Page 22 of Fantasy in Lingerie (Lingerie 6)
“I know they don’t know who you are, but I don’t want them to see me with a man. They’ll ask me a million questions—”
“Conway knows who I am.”
She stilled by the doorway. “He does?”
I nodded.
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. He sat right beside me at the Underground. And even though I was trying out a disguise, one of the Skull Kings called me by my name. There was no way Conway would just ignore that piece of information—and I know he heard it.”
“If my family knew who you were, they would have killed you by now.”
That was my assumption too, but an attack never came. “They don’t know what my motives are. So instead of provoking me, they’re choosing to remain ambivalent and hope we can coexist peacefully.”
“Shows how little they know…”
“Couldn’t agree more. You should always take out your enemy before they can take you out.”
“Or you should take advantage of the fact that my family are peaceful people who have no ill will toward you. You should just let the dust remain settled and move on with your life. You provoked Joe Pedretti and almost died, and fucking with my family will certainly kill you.”
“You underestimate me, baby.”
She rolled her eyes. “Your stubbornness will get you killed. I guess if I wait long enough, it’ll happen on its own.”
“Judging by your reaction to my gunshot wound, you wouldn’t be too happy about that.”
She shot me a glare before she stormed off. “I’ll pass on dinner, but I’m going out anyway.”
I followed her into the hallway. “You aren’t going out without me.”
“Watch me.” She went into the bedroom and opened her closet. She grabbed a backless black dress with black heels.
She wasn’t going out dressed like that—not without me.
She changed her outfit, pulling on the skintight dress and heels.
I changed into slacks and a dark blue collared shirt, one of the nicest things I owned. I had a few suits, but I hardly ever wore them.
She fixed her hair and freshened her makeup. “I’m going out alone, Bones. I need to get some fresh air—away from you.”
“Either we go together, or you don’t go at all.” I pulled on my dress shoes and tied the shoelaces before I rose to my feet.
She eyed me up and down, checking me out but doing her best to hide it.
“What’s it going to be, baby?”
She walked out of the bedroom, her luscious ass shaking. “Fine. But let’s go somewhere low-key.”
“I know just the place.”
I took her to one of the most expensive restaurants in Milan, a place with a three-month waiting list. I’d never been there without the restaurant being packed, crowded with people who’d traveled all the way across Europe just to try their exquisite delicacies.
I didn’t have a reservation, but that didn’t matter.
No one said no to me.
We sat at a table in the corner, a low-burning candle in the center. Drinking wine was more appropriate for a place like this, but I refused to drink anything but scotch. She would have wine, something from her family’s winery, no doubt.
And she did.
The waiter returned with the drinks then took our order before he disappeared.
“So much for low-key,” she said as she looked around.
“I wanted to take you somewhere nice.”
My eyes moved down her body as I drank my scotch. “Because you look like that.”
“So if I dressed like a hag, we would have gone to McDonald’s?”
The corner of my mouth rose in a smile, loving her smartass attitude. “Would you rather go to McDonald’s?”
“If no one recognizes me there, then yes.”
I glanced around the restaurant. “No one knows you are. So you can calm down.”
“My father knows a lot of people in the wine business. If they see me here with some guy, they might pass it along to my father. And if they say your name is Bones…then I’m in deep shit.”
“That would work out well for me.”
Her eyes narrowed.
“Not everyone knows me by name, more by reputation. So even if that did happen, I doubt they know who I am.”
She released the breath she was holding, like that made her feel a little better.
“But you shouldn’t be so ashamed of me. I’m the best-looking guy in here.” I grinned, knowing that arrogant comment would only make her anger rise.
“We both know you are. But that’s not the problem.”
My smile disappeared, surprised by the words that flew out of her mouth. She said it with such conviction, like she wasn’t thinking before she spoke. I knew she was attracted to me. I didn’t need to listen to her say that to know it was true. Her wet pussy told me everything I needed to know. But listening to her say it so effortlessly made my cock start to harden in my slacks.
She took a long drink from her wine, like she regretted what she’d just said.