Page 127 of Princess in Lingerie (Lingerie 12)
“Baby, I will love you every day for the rest of my life. I will be your husband, and I will be the best damn husband the world has ever seen. When you sleep beside me, you’ll never be afraid of what happens outside our walls. Our children will be safe…and we can keep having as many kids as you want until you cut me off...because I will give you anything you ask for as long as you continue to love me, to continue to be the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”
I wanted to wipe my tears away, but I didn’t pull my hands from his chest.
“You will take my name, but I know you will always be a Barsetti. I’m not the kind of man that shares, but I will share you with them…because they’re my family too. I will provide everything for both of us, take good care of you so you’ll always have what you need. You’ll spend your days painting and raising our kids, never worrying about earning a penny because that’s my job. I will worship you every day, kiss the ground you walk on, and make love to you every night because I want to enjoy you as long as I can until our time runs out…because one lifetime just isn’t enough.”
I didn’t even care that he said that in front of my whole family. It was beautiful and honest…his trademarks. He didn’t care what anyone thought of him. Never had and never would. It was why I loved him so much. “I…I wrote my vows, but I just…” I closed my eyes and willed myself to stop crying. But no matter what I did, the tears wouldn’t stop.
Bones was patient as he waited for me to gather myself. He waited, squeezing my hand against his chest.
“I’m sorry. I love you…nothing else is coming out.”
“That’s okay, baby. I’ll say them for you.” He squeezed my hand. “I know you love me because it goes without saying. When I walk into the room and you look at me…it’s special. You try not to smile, but it’s impossible. As I come closer and closer to you, your body stiffens in different ways. Once my hands are on you, all that tension releases…and you turn into melted butter in my hands. You love me the way a real woman should love a man, fearlessly, wholeheartedly, and with everything you have. You’re a fighter, the kind of woman that stands her ground against a man twice her size, and I know you would give your life for mine in a heartbeat…even though I would never want you to. You love me despite my flaws, saw past my darkness and saw the light. Only a woman like you could handle someone like me…and I know we both believe that we’re meant for each other. You love me for working my ass off to earn your father’s approval, and you will always be loyal to me for that. We both know I earned you…and that’s the kind of man you want…one earns his woman.”
I nodded slightly, agreeing with everything he’d just said. He ripped the words out of my mouth, reading my heart as well as he could read my eyes. “Yes, that’s how I love you.”
When we were done, the priest finished the ceremony. He turned to Bones, who slipped the ring onto my finger. “Do you take this woman—”
“Yes.” His deep voice shut up the priest, his hard eyes glued to mine.
The priest kept going. “And do you take this man—”
For the first time, Bones showed the softer emotion he rarely let anyone see—even me. Emotion tugged at his eyes, a beautiful softness that showed the vulnerability of a summer flower about to wilt in winter. His hand relaxed against mine, and he tilted his head slightly, my fast response meaning more to him than everything else I said. He couldn’t wait to marry me—but I couldn’t wait to marry him even more.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may—”
Bones grabbed my face and kissed me hard, kissing me harder than he ever had in our lives. One hand dug into my hair without caring about keeping it nice. His other hand cupped the back of my neck slightly as he moved deeper into me. Applause and whistles rang out around us, but neither one of us cared. I was officially his wife, and that meant he didn’t give a damn what anyone thought of us.
His arm hugged my waist, and he pulled me hard into his thick body, gathering me in his arms and smothering me with his love and devotion. His lips moved against mine, and he cherished me the way he promised, loving me deeply and passionately.
When he pulled away, he kept his gaze close to mine, ignoring everyone else around us.