Page 91 of Princess in Lingerie (Lingerie 12)
“I know…” She rested her hand on mine. “But, Carter, it was a long time ago. I’ve been very happy for a long time. I never think about that period of my life. There’s no need to feel bad for me. I’ve let it go—and I want you to as well.”
I quickly wiped away the tears with my hand and cleared my throat. “Father saved you?”
“Yes. He did.” A smile spread across her lips. “He risked everything, even his own family. You two are more alike than you ever realized.”
“Were you together before you were captured?”
“No. After. He was doing business with the man who captured me when we met. And the rest is history.”
I leaned back in my chair and dragged my hands down my face, shaken by what I’d just heard. It didn’t matter that this man was dead. That wasn’t good enough. I wanted to torture anyone he ever loved—the way he tortured my mother. I stared at the surface of the table and tried to combat the severe pain that throbbed everywhere. I didn’t think less of my mother for what she’d been through. But it was hard to accept that it happened before I was even born.
My mom watched me for a while, being quiet. “Take all the time you need, Carter. I know this is difficult.”
She was being patient with me when she was the one who’d suffered the way Mia had. I saw firsthand what Mia had been through, had spoken to her psychopath of a master who got off on beating her mercilessly. Instead of being patient with me, I should be the one making my mother feel better.
I moved around the table and pulled up the chair beside her. “Mama.” I grabbed her hand and held it on the table. “I’m sorry. I wish…I wish I had been there so I could have protected you.”
She smiled slightly, but tears emerged at the exact same time.
“I’ve always respected Father, but I respect him even more now.”
“He’s a good man.” She squeezed my hand. “And you’re just like him.”
I shook my head, knowing my motivation to help Mia was also selfish. I saved her because it was the right thing to do, but also because I wanted her for myself.
“Please don’t pity me, Carter,” she whispered. “It was a long time ago. I’ve made my peace with it. I hadn’t thought about it much until I saw those scars on Mia’s back. I recognized the same abuse I’d endured.”
When I reflected on my past, I realized I’d never seen my mother in a swimsuit or clothing that revealed her back. She’d kept those scars concealed from me her entire life. “You’ve hidden your scars from us…”
Mom nodded. “Yes.”
“You don’t have to hide them anymore. You shouldn’t have to hide them at all.” I looked into her eyes. “You’re a survivor, not a victim. You lived through that and made a happy home for your family. Not very people could do that, could be strong enough to carry on after something like that. I had no idea…”
Her eyes softened.
“I don’t think less of you. I think you’re a fighter, Mama. I’m proud of how strong you are.” I admired Mia for the exact same qualities, for never giving up and remaining positive. She was willing to jump out of my car and fight me with a knife because she was so determined to get back to her son. I never viewed her as weak for being captured, but for being strong since she continued to survive.
“Carter…thank you.” She squeezed my hand again. “I knew you would say that…since you’ve taken such a liking to Mia.”
“Mia is an incredible woman. I admire her. Most people would have taken the easy way out. She never did. She never gave up because she had to get back to her son. Moments like that really define who you are. Mia is a fighter…and she earned my respect.”
“And your heart.”
I looked at my mother, unsure what she meant by that. “Mia and I aren’t romantic.”
“So you’re letting her live here with her son just because?” Mom smiled as she asked the question, like she knew something I didn’t.
“She doesn’t have anywhere else to go. She doesn’t have any money or any way to support her son.”
She kept grinning. “You’re very wealthy, Carter. If you really wanted her out of your hair, you would write her a fat check and let her disappear. You let her live here because you want her here.”
I couldn’t argue with that because she was absolutely right. I bought this new house in cash at the snap of a finger. I hadn’t even sold my other place yet, but that didn’t change anything. With more money than I knew what to do with, I could make anything happen.