Page 75 of Muse in Lingerie (Lingerie 1)
I wasn’t that big of an asshole.
* * *
The only reason why I woke up so early was because my phone was ringing on the nightstand.
I squinted my eyes to stare at the screen, barely making out the name.
I answered and put the phone to my ear. “Hmm?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. It was nine in the morning, hours after I would normally be awake. I turned over and stared at Muse, who was still sound asleep. Her hair was all over the place, and her hand was still reaching out for my stomach.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, sir. But Carter is here to see you.”
I growled into the phone. “Tell him to fuck off, Dante.”
“I knew you would say that, so I repeated it. But he said it’s important.”
If Carter said it was important, then it was the real deal. He didn’t say things like that often. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Alright, sir.”
I set the phone on the nightstand and made sure she was still asleep. I wanted her to rest as long as she needed—so we could get back to fucking when she was well rested. I had a lot to teach her.
I pulled on sweats and a t-shirt before I made the walk from the third floor to the entryway.
Carter stood in jeans and a t-shirt, his hands in his pockets and his eyes on the painting of my mother on the way.
I reached the bottom of the stairs. “Everything alright?”
When he looked at me, his visage was guarded. He glanced to the other side of the room in search of Dante.
Not that Dante was a person we needed to be concerned with.
“Let’s talk in the front.”
We moved to the large porch and the roundabout full of trees. The gate had been closed and locked after Carter pulled inside in his Ferrari. Bright red and loud, it was the perfect car to get attention.
“What is it?” I asked, wanting to get this over with quickly. I had someone waiting for me, a white rose that had blossomed for the first time last night.
“I heard some talk last night. Word on the street is Knuckles is pissed.”
Was that supposed to mean something to me? “He looks like a guy that’s already pissed.”
“Well, he’s more pissed than usual.” He slid his hands into his pockets then walked toward his car. “And I hear he’s bad news. He’s claimed the Eastern territory of the States for a long time, and he’s held on to the domain in horrific ways. He’s not a guy you want to cross.”
“Good thing I didn’t cross him, then.”
Carter turned his gaze to me. “You did when you bought Sapphire.”
“He had a fair opportunity to win her—if he put his money where his mouth was. I paid the higher price and claimed her. That’s how the real world works. If he really wanted her, he should have paid more.”
“Maybe, but I don’t think he sees it that way.”
“If he’s invited to the Underground, then that means he adheres to the conduct rules. There can be no violence over the exchange of slaves. The winning bid is respected. He can’t take her or threaten me for her. If he wants to keep his reputation, then he’ll have to let it go.”
Carter stared at my gate and slightly shook his head. “I’ve got a bad feeling about him, Conway. It’s a feeling in my bones, you know.”
“If he wanted to be the one fucking Sapphire every night, he should have paid more for her. He has the money. Not my fault he didn’t think she was worth it. And yes, she’s definitely worth it.”
Carter would normally make a joke at my comment, but this time, he didn’t. “People think he’s up to something.”
“Like what?”
“Something bad. That’s all I know. That’s enough for me.”
“You’ve never been intimidated by anyone, Carter. Why are you scared now?”
“Because you’re my family,” he snapped. “Because I actually give a damn in this case.”
“Carter, I’ll be fine. I’m not afraid of him. I’m one of the most powerful men in the world. I make my money honestly, have a famous face. He’s just some asshole that creeps in the shadows.”
“And pays off all the cops and the detectives…”
“Like we haven’t done the same.”
“But he threatens cops in ways we never do…like threatening to kill their wives and kids. He’s a different breed, Conway. Maybe he’ll respect the code, but maybe he won’t. You should watch your back.”
“I always do.”
“Or even just sell her to him…”
That wasn’t an option. “No.”
“Is a woman really worth the—”
“I’m not selling her.”
Carter finally dropped it. “Maybe we should tell our fathers.”
“Why the hell would we do that?”
“I know they don’t talk about it, but they’ve been through shit like this. They might have some advice.”