Page 49 of Muse in Lingerie (Lingerie 1)
“Uh…I never said that.”
“You didn’t eat your breakfast tray, and now you don’t want lunch?” he asked incredulously. “I’ve studied the culinary arts my entire life. My cuisine is the finest in this great country. If you don’t like it, then the issue isn’t with the food—but you.”
Man, we’d gotten off on the wrong foot.
He stared at me with venom in his eyes. If he showed his teeth, he would probably have fangs.
“I really didn’t see the breakfast tray. I would love some lunch because I’m starving. I just didn’t want to bother you…”
“Bother me?” he asked in surprise. “This is what I live for, Sapphire. Taking it away is like taking away a piece of my soul. My purpose is to serve, to make this palace into a home. I treat all of my master’s guests just as I treat him—like royalty.”
I certainly didn’t feel like royalty in that moment—just a pain in the ass.
Now he stared at me with a furious expression, as if he expected me to say something else.
What was I supposed to do? “Uh…I’m sorry I misunderstood.”
“I accept your apology.” He walked past me, his body rigid with pride. “Where will you take your lunch, Sapphire?”
“I have options?”
He stopped and turned around again, his eyes narrowed.
Did I say something stupid again?
“Anywhere you want. Just tell me, and I’ll make it happen.”
“What do you recommend?”
“It’s a beautiful day.” He extended his hand to the window. “Sunny and warm. The terrace is always a great spot.”
“Then I’ll take my lunch there.”
He clapped his hands once. “Excellent. Lunch will be served in just a few minutes.”
I sat on the balcony under the white umbrella, admiring the acres of land Conway owned. The horses grazed in the pasture, and the sun cast the land in a beautiful hue. The gentle breeze brought warm air directly against my cheeks. The water in the pool sparkled under the brilliant sunlight.
Dante served me like a patron at a restaurant. He brought me iced tea first, a basket of bread, and then served a green salad with vinaigrette and grilled chicken with roasted tomatoes.
It was almost three o’ clock, and there was still no sign of Conway.
Dante returned to the terrace and collected my plates. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Yes, it was amazing. Thank you.”
There was more? “I’m full, but thank you.”
His eyes narrowed in offense.
“I mean…of course.”
“Alright. I’ll return with a cup of coffee and biscotti. I just made a fresh batch.”
“Great.” I wasn’t sure what Conway’s plans were for me, but I couldn’t sit around and gain weight. He probably wanted me to keep my measurements exactly as they were.
Dante returned with the coffee and biscotti, placing everything on the white tablecloth along with a small vase with a single red rose. “Anything else I can get you? I have tiramisu and lemon cake as well.”
I assumed he had everything in his kitchen. “Is Conway home right now?”
His face immediately hardened at the question.
“I’m just curious.”
“He’s working right now.”
It was clear Conway had instructed Dante to keep me away from him. I was to entertain myself until he was in the mood to have a conversation with me. “Can you tell him something for me?”
“I can pass on a message. But I can’t make him listen to it.”
“Tell him…” I didn’t know what I wanted to say. I wanted to apologize to him since it was my fault that he had to bail me out…and spend one hundred million dollars. But an apology through another person would make it empty. “I’m enjoying his beautiful home.”
* * *
Days passed, and I didn’t even catch a glimpse of him. I wasn’t even sure if he was staying at the house. I knew he had a place in Milan, so maybe he was sleeping there to swallow his rage.
I was enjoying my time in paradise. In America, I’d been a broke college student eating Top Ramen and hard-boiled eggs every day. Now I had a professional chef prepare all my meals—and ask if I wanted coffee and dessert afterward. I got to enjoy the pool as it overlooked the Italian landscape, and I was able to use a private gym that was big enough for dozens of people to use.
This was what it was like to be rich, I guessed.
I sat on the terrace with a glass of wine beside me. My feet dangled in the pool, and I wore a sundress I’d found in my closet. Conway must have sent someone to buy me clothes, giving my measurements so they would know exactly what would fit me. And everything was more beautiful than anything I’d ever worn. As if I had a kingdom to rule, every day I was dressed like a queen.
Footsteps sounded beside me, heavy footfalls that could only be caused by a heavy man. It wasn’t Dante, who was thin and limber. It was someone who carried the weight of the world.