Page 31 of Fighter in Lingerie (Lingerie 14)
I couldn’t see his expression, but his shoulders tensed noticeably. “Don’t interrupt me again. Ever.”
My heart raced, the fear mixing with the adrenaline. This woman was far more beautiful than I was, and she had the kind of attitude he liked. She had curves in all the right places, and her confidence never diminished despite his hostility.
The corner of her mouth rose in a smile. “I miss you even more…”
Bosco didn’t kick her out. He stood there for another minute, their eyes locked on each other.
The pain started to throb inside my heart as I feared what would happen next. Bosco thought I was at work all day. There would be no way for me to find out about this. Would he screw her right on the couch? That was clearly what she wanted.
“If this is the only reason why you’re here, you’re wasting my time. You know how angry I get when people waste my time.”
Take that, bitch.
Her smile disappeared when she couldn’t hide her disappointment. “I’m tired of looking for the right man, a man who can spoil me…and satisfy me. You can do both. You can take me on perfect trips to Paris, but also bed me like a man who knows what he’s doing.”
He took her to Paris? My jealousy grew.
“And what do I get out of it?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
I was relieved Bosco wasn’t taking the bait. If he screwed her, our contract would be broken, and I would be free. But that was nothing compared to the pain I’d feel inside my chest at his deceit. He made me feel like the only woman who mattered. If he fucked her, every good feeling I had toward him would be destroyed. On top of that…I would be heartbroken. I didn’t realize how much he meant to me until that moment, imagining him being with someone else, especially a beautiful woman like Ruby.
She grabbed the zipper at the top of her shirt and slowly zipped it down, revealing more of her flawless fair skin. With every inch, it showed off more of her feminine flesh, from the curves of her tits to the petiteness of her rib cage. Farther and farther she went, until the top opened completely and revealed her perfect tits on display.
Slut. Fucking slut.
Bosco didn’t turn away. It wasn’t clear what he was looking at, her perfect tits or her blue eyes. “Ruby, I’m seeing someone.”
“So? It’ll run its course.” She shrugged. “Then you can have me. I can be your queen. I can be the woman on your arm. Everyone will stare at you enviously, wishing they were the man who had me.” She moved into his chest, pressing her tits right against him.
I wasn’t sure if I could watch this.
Bosco stepped away and moved to the elevators. “You know I don’t sleep with the same woman twice.”
“But you did sleep with me more than once.” She turned around, still letting her tits hang out.
“And that was one time too many.” He hit the button and watched the doors open. “Cover yourself up, and I’ll take you to the lobby.”
She took a deep breath, clearly frustrated that she was getting turned down despite being a beauty queen. “And what about this woman you’re seeing? You’ve slept with her more than twice.”
He held the door open and waited for her. “She’s an exception. The only exception I’ll ever make.”
She finally zipped up her shirt, keeping her eyes on him. “And what does she have that I don’t? I’m the only woman who can handle your world. I’m beautiful, flexible, and I don’t settle for anything less than the best.”
He kept up his indifferent stare, his arm still holding the door open. Even though her tits had been hanging out for the past few minutes, he didn’t seem the least bit aroused. There was no bulge in his shorts, and the man was so large that it would be impossible to hide his dick in those flimsy little shorts. “She’s got class. You certainly don’t.”
I went to work after they disappeared in the elevator, and I finally located my keys. I made my arrangements all afternoon and received a new shipment of flowers from Greece. My hands were busy, and my mind was occupied with the customers who came in to pick up arrangements for their mothers and wives.
But all I could think about was the scene I’d witnessed in the penthouse.
Ruby wanted him bad.
Bosco didn’t take the bait. He was faithful to me without a struggle. She was a drop-dead gorgeous woman, but the sight of her tits didn’t make him hard. Maybe he never looked at them. Maybe his eyes were on her face the entire time. Either way, he didn’t fall prey to his testosterone, to the easy lay right before his eyes. Not only did he honor his commitment to me, but he also defended me.