Page 99 of Mr Garcia
Ouch, yelling hurts. I put my hand over my eye.
“What?” he yells.
“You’re hurting my eye!” I cry.
“Well, you’re hurting my fucking brain!”
“Impossible, you don’t have one.” I march up the hall and into his bedroom, and I slam the door hard.
I flop onto the bed in disgust. Adrenaline is pumping through my body.
Fuck you, asshole.
I snuggle into my pillow. It’s dark, and I glance over to see the clock. 8:00 p.m.
Shit, I’ve been asleep for hours.
I laid here and listened to Sebastian slamming things around downstairs for a while, and then I must have drifted off. The house is silent now, and I wonder if he is over his tantrum yet?
I get up and go to the bathroom. I wash my hands and go back to bed.
I pick up my phone and text my mom and my sister Eliza. I scroll through Instagram for a while before the bedroom door opens and Sebastian comes into view.
His eyes find mine, and without saying anything, he walks into his wardrobe.
I roll my eyes. Great, now he’s sulking and getting dressed to go out.
I lie still, waiting for his next tantrum He is the last word freak. He won’t let this go.
I know he won’t.
He’s right, though. I should have discussed this with him first, but in my defense, I was just being honest.
Sebastian walks out of the wardrobe completely naked and leans against the doorframe. My eyes drop down to see that he’s rock hard.
We stare at each other for a moment.
“You have no idea of what you’re asking.”
Uneasiness falls over me. “What do you mean?
He pushes off the wall to come and stand in front of me. His hard cock is only inches from my face.
He pulls my T-shirt over my head and throws it to the side. He grabs my foot and drags me to the side of the bed as his dark eyes hold mine.
I swallow the lump in my throat. I know this look. It’s the one he used to give me at the Escape Club. The one where he fucks me like he hates me. Truth be told, he probably does.
He reaches down and puts his hand around my throat, gripping it hard as we stare at each other.
Electricity crackles between us.
“I have needs,” he whispers.
Excitement tears through me. This is wrong, but holy fuck, it’s hot.
“So do I.”
I spread my legs. His grip around my throat tightens as my heart hammers in my chest.
“Having a boyfriend like me…”
I know.
I give him a nervous nod. Somehow, I don’t think my no sex rule is going to apply here tonight.
He's angry and I know that we need this.
This is next level.
He bends and spits on my sex, creating a lubricant. Then he bends and licks me there. I nearly convulse on the spot. What the hell?
How is he so hot?
He rises and slides his tip through my wanting lips, then slams into me. The burn of his possession stings, and I whimper.
Our eyes are locked as he holds his weight off me with one hand, the other still tightly around my throat.
“Seb,” I whimper, and he squeezes harder.
I’m silenced, the darkness taking over.
Oh god…. this is what I crave, the darkness within him.
Sating the darkness within me.
His thick cock begins to pump me hard, the sound of his moans echoing around the room. All I can do is clench around his beautiful body.
He won’t kiss me, instead licking my parted lips. The pleasure building between us is like a fire.
His raw dominance, his thick cock… my heart freefalling from my chest.
He flips us so that he is sitting, and I am over the top of him. We come face to face as we stare at each other.
“I love you,” he whispers, as if pained.
My eyes well with tears because, hell, if this isn’t the best I love you I’ve ever had.
“I know.”
His face falls.
“I love you, too,” I whisper.
The drone buzzing in the background wakes me from my slumber. I wince, roll over and turn off my alarm.
I lie for a moment to get my bearings, and I look around. I’m alone in bed. Where is she?
Thoughts of last night run through my mind. I close my eyes in disgust.
A moment of weakness has ruined everything. I get up and walk to the bedroom door and listen. I can hear CNN in the distance, and April talking to Bentley.
She’s downstairs. Relief fills me, and I frown as the realization hits me.
Stop it.
I shower, get dressed for work, and I make my way downstairs. I find April in the kitchen, drinking coffee as she cuts up fruit.
She looks up and smiles. “Hey, you.”
“Hello.” I stand on the spot.
She raises an eyebrow, and I raise one back.
“Are you going to kiss me good morning?” she asks.
And so it begins.
I exhale and walk over to her. She takes me in her arms, rises on her toes, and she kisses me softly. I feel it in the pit of my stomach, and I pull out of the kiss. “I have to go. I’m running late.”