Page 64 of Princess in Lingerie (Lingerie 12)
I’d never got so much pleasure making love to a woman. It didn’t matter how slow and easy it was, it always felt good. I already saved Mia and planned to bring her son back to her, so I didn’t owe her anything. But nonetheless, I wanted to please her—because I enjoyed it. I came when she was almost finished, my big cock pressing deep inside her as I exploded. My entire body felt numb as I released, the pleasure so overwhelming my body couldn’t absorb it all. Once I filled her, the goodness was so great I forgot to breathe. Releasing inside her was the sexiest feeling I’d ever encountered. I was on fire, burning all the way down to the bone. I loved filling her with my come, erasing Egor from existence. I claimed this woman, keeping her in my bed because she was mine to enjoy. “Fuck…” My climaxes were better with Mia, probably because I got off on how much she enjoyed me. I loved being deep inside her as she spread her legs like that, begging me without saying a single word.
My cock kept throbbing until I was completely finished. Once the waves of erotic pleasure died away, my cock slowly softened inside her. Surrounded by her cream and my come, my cock could stay there forever, but I pulled out slowly.
She kept her legs around my waist and hugged me tightly, like she wasn’t done with me. She gave me a kiss so hot it made me stay. Our lips moved together aggressively, our breaths filling each other’s lungs. It was like I hadn’t pleased her at all, just made her want me more. Her ankles eventually released from my ass, and she ended our kiss.
I turned over and lay on my back, my wet dick slowly softening more. Exhausted and satisfied, I lay in the dark with her beside me. My chest was slick with sweat, and my ass was sore because I’d been thrusting into her for so long.
She was warm too, but that didn’t stop her from cuddling into my side. The sheets were pushed to the bottom of the bed, but neither one of us wanted them. We lay together, a tangled mass of two sweaty bodies.
Her hand rubbed my chest gently, her hair touching my neck and shoulder.
I stared down at her curvy figure, loving her slender waistline and wide hips. She didn’t have any stretch marks, so I wouldn’t have even known she’d had a baby. But even if she had, it wouldn’t have changed how much I wanted her.
The scars on her front were limited. Egor seemed to keep them on her back, using it as a billboard for his cruelty. Every time he looked at her rear, he was reminded of the power he had over her. When I looked at her scars, I didn’t think about him. I thought of her strength inside. He might have beaten her to the ground, but she was the one who got up again.
“Can I tell you something?” she whispered, her hand freezing against my chest.
“I’ve never had sex like that all my life. I’ve been with a few guys, some were better than others, but with you…it’s so good.”
Like she didn’t compliment me enough, she did it again, this time with enthusiasm.
“Are you like that with all women? Or is it just me?”
I didn’t know how to answer her question because I didn’t like to compare her to the rest of my lovers. “I don’t know. It’s different every time.”
“Do you enjoy me as much as I enjoy you?”
I stared at the ceiling, smelling a mixture of sex and her perfume. “That answer is obvious, sweetheart. I love being buried between your legs every chance I get. You can lie there and do nothing, and it’s still damn good. Your pussy is like a drug to me.”
“I’ve never had a man describe it that way before…”
“Then you haven’t been with the right man.” I didn’t like to think about the men she bedded before me. I didn’t like to think about the man who knocked her up and left her behind. I didn’t like to think about anyone enjoying her but me.
“No, I haven’t.” She kissed my shoulder, her soft lips pressing hard against my skin. “But now I have.”
I was dead asleep when Mia started kicking me.
“Stop!” She threw her arms hard against me, punching me right in the stomach.
My eyes flashed open, and I prepared for danger, my mind immediately awake and prepared for battle. I spotted Mia beside me, her eyes shut. There was no one else in the room. Two seconds later, I realized she was having a nightmare. “Sweetheart.” I grabbed her wrists so she would stop punching me. Tears streamed down her face, and she whimpered in pain, the nightmare torturing her. “Wake up.” I shook her hard, trying to get her to snap out of it.