Page 28 of Summer Camp Captive
I let the crew off early today thinking I could make it home before the kids get finished with school, and have some alone time with my wife. But the guys are dragging me to a bar for a beer in celebration of the end of a long project. I thought for a minute they would say it was for my birthday, but nobody said anything. And it’s not like we go around celebrating them for everybody anyway. I agreed to one beer, and then home, and they all seemed excited. Overly excited even.
When we get to the bar off Route Nine the guys pile out of the truck. Bill’s is about a halfway point to home, but it’s a dive and not a place I usually visit. Every now and then I’ll grab a beer with the guys after work, but it’s rare. I’m always so excited to get home to my family after a long day that I’m kicking up dust as soon as it’s quitting time.
Another truck pulls up beside us and the guys from my other crew get out. There’s about fifteen of us going in at the same time and a few of them are giving me looks and slapping me on the back. I’m confused because I don’t understand why everyone is so amped up, but I shrug it off and put it down to finishing up the project we’ve spent the past year on. We’re all ready for a week of rest before we start the next job.
Bill’s is dingy with no windows and little lighting. I don’t want to think about what this place would look like with the lights on. There are a few pool tables in the back and some of the guys head over to them A couple of tables and chairs are against one wall and the bar is lined with stools. The place is basic, but it’s just a pit stop on the way home to Lainey.
Thinking about her alone at home right now has me adjusting my cock. I want her bent over with my dick buried in her cunt. But that’s pretty much how I feel about her every day.
“Here you go, boss,” one of the guys says, handing me my beer. He grins at me when I nod in thanks and take a drink.
“What?” I finally ask when another one of the guys joins him in staring at me with stupid expressions on their faces.
One of them laughs and shakes his head as he goes over to the pool table area. I look around and see that all the men have ended up in that corner and there’s no one else in this bar but us. It’s a Friday afternoon, but there’s usually one or two regulars in the place.
I shrug and walk over, thinking I can probably down this beer and get out of here in about five minutes.
When I walk over to where they are, someone puts on music and the sound fills the empty room. A few of the guys bring chairs over and put one down for me. I sit down wondering what the hell is going on, because Bill’s never has music like this playing.
Suddenly a spotlight comes on from out of nowhere and the guys start cheering. I look around and see that one of them is pushing a cart with a gigantic cake on it, and my chest tightens.
“Happy birthday, boss!” someone shouts over the loud bass.
Fuck, they got me a goddamn stripper. All of the guys are shouting now, catcalling and getting loud. Have they been drinking since before we got here?
I’m about to get up from my seat and get out of here as fast as I can, but they all crowd around me as the cake moves in front of my seat. The music gets heavier and more seductive as the top pops up and more cheers erupt from the crowd.
I don’t want to see this. I don’t want anything to do with a stripper and these assholes. I’m sure they did this as a surprise for my birthday, seeing how they are all in on it, but I’ve only ever wanted one woman and it’s…
“Lainey?” I ask, standing up from my chair so fast it falls behind me.
I see the top of her head rising up with her arms raised above her. The seductive music pounds in my ears, drowning out the screams of all the men around me as she stands and the cake in front of her opens up, revealing all of her.
She’s in a bright yellow bikini that’s so tiny her breasts are spilling out from under the small triangles. Her pussy is covered by a strip of fabric that only goes over the top of her lips, revealing hints of it on either side of the material. It’s a shoe string around her body and I’ve never seen her look hotter.