Page 23 of Fine in Lingerie (Lingerie 11)
His eyes moved to my rack, the arousal instantly coming into his gaze. Within the snap of a finger, his cock hardened underneath my shorts, pressing right against my clit. His fingers dug into me tighter before he moved his face into my neck. Like an animal, he kissed me hard, dragging his lips against my warm skin as he rose from the couch and carried me with him. “Baby.” His mouth moved over mine, and he crushed me with his embrace, whisking me down the hallway and into our bedroom. “I love you so damn much.”
The following day, I got up early and headed to the gallery. I hadn’t been working much over the last few weeks. Sometimes my gallery wasn’t open for days at a time. I purposely left the front door wide open, that way pedestrians would know I was open for business.
I had a pile of emails to catch up on. My regular clients were inquiring about new work, especially after recommending me to their friends and family. I took several photos of the artwork I had in stock, uploaded it, and sent it to each client I thought would like it. It took up most of the morning, and by the time I finished up, it was past noon.
I hadn’t even gotten to paint.
Heavy footsteps sounded from the entryway, and I looked up to see Bones walk in. In jeans and a t-shirt that fit snugly over his chest and arms, he was a behemoth of a man. He was so hard in comparison to the softness of my artwork. His eyes scanned the pictures as he stepped inside, every footstep a loud echo because of his immense weight.
Then he turned his gaze on me.
And just like that, everything stopped. No man had ever looked at me the way he did, to make my lungs stop needing air, to make my heart stop needing blood. He was all I ever needed.
I rose from behind the white desk. This was the first time he’d ever been in my space, at least with me at the same time. I’d left the apartment early that morning, so I hadn’t shared our regular routine of me eating cereal while he worked on his laptop. “Hey.”
He didn’t speak, regarding me with his stare instead of with words.
I came around the desk and moved into his chest. I rose on my tiptoes and kissed him on the mouth.
He kissed me back, gripping the deep curve in my back with his large hands. “Baby.”
My hands slid down his chest as I pulled away, loving the way he called me that. No other man could pull it off the way he did.
He dropped his hands then took a look around the gallery, examining my pieces with obvious interest. He stopped in front of each one, taking his time as he took in the colors and lines.
I stared at his back, watching the strength of his body as he moved. Dinner at my parents’ place had been terrible, and we hadn’t spoken of that incident since yesterday. I came home, and we went straight to bed.
There might not be much to say anyway.
My father told me he wouldn’t give up, that he would keep trying until he and Bones could have a new start. All I wanted was for everyone I loved to be under one roof. I wanted Bones to spend time with my brother and father, to become another Barsetti with a different last name. I wanted him to see my father as a father figure, and if not that, at least a friend. But those things took time. And with Bones, it would take a very long time.
He finished looking at the paintings before he came back toward me. “I like them.”
His hand moved to the back of my neck, and he kissed me on the forehead.
I closed my eyes, treasuring his affection. I could never get enough of it, get enough love from this man.
“I’ll let you get back to work. Just wanted to see you for a bit.”
“What are you doing?” My hands moved up and down his muscular arms.
“Just working on a few things.”
I knew he would be leaving for a hit soon. Whenever he worked on his laptop, it meant he was doing research. His departure was usually shortly after that. I was dreading it, dreading it before he even mentioned it. I had to remind myself it would be over soon, that he would be retiring to live a quiet life with me. He would marry me and start a family with me. I would love to have a son who looked like him to inherit those pretty blue eyes and his natural power. “Alright.”
He gripped my chin and lifted my gaze. He looked at me, reading my emotions, and then kissed me on the mouth. “Love you.”