Page 14 of Foxy In Lingerie (Lingerie 10)
“Alright,” I said in agreement.
“I don’t want to tell our fathers about my current situation because they’ll get involved in it. And after everything they’ve been through, I don’t want to put them through any more bullshit.”
“I agree.”
Carter leaned back in the chair, finally relaxing now that the difficult conversation was over. His hands rested on his thighs. “I can’t believe Bones did all that. You would all be dead right now if he hadn’t.”
“I know.”
“What do you think is gonna happen?”
I knew my sister loved him, still loved him after all this time. And if Bones put his life on the line for assholes who treated him like trash, then he must still love her. “I think Bones is going to be part of our lives…for a very long time.”
Vanessa had fallen asleep in my arms, her earlier sobs bringing her to exhaustion. She fit against me just the way she used to, even in the small and uncomfortable bed. Her cheek was on my chest, while her arm was hooked around my torso. I cradled her to my side with my arm, making sure she didn’t touch the cold metal of the railing.
I watched her for an hour straight, seeing the face that haunted my dreams every night. Her lips parted just the way they used to, showing a small glimpse of her white teeth. Small freckles dotted her olive-toned skin. Her beautiful face, high cheekbones, and luscious lips were exactly as I remembered.
It was hard to believe she was really there.
I’d fantasized about her so many times that I wasn’t sure if this was just my imagination.
But my fingers could feel her frame. My eyes could see her chest rise with every breath she took. I could feel her pulse against my skin.
She was real.
And she was mine.
I went through hell to get her, risked my neck for a man I didn’t even like, and now it was all worth it.
Crow finally gave me his daughter.
There was a gentle tap on the door before Max appeared. Dressed in the same clothes as the last time I saw him, he’d obviously been at the hospital the entire time. He didn’t have a single bruise anywhere that I could see, and I was grateful my closest friend didn’t get hurt at my expense.
He approached the bed then looked down at Vanessa. He watched her sleep for a second before he lifted his gaze to look at me, a smile forming on his lips. It was the kind of joy that reached his eyes. Then he gave me a thumbs-up. “Happy for you.”
She was as small as I remembered, fitting within the crook of my arm perfectly. Half my size but twice as aggressive, she was the perfect woman to give my heart to. “Thanks.” I kept my voice low so I wouldn’t wake her up. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Me?” he asked with a quiet laugh. “Not a scratch. You’re the one who almost died.”
“Better me than you.”
His eyes narrowed on mine, a hint of affection deep within his look. “I’m glad we’re both alright. The guys are fine too.”
“Looks like we all got lucky.”
“Extremely. What’s next for you?”
“I’m not sure yet. I just want to get out of here.”
“I bet. You’ve never been the kind of man to sit still very long.”
The only reason I was still now was because of the woman in my arms. I enjoyed holding her, had missed it more than anything else.
“The boyfriend is gone?”
I shrugged. “If he’s not, I’ll make him gone.”
“Sounds about right.” He patted my shoulder. “I’m gonna take off. I’m in desperate need of a shower.”
“I agree,” I teased.
He patted my shoulder again, but this time a little harder to cause me pain. “I just risked my ass for you.”
“And I’ll risk mine for you anytime.”
“Give me a call when you’re feeling better. I know you won’t be in the field for a while, so take your time.”
I held his gaze, but I hesitated when I heard what he said. Vanessa and I had barely said a few words to each other, but we didn’t need to have a long conversation to establish what we both already knew. It was her and me—forever. I couldn’t risk my life for work anymore. I’d have to give it up like I did last time.
But Max assumed otherwise. “Love you, man.”
“Love you too, Max.” I watched my friend walk out and saw Conway step inside immediately afterward. He was on his feet and moving around, but his face was in terrible shape. Both of his eyes were swollen black and blue, and the rest of his face was discolored from the beating he took in the alleyway. He didn’t walk like he normally did, with a straight back and even straighter shoulders. He had a slight rigidness, doing his best to move without inflaming whatever was broken in his body.