Page 28 of Dancer in Lingerie (Lingerie 13)
I’d offered him a drink and a bit of chitchat, so now I didn’t feel rude kicking him out. “I have to be up early tomorrow…”
He stared at the fire like he didn’t hear a word I said. “You haven’t asked me a single question about myself.” After a long pause, he turned back to me, the orange flames reflecting in his blue eyes. “Not even my last name.”
“Is your last name relevant?” I countered. “When we’re screwing, I think your first name is sufficient.”
He gave that lopsided grin, but it didn’t last long. “My point still stands.”
“I haven’t asked anything because I don’t want to know anything. Pretty simple.”
“Bones didn’t tell you everything about me?”
“No. He just said you control all the money…something like that. He said you aren’t a trafficker, and that’s all I really care about. The rest of your story doesn’t matter because of the context of our relationship.”
He watched the fire again.
“We’re just screwing, so I don’t need to know anything about you.”
“You aren’t even a little bit curious?” he said quietly.
“No.” I didn’t care about his criminal activities. I didn’t care about his hobbies. I didn’t care about anything other than his beautiful exterior.
“Someone hurt you, sweetheart?”
“No.” I untangled myself from his arm and rose to my feet, keeping the blanket draped around me. “I would never let a man hurt me. This is just a physical relationship. I don’t care where you sleep at night or what you do during the day. Call me heartless. Call me cold. I don’t care. You’re a criminal man who does illegal things, someone I would never introduce to my family. I would never consider keeping you around as anything more than a lover. It’s pretty easy not to care about someone you know you’ll never care about.” I stared him down, seeing his side profile as he looked at the fire.
He slowly turned my way, his eyes empty and his jaw tight. “I’ve never met a woman like you.” He rose to his feet and towered over me. He looked down into my face, his head slightly tilted to the side. Back and forth, his eyes shifted. “I’ve never had a woman use me this way. I’ve never had a woman be so pragmatic…so smart. You’re right, I’m not good enough for you. I’m not a good man. I kill men every day…rule this city without a crown. I admire your sensibility in keeping your distance. A lot of women tell me the same thing, that just fucking is enough…but it never is. You’re the first woman who’s ever said it and actually meant it.”
If he understood my viewpoint and even agreed with it, why was he still there? “Then you should get going.” I turned away and grabbed my sweatshirt from the ground and pulled it over my head. I felt bad for all the women who ever thought getting involved with Bosco would be a good idea. He had heartbreaker written all over him. Not only was he dangerous to everyone he came into contact with, but he was dangerous to all women who got too close. He was untamable, a dreamy man with perfect looks and perfect moves. Any woman could picture him being the dream hunk she wanted to sleep beside her every night. I didn’t blame him for putting all of them under his spell, but I certainly wouldn’t repeat their mistakes.
He stood up and pulled on his clothes before he came up behind me. His arms moved to my hips, and he rested his chin on top of my head. “I’m a dangerous man from a dangerous world. I’ve done things you can’t even imagine. But I want you to know I would never hurt you.” He wrapped his arms around my chest and secured me in his grip. “Physically or emotionally. That’s not a promise I make to anyone, only those who earn my respect. Beautiful, you’ve earned my respect a million times over.” He released his grip and turned away, leaving me standing in front of the fire.
I’d never been afraid that he would hurt me. He’d always given me the luxury of making my own decisions. Every time I said no, he listened. But just because he was kind to me didn’t mean other people were so lucky. I kept my gaze on the fire and waited for the door to shut behind him.
“It’s Roth, by the way.” He shut the door behind him, and the silence ensued.
Bosco Roth.
I was sleeping with Bosco Roth.
I sat at my black desk and stared at my laptop. The accounts were pulled up, all the money that was wired from members that afternoon. If people wanted to gamble at my casino, they had to pay their monthly dues. They weren’t just paying for the games, but secrecy, privacy, booze, and of course, women.