Page 19 of Lady in Lingerie (Lingerie 3)
“Why?” I snapped. “He’s just some distributor. You think I care about pissing him off?”
“A man should go out of his way to make friends, not enemies.” She opened my shirt to reveal more of my chest. “Don’t burn bridges, Conway. Number one lesson in business. At least, that’s what I learned.”
I held her gaze and refused to back down. It was easy to get lost in her eyes, to get lost in the painful beauty of her face. But no matter how beautiful she was, I refused to cave. I would never admit she was right—ever.
“You should put me in the show next week.”
My eyes scanned over her face, finding the sincerity in her look.
“You said I’m free, and I’m doing this willingly. Besides, you paid for me. You should get some use out of me.”
“I told you that you didn’t owe me anything,” I whispered. “And no, I don’t want you parading around half naked so men can jerk off to you later. You’re mine—and I don’t share. End of story, Muse.”
“I thought your work was the most important thing to you?” she challenged.
“It is. And it’ll do just fine without you. You’ve inspired my creations—and that’s as close as people are going to get to you.” If I couldn’t handle someone kissing her on the cheek, even my own cousin, then I wouldn’t be able to handle a room full of people staring at her. I wouldn’t be able to handle the whole world staring at her. I’d never had her photographed because I didn’t want that either—for the world to have a piece of her.
I owned all of her.
“I’m going to bed,” I said, silently asking her to get off me.
She didn’t move, sitting on my dick purposely. She shook her hips slightly, grinding against me. She could feel my length through my slacks because my size was unmistakable. “Doesn’t seem like you want to go to bed.”
“I’m hard, but I’m also angry. And I’m angrier than I am hard.”
She undid my belt and unbuttoned my slacks. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, her tits shaking with her movements. “Tell me your fantasy, Conway. I want to please you. I want to give you what you want…”
I breathed through my teeth and felt my cock twitch in betrayal. Having her as a prisoner turned me on, but listening to her ask how to make me feel good was so much better. She could be anywhere in the world right now—but she wanted to sit on my lap.
“Tell me what you want.”
My hands snaked up her legs toward her hips. I gripped her tightly, feeling her slender waistline. It always surprised me how soft her skin was to the touch. Despite how callused my hands were from using them for a decade, I could still detect the differences in texture. I could still study her body at an intimate level, still feel the bumps as they sprinkled across her skin.
I could ask for something kinky since the offer was on the table. I could ram my dick in her ass and listen to her cry through the pain. I could spank her ass with my eager palm and leave a handprint right on her skin.
But instead, I wanted to be just like this, with her beautiful eyes transfixed on mine. When her gorgeous tits were in my face like this, it was hard to argue for a different position. The anger I felt just moments ago faded away as I considered her request. Rage didn’t seem important when she could make me feel something so much better. “I want you… Just like this.”
I was wrapped up in the warmth that Conway’s body produced. It filled the sheets and acted as a personal heater. Even if the house lost power in a storm, his physique would be enough to get us through the night.
My arm was draped over his hard stomach, and my face rested against his shoulder. I could feel the steady rise and fall of his body. Even when he was asleep, his body remained rigid and hard.
His alarm went off.
I didn’t open my eyes because I was way too comfortable.
Conway didn’t respond right away. He lay there, letting the beeps fill the room. He finally reached over and hit the button so the noise would stop. He cleared his throat slightly then ran his fingers through his hair, slowly waking up after the peaceful night we’d both just had. We had sex in his chair then immediately went to bed, once the anger had been completely wiped away from his thoughts.
He turned his head my way. I could feel his stare even though my eyes were still closed. I’d been the recipient of that look so many times that I recognized it the second I felt it. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, his warm lips soft against my skin. His mouth tugged slightly on my skin before he pulled away and sat up.