Page 23 of Beauty in Lingerie (Lingerie 2)
“We’re leaving in an hour.”
“That should be enough time.”
A part of me wanted to pull back the covers and crawl between her legs. Morning sex was always nice. The second I opened my eyes, my dick was usually hard against my stomach. Having soft lips wrap around him would be better than a fresh cup of coffee—any day. But I’d rather save it for later. “Meet me in my room when you’re ready.”
* * *
I drove my red Ferrari from Verona to Milan. It was only an hour trip, but riding in this car cut the time in half. I’d had women sit in the passenger seat many times, but never one so beautiful.
This car was made for me.
Muse stared out the window and enjoyed the sights with an appreciative eye. To her, this world was beautiful and new. Since I grew up in this gorgeous country, I took it for granted. My backyard was one of the most spectacular and historic places in the world. “Which part of Italy is your favorite?”
“Tough question.”
She sat back against the leather seat and turned to me. “Life is all about tough questions.”
I chuckled. “I love the heat of the south. The vineyards, hillsides, and wine…all of it. It doesn’t snow there, so the winters are mild. But Milan is a very progressive city. Life is a little quicker here. It’s home to many designers and fashion icons. I find it inspiring.”
“Okay…you told me why you love two different places. Now pick one.”
“Why do I have to pick just one?” I asked incredulously. “All of Italy is beautiful.”
“Because I like to make you squirm.”
I’d spent nearly all my adult life in Milan so I considered it my home, but my roots were unforgettable. “If I had to choose…I prefer the south. My parents have a beautiful property, and we’re surrounded by vineyards in the hillsides. My uncle lives just a mile away, and the main winery my family runs is right down the road.”
“So you were in the country the way you are now?”
“Yes…but it’s different.”
“Do your parents have horses?”
Talking about my parents left a twinge of annoyance in my chest. They believed in a ridiculous lie that Muse made up. Now I’d have to go along with it…for god knows how long. “No.”
“Then why did your father buy you a horse?”
How did she know that? “Did Marco tell you that?”
She tensed in alarm. “Yeah…I was curious why you had such an ornery horse.”
“He’s not ornery,” I said. “He just doesn’t like you.”
“Or Marco,” she countered. “You seem to be the only person he does like.”
“Like I said, we understand each other. And my father bought me a horse because he said the horse reminded him of me. I had the stables at the time, so he brought him over. My father doesn’t want to deal with the time and effort of keeping up horses, even though he’s the hardest working person I know. So he brought one over here.”
“That’s nice.” She looked out the window again.
I kept my eyes on the road with one hand on the wheel. I hoped the conversation about my family was over. They were the only things in the world that actually mattered to me, besides my career and my wealth. But having something important in my life made it dangerous. If someone wanted something from me, it would be easy to coerce me. “I spent some time in the neighboring villages while I was waiting for your audition. I slept under the stars at night, and even though I had no money, people would give me food. I didn’t even need to beg. They just said I was too thin…”
The idea of her walking through Italy completely homeless made a rock form in my stomach. She had been unsafe and unprotected. A beautiful woman like her should be shielded from the evils of this world. It was the reason I wanted Vanessa to marry a big, perfect man. If he loved her, he would protect her every single minute of the day—and she would allow him to.
“Italians are very generous and kind. In America, that wouldn’t have happened. People would have just called the police and had me moved.”
“You shouldn’t have been out there alone.”
“I didn’t have any other choice. There were a few hostels around, so I took advantage of that, but they don’t let you stay for long.”
I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. It made my blood boil. “Dante seems to be warming up to you.”
“You think?” she asked. “I just accept his food and never lift a finger. I don’t even say much to him.”
“All he wants is to wait on you. If you allow him to, he perks up.”
“He shouldn’t have to do everything. I’m perfectly capable.”
I shrugged. “It gives him joy. Just like how Marco doesn’t understand why you would be shoveling horse shit in the stables when you could be lying by the pool all day. Doesn’t make much sense to me either, honestly.”