Page 28 of Taken by the Russian
Already on the way to retrieve her, I’d decided she must attend college. To refuse her something she wants so terribly would be a crime. It would dim her happiness. Which would, in turn, dim my entire reason for living.
“Anya, look at me.” I reach over and brush her cheek with my thumb. “Please.”
She turns luminous green eyes on me, making my tongue feel thick. “What?”
I take a deep breath and force my need for control to loosen. “There is a safe, gated community near the school. On the drive to meet you, I needed a distraction from my panic, so I made some inquiries with an agent.” Her lips pop open as I continue. “During the week, we will live in an apartment off campus. On the weekend, we will return home.” I nod once. “You will go to school, angel. I’m sorry I said no in the first place. We should have…discussed it. Do you forgive me?”
“Forgive…you?” she breathes, twisting toward me in the seat. “This isn’t a joke? Even after what happened…you really mean it, Sasha?”
“Da. As long as you’re patient and let me escort you to class until I know you’re safe — and no more fucking frat parties — then, yes. I mean it. I want you to be happy.”
Something melts in her eyes, her bottom shifting in the seat. I’m beginning to recognize this look. The angel wants my cock planted between her thighs. “Thank you, Sasha,” she breathes, a different kind of tears painting those green irises. “I love you so much right now. I’m not even going to make you call my father.”
“It is already done.”
She straightens. “And?”
Darkness twists in my stomach. I’m not going to ruin this moment of progress between us by recapping that troubling conversation. “He has made his peace with us.”
My intelligent wife nods solemnly, as if she understands I’m leaving out the important parts, before transferring her attention to the rearview mirror. I do the same. Then we both climb out of the car to collect her college papers. On the way down the shoulder, she reaches over and twines her fingers with mine.
When I rub my thumb across her knuckles, I notice a slight wince and remember. “In my anger, I forgot about that right cross you delivered.” Pride swims in my chest. “Just as I taught you. I’m very impressed.”
“Thank you. It felt really good.” A car flies past, the breeze lifting her hair against her smiling mouth. “You know, my birthday is coming up soon. I wouldn’t mind a pair of those brass knuckles.”
My instinct is to say nyet, she will not need to protect herself again as long as I’m walking the earth. But instead I say, “We will discuss.”
For the next few minutes, we gather the envelopes and papers that have come loose. As we head back toward the car with stacks in our hands, Anya can’t seem to stop peeking over at me through her eyelashes. And I realize I must be doing the same, since I’m catching her every time. Her dress billows in the wind around her thighs and ass, sending my blood south, preparing my cock for sex. She notices the jut of my flesh behind my zipper and bites her lip, throwing more sway into her hips as we walk. Asking for it, she is. There is no doubt in my mind as she bends forward to place her stack in the backseat and remains there far too long, giving me a good, long look at the tight swell of her cheeks.
Heat grips my loins and I groan, tossing my envelopes into the backseat, too. I take the hem of her dress in my hands and lift it, leaving it bunched at the small of her back. The perfection I reveal leads to a vile curse, my hands yanking that ass back against my lap. Humping it with firm bucks of my lower body. “We will not make it home without me cumming inside you, Anya.”
“I know,” she pants, circling her bottom on my throbbing dick. “I need you.”
Except for the occasional vehicle passing, we are alone on the road, so I waste no time drawing Anya out of the car, shutting the door, and turning her around to face me. I’m preparing to kiss her sulky mouth, but she stops me by framing my face in her hands.
“I always need you.” One of her legs wraps around my waist, so I grip her opposite knee and draw it high, as well. Then I take one rough lunge and pin her against the car door. With both of those thighs open around me, I luxuriate in the heat of her cunt where it presses to my waiting cock. I’m desperate to rip the panties from her pussy and fuck her on the side of the road, but once again, she stops me, her big green eyes lustful but serious on mine. “I was so scared, Sasha.”