Page 37 of Fighter in Lingerie (Lingerie 14)
He kissed the corner of my mouth before he dropped his hands. “My men will follow you until the halfway point. If they go any farther, it might tip off your family.”
“You don’t need to follow me that far in the first place.”
He gave me the exact same expression. “Your safety is my responsibility, and I take that very seriously.”
I’d never needed a man to keep me safe, but now that I was used to his power constantly surrounding me, I was practically addicted to it. I liked knowing I could do whatever I wanted, take a shortcut down an alleyway, and no one would ever place a hand on me. “I’ll be alright, babe.” The nickname flew out of my mouth once more. The last time it happened had been over a week ago. I thought I’d learned my lesson and kept my mouth shut, but apparently not.
His eyes turned darker than they’d ever been before. He suddenly moved into me again, his hand digging under the fall of my hair as he pressed his face close to mine. He spoke in a whisper so his men couldn’t overhear us. “I like it when you call me that.”
I wished I’d never called him that at all. It was a name people in love used. It was something exchanged between married couples, even regular couples. Now I’d said it too many times so I couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen.
He brushed his lips against my hairline before he kissed me on the forehead. “Have a good time. I’ll be here when you get back.” When he pulled away, he opened the driver’s door so I could get inside.
With flushed cheeks and a racing heart, I got inside and fastened my safety belt.
He gave me one final look before he shut the door and walked away.
I didn’t look at him again before I drove down the road and turned the corner. Without looking in my rearview mirror, I knew his men were hot on my tail, driving random vehicles so it wouldn’t be so obvious I was being followed.
I didn’t search for Bosco, not wanting to look at him again.
I kept my eyes on the road, disappointed in myself for becoming so deeply attached to this man. I melted like butter. I was at his mercy, completely and utterly. I wanted this man more than any other. I’d never been this attached to someone, this reliant on another human for my own happiness. I wasn’t even a mile away yet, and I already missed him.
Fuck, I already missed him.
We sat together at the dinner table on my uncle’s estate. Wine was poured, fresh bread was passed around, and Lars made a feast that somehow topped the last one. He even sat at the table with us and dined so he could enjoy his evening with the rest of us.
It was obvious how happy my brother was. He smiled a lot more than he did before. Normally, he was quiet, saying very little unless he was trying to be a smartass. His eyes were mainly on the woman at his side, the beautiful brunette he’d fallen for. Luca was on his other side, fitting in with the family like he’d always been there.
Vanessa gripped her stomach at the table and suddenly took a deep breath.
Everyone turned silent as we snapped our heads in her direction.
“Tesoro, everything alright?” her father asked, sitting directly across from her with my aunt by his side.
Griffin had his eyes trained on Vanessa, his hand moving on top of hers as they both felt her stomach. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Vanessa said with a deep breath. “He’s kicking so hard right now.” She placed his hand directly against her stomach.
Griffin kept his eyes on her as he waited for the vibration inside her belly. His eyes narrowed slightly, a grin forming on his lips. “He is.”
“Must have liked his dinner,” Vanessa said with a light chuckle, her hand moving back to her stomach. “He does that sometimes, just starts kicking hard for no apparent reason. He particularly likes to do it when I’m sleeping…”
Griffin possessed the same glow as Vanessa, obviously happy by the life growing inside her belly. He kept feeling her, his arm over the back of her chair. Like no one else was there, he concentrated on the life they made together. “He’s gonna be strong.”
“No surprise there,” Vanessa said. “He’s probably gonna be a hundred pounds when he comes out…if he looks anything like you.”
Watching them together made me think of my own future. I imagined myself pregnant, my son or daughter growing inside me, healthy and happy. In the past, when I’d pictured the man who would touch my stomach like that, he’d never had a face. But now I imagined Bosco staring down at me, that sexy lopsided grin on his face.