Page 14 of Fantasy in Lingerie (Lingerie 6)
“And a part of me hates him because I despise his personality and everything about him…but I always wind up in his bed over and over.”
“That’s where you were, huh?” she asked. “That’s why you weren’t home?”
She grinned. “Maybe it’ll turn into something more serious.”
“No,” I said immediately. “It can’t. It never will.”
“Why are you so certain?”
If only I could tell her. “We aren’t really compatible in other ways…the only thing that’s keeping us together is the sex.”
“Sex is important.”
“But it’s not everything…” A part of me did like his other qualities, like his loyalty and his protectiveness. He loved his mother despite her immoral career choice, and that made me respect him. He listened to me when I asked him to. He was always honest with me, and people were rarely honest. But he wanted nothing more than to wipe out my family line.
“But it could turn into everything. With Conway…” She shut her mouth and suppressed her grin. “Never mind. Too weird.”
“Yeah…too weird.”
“I’m just saying…if you have the passion, maybe you have everything else too.”
No. I was stuck in a serious kidnapping situation, and I was fucking this man to keep him away from my family. That was the basis of our relationship, and it would end as badly as it started. I spotted Conway coming back to the table from across the room. “We’ll see.”
“I want an update, Vanessa.”
“Alright. But keep this to yourself.”
“Of course.”
Conway insisted on taking me home even though I told him I would take a cab. It was past seven in the evening, so there was no way I could ask him to drop me off at Bones’s place. How would I explain that?
After five minutes of arguing, I finally got into the car, and he took me back to my apartment. He held Sapphire’s hand on the middle console, his fingers pressed in between hers. He drove with one hand on the wheel, taking peeks at his fiancée from time to time.
Looking at them made me jealous. Jealous that I wouldn’t live long enough to find something like that. I was in the most passionate relationship I’d ever had, but it had no foundation of friendship or love.
It was just violence and sex.
My phone vibrated in my pocket with a text message. I pulled it out to see a message from Bones. Where are you going?
You’re such a stalker.
Where are you going?
He would just keep asking the question until he got the answer he was looking for. My place.
Your ass belongs over here.
Conway wouldn’t let me take a cab. And I couldn’t have him drop me off at your place.
Why not?
I rolled my eyes. Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.
He didn’t write back.
Conway dropped me off five minutes later, and he locked the car at the street with Sapphire inside before he walked me to the door.
“You don’t need to walk me to the door. We aren’t high school kids on a date.”
“You’re my little sister. I’m gonna walk you to the door even if you’re eighty, alright?” He leaned against the door and watched me unlock it.
But it wasn’t locked.
I tried to play it cool and pretend everything was normal. “Thanks for dinner. I’ll see you later.”
“Night.” He brought me into his chest and hugged me.
My brother and I never hugged, unless it was a holiday or something. “You’ve been hugging me a lot lately…”
“I almost lost you. Made me realize I shouldn’t be such an ass to you.”
“You were an ass to me earlier.”
“You know what I mean.” He pulled away, giving me a thoughtful expression the same way my father did. “I just worry about you. After what happened, I’m scared leaving you here by yourself. Now that you aren’t going to school, maybe you should live with us. You can’t beat the view.”
I knew Conway didn’t want me there, so his fear for my safety outweighed his need for privacy. “That’s sweet…but I’m fine here.”
“Are you sure?”
If only he knew what was really going on. It would break his heart, which was why I never wanted to tell him. “I’m sure, Con. Really, don’t worry about me. I’m a tough girl.”
“Woman,” he corrected. “You’re a tough woman. Sometimes I forget how strong you are, and then I see you in action and realize how incredible you are. That makes me feel better, but then I start to worry again. I can’t wait until you get married. I never thought I’d say that, but it would make my life easier.”
“You growl anytime a man goes near me.”
“I know…” He rolled his eyes. “I just want the right guy to go near you. I want you to marry a guy who can take care of you.”
“I don’t need a man to take care of me. I can take care of myself.”