Page 95 of Gym Junkie
“Hey, man,” he greets me.
I smile at the sound of his voice. “Hey, what’s happening? How’s Didge?”
“Yeah, she’s good. No problems over here. How’s the trip?”
“Good.” I smile. “Like… really good.”
“You getting on well?” he asks.
“Yep.” I sip my beer and smile to myself. ’Well’ is the understatement of the year. “Anything new at work?
“Oh, we got a lead on the Chancellor case. And another working girl was murdered.”
“Damn. Have they identified her yet?” I frown.
“Her name was Felicity Thompson.”
I frown. “I don’t know that name.”
“Her street name was Peachy Sue.”
“What happened to her?”
“She was shot in her apartment over the weekend. Her body wasn’t found until Tuesday. She’d been dead a few days already when they got to her.”
“Any witnesses or prints?”
“Not that we know of. We’re looking into it now. I’m going to go door knocking at the apartment block this afternoon.”
“What are the police doing?” I ask.
“Nothing, as usual. In their eyes a working girl is a working girl and she’ll get no special treatment from them. They literally don’t give a fuck.” He sighs, his irritation clear to hear.
“We need to find who’s doing this.” I sigh with him. “Is that the tenth girl?’
“Over the last seven years, it’s the eleventh.”
“How’s Tully, anyway?” he asks.
“Fucking perfect.”
“You’re not sick of each other yet?”
“Just the opposite. We’re home in two days and I could happily stay for another month.”
He chuckles just as Tully walks out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I smile as I drink her in. “I’ll see you later, hey?” I say to Ben.
“Okay, I’ll keep you posted if we get anything new in.”
“Thanks, mate.” I hang up as Tully slides onto my lap and kisses my lips.
“Where are you taking me for dinner?” she purrs.
I smile down at her. “Anywhere you want.”
I lie on my side and stare at Brock. It’s early afternoon now, and we have spent the morning swimming at the beach. We came back to the hotel, had lunch on the water, and now we’re back in the room relaxing. The television is on in the background but my attention is on my love.
Beautiful Brock.
I’ve never felt so close to anyone before. It’s as if he’s a part of me; an extension of my heart. Since he told me he loved me he’s stopped holding himself back, and even though I thought he was perfect before, it hadn’t even touched the surface on how amazing he actually is. I’ve laughed, swooned, and sighed my way through this vacation. I don’t want this feeling to ever end.
I am irrevocably and completely in love with Brock Marx. Every cell in my body wants to please him. His hands are constantly somewhere on me, making sure I’m close and checking I’m all right.
Who would have thought that the aggressive man I met in the gym could turn out to be the tender man who is now obsessed with my safety? I smile over at him, reach up and push my fingers through his dark hair.
“Brock.” I frown as I try to get the wording right in my head before I say it out loud. “You know the first time we had sex… in the gym bathroom?”
His eyes hold mine. “Yeah?”
“Why did you take me anally?”
He frowns, surprised by my random question.
“At the time, you said it was the way you were wired,” I remind him. “Why haven’t we done it like that again since?”
He inhales, his eyes searching mine. “I don’t want to scare you away.” He runs his fingertip over my bottom lip. Our faces are only centimetres apart.
“Why do you like anal sex?” I whisper. “Help me understand.”
He pauses for a moment. “It’s just… different.”
“It feels different?” I ask.
“Yes, but it’s more than that.”
I listen as my eyes stay locked on his.
“I guess it’s a control thing. I have my strongest orgasms that way.”
“Because you completely control the woman?” I ask.
“Not necessarily the woman.”
My eyes widen. “You’ve had sex with men?”
He chuckles. “Fuck, no. I only like women. I mean I get to control the situation as well as the woman.”
“Hmm.” I think for a while longer. “Why do you think it would scare me away?” I whisper.
His eyes hold mine. “It did last time, and I would rather live without it than risk frightening you again.”
I smile softly and I cup his face. “But it’s a part of who you are.”
“So are you,” he whispers.
“Have you always done it that way?” I don’t know why but I really want to know this part of him.
He frowns. “Do you really want to talk about this, Pock?”
“Yes. I want to understand you.”
“You don’t need to understand my former sex life. It’s irrelevant now.” He sighs.
“Do you have anal sex with every woman you sleep with?”
He frowns, clearly uncomfortable with this conversation. “I only sleep with you, Tully, so no.”