Page 13 of Taken by the Russian
Nine thousand butterflies dance through my stomach. “I might have,” I murmur, squeezing my legs together. “That doesn’t mean you can get away with whatever you want.”
He handily ignores the second part, sweeping his thumbs along my hipbones. “If you love me, then you must not say such things. Parting from you would turn me into a madman.” There’s a low rumble in his chest as he licks the tips of our tongues together. “Especially now that I’ve finally eaten your pussy. I cannot be away from it.”
My lungs evacuate in a massive rush. “I can’t even handle you like this.”
His forehead meets mine. “Like what?”
“All sexy or whatever,” I pant. His mouth smiles against mine, and the butterfly wings in my belly beat faster. I can’t believe this. He’s totally succeeded in melting my rage. This is what happens in a game of sheltered virgin versus Russian hit man, isn’t it? “I’m only getting into the car because I have no other ride,” I whisper.
Sasha shakes his head, shaking mine along with it. “You go where I go. Always. That’s the real reason.”
He appears to be debating whether or not to kiss me again. But if I allow that, he’ll reduce me once and for all into a simmering pot of hormones. Already my panties are soaked in public and I’m making out with a man who looks like he belongs in a Guy Ritchie movie. What happened to my common sense?
My hands are shakier than I care to admit as I extricate myself from Sasha’s hold, shooting him a defiant eye roll over my shoulder as I climb into the passenger seat of the car. Like always, he waits until I’ve buckled up to close the door and cross to the driver’s side. With his typical tight control, he starts the ignition and pulls onto the road, coasting through yellow lights like he owns the world.
The turn signal is clicking to bring us onto the highway when he asks, “Are you warm enough?” A pause. “I’m asking because you have both arms wrapped around yourself like a straitjacket.”
He’s totally right, but I don’t give him the satisfaction of changing my position. This is my mad pose, and now that we’re not touching, I’ve managed to remember why I’m pissed as hell. “Did you ever plan to bring me to college?”
A curt headshake, but no further change in his demeanor.
“So you lied? To me? To my father?”
“Nyet, angel,” he answers calmly. “I said I would bring you where you belonged.”
I give a close – mouthed scream. “And where is that?”
“You will see. Please try and exercise some patience.” Sasha seamlessly joins the traffic on the highway, one tattooed hand resting on the wheel. “Are we having a fight, Anya?”
“Yes, Uncle Sasha,” I push through stiff lips. “We are most definitely having a fight.”
A muscle ticks in his cheek. “Fighting with you disagrees with me.”
“Good.” I sputter for a few seconds. “Have you already canceled my registration?”
“Nyet. It’s on the agenda.” He tilts his head at me. “I’ve been kept very busy resisting my need to touch you. That alone is a full – time job.”
God, what a frustrating man. One minute I’d like to claw his face off, the next I’m wishing he would pull over and seduce me again. My nerve endings are still quivering from that kiss he delivered on the sidewalk. From what he did to me in the library. Yeah. My attraction to him is seriously putting a damper on my wrath. “When my father finds out about this…”
“Yes?” He uncoils the word like a whip. “Continue. He’ll do what?”
“He’ll come and get me,” I say lamely, not even sure if it’s true.
The gaze Sasha turns on me belongs to an otherworldly creature. A male squaring off to fight over his mate. It’s wild. It’s…just the wrong side of insane. And it really should not send a hot thrill snaking around in my belly. It shouldn’t. “His name might be on your birth certificate, angel, and you might call me uncle. But we both know who has been daddy all this time.” His eyes have become slightly unhinged at the suggestion I could be taken away, and they travel over my thighs and breasts now, creating eruptions of need wherever they touch. “Would it please the angel to watch her daddies fight over her?”
“No,” I say, winded. No way. It wouldn’t even be a fair contest.
“David has done much for my family, but the debt has been repaid. Now he is merely a man who cannot read a calendar.” Sasha’s hand drops from the wheel to his lap, where he grips his erection. “Cannot do the math and realize I’ve been counting the days until I can put this big cock in his beautiful baby girl.”