Page 30 of Beauty in Lingerie (Lingerie 2)
I rubbed my temple, feeling the rage burn through my skin. “Yes, I’m just busy.”
“Well, I’ll take her to go pick up one—”
“I’ll get it, Vanessa.”
She finally turned quiet. “Why are you being a dick?”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. I’m over here trying to make an effort to make Sapphire feel welcome, and you’re cockblocking me.”
“I’m what?”
“You heard what I said. I just got out of class and it’s hot as hell outside, so I’m coming by to use the pool. Ask Sapphire to join me.”
“You’re just inviting yourself over?” Man, my sister was a pain in the ass.
“You told me I’m free to come by whenever I want.”
“I mean, if you’re in trouble or something.”
“Well, I’m in trouble right now. I’m bored and I want to hang out with your lady. Get over it.”
I almost threw the phone out the window. “Fuck.” I left my desk and searched for Muse in the house. She wasn’t in her bedroom, so I could only assume she was out at the stables. I walked across the grounds and found her in the barn. She was lifting bales of hay and carrying them back into the stables.
I didn’t realize how strong she was.
She set the bale on the pile then wiped her hands on her dirty jeans. “Hey.” Today, she wore a white Stetson. Now that she was getting more serious about working outside, Dante picked her up better work clothes. She had thick denim jeans, brown boots, and a collared shirt that she tied at the waist.
Sexiest fucking cowgirl I’d ever seen.
But I couldn’t get distracted right now.
Not even by the small drop of sweat that was rolling down her chest toward the valley between her tits.
“My sister is being a pain in the ass right now.”
“Vanessa?” Muse pulled off her hat and wiped her forehead with the back of her arm. “She seems sweet to me.”
“Of course you two get along,” I said sarcastically. “She’s on her way here now because she wants to hang out by the pool with you. She originally asked for your phone number, but I told her you didn’t have one. If she asks, you dropped your phone in the toilet, and we’re getting you a new one.”
Muse rested her hands on her hips and shifted her weight to one foot. “That was nice of her. When will she be here?”
“About thirty minutes.”
“It’s pretty hot today, so I’d love to turn in early, especially to take a swim.” She started toward the house.
My arms circled her waist, and I pulled her back toward me. “Don’t say a damn thing to her, alright?”
“Wasn’t going to.” She moved out of my embrace again.
I snatched her by the arm and pulled her back. “My sister is a lot smarter than she lets on. She poses as a fun and carefree girl, but she’s analytical and observant. If you aren’t careful, she might notice something. And I don’t need to remind you what I’ll do to you if you decide to throw me under the bus.” I wouldn’t be able to deal with the devastation from my family. If they knew I bought Muse like a farm animal and kept her as a pet, they’d never look at me the same. When I told them I wanted to be a lingerie designer, they never questioned me. When I was out with different women every night, they never commented on it. But this…they would have a few things to say about. I could deal with my mother’s slap and my father’s fist. But I couldn’t deal with their disappointment.
“What will you do to me?” She tilted up her head to look into my face, her blue eyes narrowing provocatively.
“What I have to.”
“Which is?” She pressed me, forcing me to say it out loud.
“I’ll hurt you.”
She stepped closer to me, her hand moving to my stomach. “We both know you won’t. But I’ll keep your secret anyway. I’ve been enjoying our arrangement…” Her hand slid down my stomach before she stepped away.
I turned to watch her go, my eyes examining that luscious ass and those full hips. She had my neck under her boot, and if she wanted to cross me, it would be easy for her to do. I’d made the effort to be gentle and kind, despite how much it contradicted my nature, so it would be wrong for her to betray me.
It didn’t seem like she would.
But I really had no idea. If she and Vanessa became good friends, there was no telling what might happen.
I didn’t like anyone having this kind of power over me.
Vanessa swam around in the pool in her blue bikini with her hair pulled into a bun. Sunglasses were on the bridge of her nose, and the sun hit her olive skin and made it glow.