Page 20 of Muse in Lingerie (Lingerie 1)
My hand slowly slid down her spine, following it all the way to the top of her ass. She was so petite, I could feel my hand completely span across her body. I could reach both hips with my forefinger and thumb.
She breathed harder.
Last time I spoke to her, I told her I knew how I wanted to fuck her. Maybe that made her uncomfortable, made her a little afraid.
I certainly felt no shame.
My hands gripped her shoulders then I slowly moved around her, taking in her angles under the light.
Her eyes followed me. “What are you doing?”
My hands wrapped around her arms, and I looked down at her body, admiring her features. I was examining her skin tone, the way her white panties contrasted against her slightly olive skin. “Working.”
“Looks like you’re just staring.”
My eyes lifted to her face, her stunning blue eyes that resembled jewels. “Staring is part of my job.” If I stared at any of the other models this way, they’d be beaming with pride. But not this woman. She didn’t give a damn.
“I thought making clothes was part of your job.”
“Yes. And I want to make the perfect lingerie for the perfect woman.” When I stood this close to her, I could lean in and kiss her. I could feel those soft lips against my mouth, feel her warm breaths enter my lungs.
But I never kissed anyone—and I wouldn’t kiss her.
I went to the fabric table and grabbed the strip I’d set aside. I pressed it against her rosy skin and imagined the perfect bra pressing her tits together, the creamy flesh beautiful under the bright lights. If I added a hint of gold glitter underneath, it would add just a bit of texture. With gold heels, the ensemble would be a provocative piece.
I sat in the black armchair and opened my notebook. Then I began to sketch the seductive piece of lingerie while looking at the woman who inspired it. I glanced up at her body, determining how the provocative garment would be placed on her body. She had a long chest and a flattering torso, so the material could be a little longer than usual. I added a slit from underneath the bra that stretched to her stomach. When she walked the runway, the material would open and reveal her sexy belly button. I worked on the thong next.
“Do you want me to pose or something?”
“You are posing.” My fingers worked the pencil hard, etching the image into the thick parchment. I outlined her hips then worked on the thong. I wanted it to be the same material, but I wanted there to be a deeper splash of gold. I wanted her to look like a jewel, to highlight the sapphires in her eyes. With that dark hair and gorgeous skin, those colors would look wonderful on her.
Before I even finished, I got another idea.
Teal. She would be gorgeous in teal.
I turned the page and started another design.
* * *
My notebook was fatter than usual because I’d used so many pages. The constant touching and flipping had made the pages thicker than normal, so the notebook looked like it was stuffed with tissues. I’d created more designs in a few hours than I usually did in an entire month.
Ten knew how to inspire me.
“You can go.” I wrote down a list of fabrics I needed so I could get to work on constructing the lingerie with my bare hands. Once I had it perfect, I would send everything to the factory for it to be mass-produced. It was too late for the fall line, but lingerie wasn’t prey to the seasons. It could be constructed at any time of the year. It might be too late for the fashion show next week, but if I worked all night, I might make it in time.
Ten hadn’t said anything for a few hours. She stood there in her underwear, and when I didn’t speak to her for a long time, she practiced walking back and forth in her heels. She pulled her shoulders back and stuck out her chest, watching herself in the mirror at the same time.
Ordinarily, it would be distracting. But I was so focused on my new pieces, I managed not to stare at her bubbly ass. She’d improved significantly now that she was taking it seriously. Accepting the advance on her pay had straightened her out.
But that didn’t stop her smartass remarks.
She pulled on her shirt. “Are you done for the day?”
“No.” I grabbed the fabrics from the pile and laid them out on the table. “I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight.”
She pulled her jeans over her perky ass then buttoned them up. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No.” I situated the mannequin where I needed it to be then grabbed my pins.