Page 42 of Lady in Lingerie (Lingerie 3)
“Because I like it like this.” He folded me underneath him, bringing our bodies as close together as possible. Then he started to rock, his forehead pressed to mine. He breathed with his thrusts, shook me with his movements. His arms flexed as he held his massive size on top of me.
My fingers ran through the back of his hair, feeling the short strands as I panted with his movements. Every time his cock was completely inside me, my knees shook just a little. He made me feel so full, like I couldn’t accommodate even another centimeter. “You like to make love to me?”
His thrusts didn’t stop, and he kept moving deep and slow. His breathing became rapid, and he pulled his forehead away from mine so he could look into my eyes. His eyes were locked on to my face, watching every reaction I made. He wore the concentrated expression that I adored, his face tinted with focus and desire. He wasn’t thinking about anything else in the world but me. “I love it, Muse.”
I read the newspaper while the TV was playing in the background. The coffee was freshly brewed, and my breakfast of bacon and eggs was warm. Room service was exactly the same thing that I got at home from Dante, but honestly, Dante’s cooking was better.
His phone started to ring on the table.
I knew I shouldn’t look, but I did.
I was tempted to answer it, but I knew that would be wrong. It was his personal business, and I shouldn’t cross the line. After last night, I felt more connected to him than I ever had before, but that still didn’t mean I could do whatever I wanted.
I grabbed the phone and walked into the bathroom. The shower was on, and his naked body stood underneath the water. He ran his hands through his hair as he massaged the shampoo out of his strands.
It was a beautiful sight. “Conway, your mother is calling you. Do you want me to let it go to voice mail?”
“Answer it,” he said as he tilted his head back under the stream. “I’m sure she would rather talk to you anyway.”
I stepped back into the sitting room and took the call. “Hi, Pearl. It’s Sapphire.”
“Oh, hello,” she said happily. “How’s it going?”
“Conway is in the shower right now, so he told me to take your call.” It might be weird to know we were in the same room together, and obviously, we were sleeping together and sharing our lives together. But his mother never made it weird.
“That’s fine. I just wanted to congratulate him on last night. From all the headlines I’ve read, it seems like he blew them out of the water.”
“He did. He got a standing ovation. I’ve never heard an auditorium become so loud before.” Not that I’d been in a lot of auditoriums.
“Yeah, I saw a few videos on TV. And there’s an article circulating I think you’ll find interesting.”
“There’re a few photos of you together. One where you two are pressing your foreheads together in the auditorium… It’s sweet. There’re a few others that catch Conway staring at you, wearing this look on his face…”
Redness immediately flowed into my cheeks, and I felt my neck light on fire. I wasn’t just embarrassed but moved.
“My son is over the moon madly in love with you,” she said with a sigh. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. All a mother wants is for her son to meet a woman who loves him as much as she does…just in a different way.”
The crimson didn’t die away. I listened to her words with sweaty palms, feeling ecstatic but unwell. Conway might be affectionate with me, but he’d never told me he loved me. Those three beautiful words had never come out of his mouth. But I didn’t tell his mother that because it would just be too weird. I should just let her believe whatever she wanted.
“And I can tell you love him too.”
Conway’s laptop was sitting at the desk, so I helped myself to his computer and typed his name into Google. Immediately, several articles surfaced about the show last night. One headline caught my attention, so I opened it.
Conway Barsetti Falls for His #1 Model.
When I clicked on it, several photos appeared. They were all from the show last night, capturing details between us that were candid and real. There was a picture of us kissing and another one of Conway staring at me when I came out of the bathroom. He ignored the reporter standing in front of him, his eyes trained on me with undeniable intensity.
I forgot his mother was on the phone because my heart was beating so fast.
Pearl spoke again. “Conway can call me back if he wants. But that’s all I wanted to say. Do you know when you guys will be returning?”