Page 93 of Gym Junkie
Oh. The tipping thing. “Brock, the tip,” I whisper.
Brock retrieves his wallet.
The attendant holds up her hands. “We don’t accept tips here.” She smiles. “It’s the Halekulani way.” With a bow of her head, she disappears out of the door.
I turn to Brock. “Oh my God.” I gasp. “This place!”
He smiles darkly and throws me on the bed. “Now it’s Halefucktully time at the Halekulani.”
I burst out laughing as he crawls over me. “Room service!”
The sun is setting over the water, the sound of the ukulele filling the air.
Every afternoon at the Halekulani there’s a traditional trio of music played with a hula dancer out on the back lawn overlooking the water’s edge. There are fire lanterns throughout the garden, and the sound of the waves gently lapping on the shore is beyond peaceful. The staff are all wearing flowers in their hair, and the entire place has a relaxed party atmosphere about it. Brock and I are relaxing on our deckchairs near the pool as we take in our surroundings. We are drinking Mai Tai cocktails, and we’ve been in the same position all afternoon. We’ve talked about everything, from schools to jobs, to hopes and dreams, and with every minute that passes I feel myself falling just that little bit deeper in love with him.
Brock is intelligent, witty, and so unromantic that I somehow actually find it romantic. He says what he thinks with no filter, and it’s a very endearing quality to have. It’s rare.
I know how lucky I am to have met a man who makes me feel this way.
We connected before, sure but this trip has cemented what I already suspected about us.
This is it.
This is the feeling that I’ve been searching my whole life for.
Everything I never knew existed is right here with him.
“You want to get some dinner, Tully Pocket?”
We look up and see that everyone else has gone. The staff are packing up for the night. I think we’ve been in the same position, deep in conversation, for twelve hours straight.
“Where is everyone?
He shrugs and laughs. “Fuck knows?”
I didn’t hear the music stop, see the people leaving or even eating dinner.
I was too focused on him.
Brock. My beautiful Brock.
He stands and pulls me from my chair. “It’s okay, I’ll eat you instead.” He smirks.
I lie back and inhale the sun’s rays.
We lounging around the pool again with a cocktail each. We’ve been swimming and beaching all day. This is the life. It feels so good to be this relaxed. “I can’t believe this place. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for booking this holiday.”
Brock smiles, his eyes remaining closed as he puts his hands behind his head. “I know. You should probably pay off your debt tonight.”
I giggle.
“You want to come for a swim?” he asks.
“Hmm. No.”
He looks over at me. “Let me rephrase that: we’re going swimming.”
“I’m not.”
He bends, picks me up, and throws me over his shoulder.
“Put me down,” I whisper-cry.
I glance up to see everyone around the pool is watching us. “Everyone’s watching us.” I giggle and slap his behind.
“All the men are wishing they could throw you over their shoulder and steal you away from me.”
All the women are wishing he was throwing them over his shoulder and taking them back to his room, more like.
He walks straight into the pool, sending me under the water, and when I come up gasping for air he dunks me again.
“Brock,” I croak, trying to breathe and laugh at the same time.
He splashes me and swims off. I swim after him, laughing as I go.
We really do need to talk about him working on his romantic side.
I lie on the bed with my hands behind my head as I watch Tully walking around the room, tidying up in her little black crochet bikini.
“I swear that bikini was put on this earth to drive me insane,” I say quietly, my eyes flickering over to the television. “Today, at the pool, I had to bite the inside of my cheek to try and control my dick.”
She giggles and turns to me, placing her hands on her hips and giving them a quick wiggle. “You like my bikini?
I nod, my eyes drinking her in. The week has been really cool—the best vacation I’ve had in a long time. There’s been sun, shopping, and then dinner and dancing every night.
Laughter, too. Lots of laughter.
Tully hasn’t stopped laughing for the entire week, and damn, it’s a sound I’ve gotten used to. It’s addictive… she’s addictive. She’s fucking beautiful. I’ve never been with a woman like her. I don’t want to have sex with her just to come. I want to be close to her. And even when I’m deep inside of her, it never seems close enough.
She carries on chatting to me as she walks around the room, oblivious to my thoughts. Her strawberry blonde hair is in a high ponytail and the skin on her body is shimmering from her tanning oil.