Page 78 of Fighter in Lingerie (Lingerie 14)
Her seductive voice was as slutty as it was when I heard it in person. “Bosco, I knew you’d come around. Perfect timing because I’m buck naked on my bed, only covered in diamonds.”
I seriously wanted to knock her out. “Listen up, skank. Bosco Roth is mine. I’m living with him, I’m fucking him, and it doesn’t matter how nice your tits are, he doesn’t want them. His hands are already full with mine.” I hung up and slammed the phone down, still livid that this woman had such audacity to call him in the first place.
Bosco didn’t take his phone back or got upset that I told off one of his regulars. He kept holding his fork as he stared at me, his eyebrows slowly returning to their normal place. He didn’t ask me why I did that or how I knew about her tits.
I avoided his gaze, embarrassed that I’d let her get under my skin. I shouldn’t be jealous. I shouldn’t be angry that she wanted to fuck him the second I was gone. Bosco was gonna fuck someone. It didn’t really matter if it was her or not. But the fact that she wanted him when he was still mine pissed me off.
Silence continued.
Bosco resumed eating, not wearing a smug smile like he normally would during moments like these.
I felt like I should give an explanation, but I didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry…” I would be pissed if he called someone with my phone, and I shouldn’t have done that to him. When I was angry, I couldn’t think clearly. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You can do whatever you want, Beautiful. I don’t care about her.”
“Ever since I saw her throw her tits out at you, I’ve hated her. I just can’t stand her.”
He stopped eating but didn’t seem surprised by what I’d said.
That meant Ronan must have told him. “I wasn’t spying on you. I forgot my keys, so I came back to get them. By the time I was done, her tits were out, and you were having a deep conversation.”
“I wouldn’t care even if you were spying on me. I have nothing to hide.” Bosco had always been transparent from the beginning, never ashamed of any of his qualities. It was refreshing to be with a man who truly didn’t care what anyone thought.
“I was surprised you didn’t do anything.” I’d expected him to palm her tits before he fucked her on the couch. We hadn’t been together very long, so he didn’t have a reason to be loyal to me. She was drop-dead gorgeous. No matter how much I hated her, it couldn’t change that fact. I was sure Bosco enjoyed fucking her in the past.
He set his fork down and held my gaze, his expression darkening. “Why would I want her when I have you?” He said it with sincerity, his words coming from his heart as well as his mouth.
“But she’s got perfect tits, enough confidence to just show up on a man’s doorstep and demand sex, and she’s—”
“Nothing compared to you.” He didn’t blink the entire time he held my gaze. “She could be the most beautiful woman in the world, and my dick isn’t going to respond. You could never find out about my infidelity, and it still wouldn’t change anything. I love you, Carmen Barsetti—so I’m never going to want anyone else but you.” Without a hint of shame, he continued to hold my gaze, unapologetic. It didn’t seem like he cared what I said in response. He spoke his mind, confident in his statement and unafraid of what I would say in return.
The second I heard what he said, my body tensed noticeably, all my muscles getting tighter and uncomfortable. His words didn’t surprise me, but they caught me off guard anyway. Bosco Roth just declared his love for me, and now he stared at me so hard, like there would be consequences if I didn’t say it back.
A full minute of silence passed, and not once in that minute did he blink.
I tried to find the right words to say, but nothing popped into my head. I was still determined to walk away from this relationship when our time came to an end, but he’d just thrown a curveball at me. Saying those words would make our breakup nearly impossible. I refused to say it back, and I refused to accept the love he just confessed. “Bosco—”
“Don’t act surprised. I didn’t have to jump into that ring and kill the man who bothered you. I have hundreds of dogs on my payroll who could have handled that for me. I put my life on the line and snapped his arm and broke his back—because you’re my woman. I’ll gladly get my hands dirty in your honor. If that’s not a declaration of love, I don’t know what is.”