Page 32 of Mr Garcia
“Can we get McDonald’s for lunch?”
I wince. “I’m too old for that shit.” I grab my jacket from the back of my chair. “We’ll get lunch at the pub.”
He sighs. “Yeah, okay.”
Fifteen minutes later, we are sitting at the pub with our sodas, waiting for our lunch to arrive. I yawn because I’m tired as fuck. April is wearing me out.
“Don’t forget that we have Willow’s football final game on Saturday morning, and then in the afternoon, I want to go and look at some cars for you,” I tell him.
“What’s wrong with my car?”
“It’s a heap of junk. I’m constantly worried if its airbags are working.”
“Ugh.” He rolls his eyes. “I don’t want to spend my Saturday watching Willow’s football.”
“Tough shit. Deal with it. It's one week.”
He widens his eyes at me.
I sip my drink. “What’s happening with that girl, anyway?”
He gets a big goofy smile on his face. “Oh, Dad.” He shakes his head, as if he’s lost for words.
“That good, huh?” I smirk.
“She’s perfect. I’m so in love.”
“Ease up, big guy. Love is a very strong word.”
“Well… I do love her. She’s the one for me; I know it.”
“I’m happy for you. She better be good enough. When do I get to meet her?”
The waitress puts our lunches down in front of us. “Thank you.”
“I’m not good enough for her.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I’ll bring her over on Friday night.”
“Just don’t be weird.”
I hold my salt shaker mid-air. “Define weird.”
“You know… don’t be wearing a stuffy suit. Wear something cool.”
“What’s wrong with my suits?”
“You look ancient.”
I shake my head. “This suit pays for all your shit, you know.”
“I’m not complaining. I’m just saying that first impressions are everything.”
Oh, to be young and unjaded. “Okay.”
“I’ll come over tomorrow and pick out something for you to wear.”
“I am quite capable of picking my own clothes.”
“I just want everything to be perfect. She’s very important.”
I roll my eyes. “I get it.”
“Oh, and can you go into my room and take down my posters?”
I frown. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want her to think I’m a little kid.”
“What will you be doing in your room with her, exactly?”
“I don’t know, she’s pretty hot for it.”
My eyes widen. “Please tell me you’re wearing fucking condoms…”
“And don’t you dare call me sweetheart in front of her,” he says, ignoring my question.
I smirk.
“I mean it.”
I hold my hands up in surrender. “Okay, got it. Cool clothes, hard heart, and no posters. With an extra-large box of condoms to go.” I raise an eyebrow. “You will not be having sex in your bedroom with me downstairs listening. Do I make myself clear?”
“Whatever.” He bites into his burger. “Life is just so great at the moment, you know?”
I smile as my eyes linger on his face, I love seeing him like this.
“You should try it,” he says with his mouth full of food. “Love, I mean.”
I pick up my burger, and I get a vision of April and the week we’ve had together.
Maybe it’s time.
April stands naked in the kitchen with her arms around me, her lips lingering over mine.
“Have a nice day,” she breathes.
I smile down at the temptress. She’s incredible. I squeeze her behind.
“I will.”
“I wish you weren’t checking out today,” she says. “I’ve had the best week in this hotel room.” She kisses me again.
“Me, too.” Our lips meet again. We can’t stop kissing whenever we’re together. “What are you doing this weekend?”
“Nothing much. I’m looking for an apartment all day tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?”
“I can’t tomorrow. I’m watching a friend’s daughter play football.”
“Tonight?” she asks.
I inhale, knowing it’s too soon to introduce her to Buddy. “I have a family thing on.”
Her face falls.
“Do you want to come over tomorrow night? I’ll cook,” I offer.
“It’s time to get you back for that coffee.” I poke her in the ribs.
She giggles. “Okay.” She pulls me into a hug, and we stand in each other’s arms for a while. I don’t like that I’m not going to see her tonight.
“Will you miss me tonight?” she asks.
“Nope,” I smirk.
“Good, cause I’m not going to miss you, either. Glad to get rid of you, actually.”
With one last lingering kiss, I make my way to the door. I look back to see April doing a little naked jig.
“Until next time,” I smile.
She blows me an exaggerated kiss. “Until next time.”
“So, what are we going to see?” I ask Brandon as we drive.
“I thought we would see that new sci-fi. The one with Matt Damon.”
“Okay.” I glance over at him. “Why couldn’t Lara come?”
“She had something on.”
“I think she’s secretly seeing that guy from block two. She seems to have a lot on lately.”
His eyes flash to mine. “You think?”
“I saw them talking in the gym the other night, and they seemed very familiar.”
He smiles. “Good for her.”