Page 73 of Foxy In Lingerie (Lingerie 10)
I was in my office with the door shut when I called Conway.
He answered after a few rings. “Are you ever going to come and visit me?”
“I told you I had my hands tied.”
“You mean, your hands full.”
Full with tits, he meant. “I’m guessing you’re alone right now?”
“My father is working in the office while my mom took Sapphire to look at houses in the area.”
“You’re letting the women make that kind of decision? Are you really that bedridden?”
“My ribs are still in bad shape,” Conway answered in a deep voice. “The doctor said these kinds of breaks take a while. I think it’ll be another few weeks before I’m back to my full health. I’ve been purposely taking it easy because I want to be in the best shape possible when Sapphire goes into labor.”
Now it all made sense. Conway wasn’t the kind of guy who slowed down just because his body gave out on him. “Gotcha.”
“Still have your little pet staying with you?”
“Yep. A few more weeks.”
“Still a handful?”
“She’s not so bad. I made a deal with her.”
“What kind of deal?” he asked, full of intrigue.
“I told her if she behaved herself, I wouldn’t beat her and rape her.” I’d never struck a woman or took one against her will in my life, but I felt differently about Mia. Now I was looking for an excuse to have her, especially when I knew she wanted me to.
“Sounds like a pretty good deal.”
“But I’m hoping she doesn’t follow the rules…”
He chuckled into the phone. “I bet you are. What constitutes good behavior?”’
“Not trying to escape or kill me.”
“That should be easy to follow.”
“She’s not that kind of woman. She jumped out of my car when I first bought her from the Underground, and she’s told me off more times than I can count. She’s not the kind of woman to settle for anything less than what she deserves.”
“So which one do you think she’ll do? Run or kill you?” he asked. “Personally, I hope it’s the latter.”
“Ha,” I said sarcastically. “Without me around, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.”
“I’ve got a wife and a kid. I’m plenty entertained.”
“Are you entertained right now?” I asked. “Your wife and baby took off to buy a house.”
“To look at a house,” he corrected. “And I don’t give a shit where we live. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy. So, which one do you think she’ll do?”
“I don’t think she’ll try to kill me. She’s no match for me, and she’s got a soft spot for me.”
“You said the same thing about me, but you’re dead wrong.”
I grinned at my cousin’s comment. “I’m definitely right about her. She wants me. She just won’t admit it.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Trust me, I know when a woman wants me.” They were usually more forward and open about it than Mia was, but my instinct was right on point.
“If that’s the case, why haven’t you nailed her?”
After everything she’d been through, it was probably hard to imagine enjoying sex. It probably felt wrong to want me in the first place, considering that I bought her from an underground slave auction. “I’m sure it doesn’t feel right to her.”
“Why do you want her anyway? You can pick up pussy anywhere.”
There was something special about Mia. “Yeah, I know. But there’s something about Mia that I can’t stop thinking about. She’s one hell of a woman. I understand why Egor paid so much to get her back.”
“She’s that sexy?” he asked incredulously.
“And she’s full of fire, fury, and passion. When I first got her, I had to scare her into submission. I ripped off her clothes and pinned her to the ground. I’ve seen the scars on her back. It looks like someone whipped her until all her skin was removed. I felt bad for her, obviously. But I also wanted to give her those scars myself…” I wouldn’t have admitted that to anyone but Conway. It was a twisted thing to say, but Conway knew I had special kinks. I’d always been into submissive women, but he never had been.
“Carter, you do realize she’s your slave, right? Walk into her room and do whatever you want.”
She was my property at the moment, so I had every right to treat her that way. Egor didn’t care if I used her, and I could enjoy her until I had to give her back. But since that was innately wrong, I couldn’t go through with it. “I want to…but I want to be better than that. We saved hundreds of women before her. If I resort to that…I’m just as bad as the other assholes that buy women like livestock.”
“We were never in it to save women. We were in it for the money. I know it—you know it.”