Page 14 of Gym Junkie
“Holy fucking shit,” Callie whispers, sounding kind of angry. “That’s the guy you made out with at the gym?”
I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling goofily. “Uh-huh.”
“I have no words.” She shakes her head. “Actually, I do. I’d be a fucking gym junkie if I were you.”
I break into a broad smile.
“Who the hell are his hot friends, anyway?” She frowns. “Do they go to this fantasy gym, because if they do, that’s it! I’m changing gyms.”
My eyes seek out Brock and his friends. “I don’t know, his brothers I think.” I shrug. “I’m pretty sure they are all married to his sisters.”
Callie eyes the table of men. “Lucky bitches.”
I frown as we shuffle up towards the front of the line. The boys are back at the table by this time. “Do you mind if we go home soon?” I ask. “I don’t want to seem like a weird hanger-on.”
Callie shrugs and links her arms through mine. “Sure. We’ll have one more drink and then leave.”
Twenty minutes later, we’re walking out of the front doors and are on the way to the cab rank. “You know, I was thinking,” Callie says. “If I were you, I would be totally stalking him, serial killer style. He’s ridiculous.”
I laugh. “He is a bit.”
“A bit.” She sighs as we hit the kerb. “A lot.”
I look up and stop dead in my tracks. Simon is walking along the other side of the street with his arm around a blonde woman. This is the first time I have ever seen him out in the eight months we’ve been broken up. I watch as he pulls her lips to his mouth, clearly saying something to her that causes her to laugh. They’re both having fun.
My heart drops into my stomach and tears instantly fill my eyes. “Oh my God,” I whisper to no one in particular.
Callie’s eyes widen, and she stops on the spot. “Shit.”
I take out my phone and immediately call Simon’s number, my heart in my throat as it rings. Pick up, pick up. Pick up, baby.
He fishes his phone out, looks at the screen, and then stuffs it back into his pocket.
He didn’t want to speak to me.
He chose her over me.
My bottom lip begins to quiver as I stare at them through blurred vision.
They laugh out loud and disappear around the corner.
Pain lances through my chest.
“Come on, babe,” Callie says as she puts her arm around me. “Let’s go home.”
Chapter 3
“Oh no.” Bridget frowns. “Here it comes again.” She puts both of her hands over her chest to try and stop the oncoming heartburn. “I can’t deal with this pregnancy shit.” She looks at Natasha. “How come you didn’t get heartburn when you were pregnant?”
“Because she had human children. Your baby’s father is an ape,” Joshua says dryly as he sips his beer.
Bridget fakes a laugh. “Ha-ha. You’re so funny.” Her face drops as she sips her Coke. “All I want is a marga-fucking-rita. Is that too much to ask for?”
Joshua chuckles while Ben reaches over to pick his wife’s hand up. He kisses the back of it in sympathy. The man’s a saint. Bridget’s pregnancy has completely stolen her sense of humour and any semblance of my beautiful, easy-going sister. Some women glow while pregnant. Bridget is not one of those women. She’s grown horns.
Big, evil fucking horns.
“Just wait ‘til those two babies come out and stretch your vagina to oblivion,” Abbie says nonchalantly. “It will be huge. Like a giant crevice.”
Ben chokes on his drink, coughing and spluttering. Joshua laughs and slaps him on the back.
I wince. God, the things I have to listen to. No man should have to hear this.
“What, like yours?” Adrian snaps, completely outraged that Abbie would say such a thing.
Abbie screws up her face. “Oh, shut up, Adrian. Like you would know anything about vaginas.”
“She’s got you there,” Joshua says smugly.
I tip my head back to the sky in frustration. Seriously? I’m giving up a night of unrivalled pleasure to listen to my sister whine about heartburn and hear about over-stretched vaginas?
“I see you, Brock,” Bridget snaps. “Don’t roll your eyes at us.”
I look at her, deadpan.
Ben smiles sarcastically, happy that someone else is her target tonight.
We are sitting around a table of the crowded restaurant, but my mind is a world away from this lame conversation. I glance over to Tully who I have just seen at the bar as she talks to her friend, and I clench my jaw. I don’t want her to think I was blowing her off. She seemed to understand.
My eyes drop to the sway in her hips and her ass.
So… fucking… hot.
I’ve been hard all day thinking about her.
She’s wearing tight black leather pants and a feminine flowy top that shows just enough skin to drive any man out of his damn mind. Funnily enough, she’s dressed just how I like my women to dress: understated and casually sexy. I don’t like it when women try too hard. It has the opposite effect on my libido. Her hair and her face are pure perfection.