never thought I’d be doing this. Fuck, if it were anyone else, I probably would have blown them off and said to hell with this shit. But after an early morning with the animals, a call to my mom, I’m now standing on the doorstep of what had my woman silent and in my arms last night. The tears that slowly traveled down her cheeks, landing on my chest, sure as fuck didn’t help. I knew talking about it wasn’t going to help, so instead, I held her closer to me, not saying a word, silently comforting her. It kept me up even after she fell asleep. Hell, I don’t think I caught an hour of shuteye.
“Can I help you?” My hand is at the ready to knock on the door, but it opens before that happens.
“Hi, you must be Mr. Miller. I’m Wolf Shaw.” I hold my hand out, offering to shake his. Reese said her dad is old school, so I’m assuming he’ll shake my hand.
“Hello, Reese mentioned you last night. I would have thought she’d be with you since she left so abruptly.” He swiftly shakes my hand and then folds his arms over his chest, widening his stance.
“She’s at my place, sir. Sleeping. I figured I’d take this time to introduce myself, allow you to see where we’re coming from, and hopefully come to a truce.” I keep my hands to my sides, loose, even though they’re aching to ball into fists.
“Come in, may as well not have this conversation on the front porch. I’m not saying I’m enthused with how things are heading and so fast, but I can see that I’ve upset my daughter.” I don’t acknowledge that statement, knowing full well you don’t rub salt in a wound.
“I’m hoping we can sort things out before she wakes up, though with Dominic at the house, it might keep her pre-occupied for a bit longer.” His eyebrows move up to his hairline.
“Sorry, let me elaborate. Reese mentioned the ranch needed pigs and donkeys. A donkey was the best I was doing,” I try to lighten things up as I step inside, smelling traces from Reese staying here, even though the majority of her things are tucked away back home.
“That girl always did have a thing for pets. She brought home so many stray pets, cats, dogs, turtles, and one time a snake.” A woman who looks so much like Reese walks into the room. I instantly know it’s her mom.