Page 131 of Gym Junkie
“Hand her over and you can have it.” I look out into the trees as it gets darker and darker.
More silence.
I hold the memory stick up in the air and grip the gun tightly in my hand.
Where are you, motherfucker?
“Tully?” I call.
“Brock,” I hear her cry from somewhere farther down the hill.
I take chase and sprint down the hill, sliding and slipping on rocks as I go. All at once, I see her being rammed into a car, and my heart stops.
Cole, her boss, has her by the hair with a gun nuzzled deep against her neck. He’s pushing her into a parked car.
She has blood all over her face, clearly terrified.
“No!” I yell as I run towards the car.
He hits her hard again and knocks her unconscious. I run faster, slipping down the embankment as I go.
He shoves her in the car and takes off at an unreachable speed. I turn back and sprint back up the hill as fast as I can.
I slip and scramble as I make my way to the top. I’m out of breath, gasping for air as adrenaline beings to take over my body.
I jump in my car and tear down the driveway. A truck is passing, and I punch the steering wheel.
“Get out of my fucking way!” I scream.
I pull out around the truck and veer onto the wrong side of the road. A car screeches, twisting and turning to avoid hitting me. I dial Ben’s phone number as I tear down the road.
“What’s happening?” he shouts. I can tell he’s driving as frantically as I am.
“He’s taken her in a car. White commodore, number plate DRT745.
“I’m nearly on the road coming in now,” he says.
“There’s only one way in here, Ben. You’re going to come across him.” I’m shouting, and I don’t care. There’s no way I can keep calm through this.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Whatever it takes. He can’t get away.”
“Roger that,” he says, and then he hangs up. My foot slams down on the accelerator.
“Tully, hang on, baby,” I whisper through gritted teeth.
The road is winding around a mountain. Dusts seems to be moving in the air as if a car has just sped through here. He’s not far in front, I can feel it.
I speed up and lose it on a corner, the wheels skidding out beneath me. I nearly roll the car. I correct myself as quickly as I can, and I drive around the next bend, immediately spotting two cars.
Ben has crashed into the car to stop it. It’s literally just happened. He hit the commodore in the driver’s side, causing the car to flip. Ben’s airbags have gone off, and he appears to be okay.
A gunshot fires from the car and I duck down.
I think Cole’s trapped inside. Did he just shoot her?
I sprint for the car and a shot fires out at me, but I don’t stop. I hold up my weapon and shoot him through the window.
He slumps, bleeding from a gunshot wound straight to the head.
Tully is still unconscious in the passenger side, trapped by her legs.
“Tully, are you okay?” I whisper frantically. “Tully!” I cry. I can’t get to her.
She moves and puts her hand to her head, squeezing her eyes shut tighter. Relief washes over me, turning my skin cold at the thought of having lost her.
But she’s okay.
A police siren creeps in from the distance, and I know Ben has called for backup.
I drop to my knees as the lactic acid in my body takes over. “You okay?” I call to Ben.
“Yeah, man,” he calls back.
Fuck… that was close.
I lie in the hospital bed as they take my vitals. “I’m fine,” I sigh.
“You’re not fine,” Brock grunts. “You have a fractured cheekbone.”
“Which is going to be fixed after surgery tomorrow.”
Brock kisses my hand. He hasn’t left my side for two days. His family have all been to visit me, and Ben even bought Meredith in. It seems the boys all have a soft spot for her now. Callie has been here at night, too. Simon can’t come as he is in another hospital, but he’s called me every few hours. I’m blessed to have so many people care about me.
My mother smiles nervously from her chair across the room. I know she’s impressed with the way Brock is looking after me. I think she may finally be beginning to accept that Simon and I are just friends now. Watching her and Brock play nice to each other is really quite entertaining. They’re both being so polite, I fear I may be sick any moment. I know it’s completely for my benefit only, but I’ll enjoy the peace between them while it lasts… which I already know won’t be for long. Peter and my stepfather arrive, and I see anger flare to life in Brock’s eyes. He steps back and folds his arms over his chest, raising his chin as he glares at Peter. Arrogance personified.