Page 124 of Gym Junkie
I sob out loud, seeing how hurt he is.
He drops his head.
Silence hangs between us.
Eventually, he turns towards the door. “I’ll be outside.” He walks out, and it quietly clicks shut behind him.
I look around my silent apartment, my vision blurry. My quivering breath is the only sound I can hear.
Every time I try to fix it I only seem to make it worse.
I look over at the clock. Its 2:21 a.m. Brock is on my sofa, but I can’t sleep.
Callie’s words are playing over and over in my mind.
Fix it.
The only way I can fix this is if I get him to let down his guard and talk to me. Tonight, when he got angry, was the first time he has shown any type of emotion. And all because I told him I loved him. I can’t believe that telling him I love him would make him so furious.
Well, I’m not apologising anymore. Callie has a point.
I did what I thought was right at the time, and if he can’t even speak to me about it, then what am I supposed to do?
I roll over and punch my pillow in disgust.
Fucking men.
I sit at lunch with Callie and sip my Diet Coke.
“Where are we going tonight?” she asks.
“The Ivy, I think.” I shrug. “Meredith knows that place so it will make it easier for us all.”
Callie smiles as she cuts into her salad.
“Thanks for the pep talk last night, by the way,” I say. “You’re right, I have been feeling sorry for myself since I got back, and I needed a good kick up the ass.”
“You have every right to wallow a little.” She shrugs. “I didn’t mean to sound cold, but a boyfriend leaving you…” She widens her eyes. “Or you leaving him in this instance, is not the worst thing that can happen.”
“I know.” I bite the food from my fork. “This is true.”
We eat in silence for a moment. “Did anything happen last night when you saw him?” she asks.
“I told him I loved him, and he lost his shit and screamed at me. He told me not to use those three words as a weapon against him ever again.”
Callie’s eyes hold mine.
“He seems to only show me any emotion when he gets angry,” I sigh.
Callie bites the food off her fork. “So… piss him off some more then.”
I frown as I chew, my eyes holding hers.
“He only loses control when he’s angry, right?”
She smiles like a Cheshire cat. “Then piss the bastard off so bad that he has a complete meltdown on you. Break him down.”
I put my knife and fork down, and they hit my plate with a clang. “Callie, you are diabolical,” I whisper with a sly smile.
Her eyes dance in delight. “How are you going to piss him off?”
I tap my chin with my fingertips as I think. “Where will I begin?”
Knock, knock.
I take one last look at my reflection in the mirror, and I smile broadly. I’m wearing my black leather pants with a white, low-cut top. My girls are boosted to the sky. I have sky-high stilettos on, and I’m wearing Brock’s favourite lipstick. I know he loves me in white. I also know he loves me in these pants. He can’t keep his hands off me whenever I wear them. I’m also wearing the fragrance he bought me in Hawaii. At the time, he told me it had a hotwire to his dick, which is convenient for me seeing how I plan on starting a few fires tonight.
We are going clubbing, and Brock has just come to pick me up. They have been and collected Meredith and Callie already. I’m last on the pick-up list.
I open the door in a rush and he stands before me.
His broad shoulders are covered in a black T-shirt, and he’s wearing dark blue jeans that fit snugly in all the right places.
I grin in greeting and purposely bend to pick up my bag. I might even try some of those slut snaps his secretary does tonight. It couldn’t hurt. I need all the ammunition I can get.
I put my hand on my waist and wiggle my hips. “Do I look okay?” I ask innocently.
He tilts his jaw, and his annoyed eyes drop down my body and back up to my face. “You’ll do,” he replies flatly.
I smirk, and Brock narrows his eyes at me, as if sensing I’m up to something.
“Are you ready?” he asks.
I grab my clutch and smile sexily. “Sure am.”
He opens the door and we walk down to the elevator in silence. I make sure I walk in front of him so he can see my behind. I walk with an over exaggerated sashay.
He stays silent as he lingers behind.
What the hell is he thinking back there?
We make it to the car, and Callie and Meredith are in the backseat. “Hello, my friends.” I laugh as I climb in and kiss them both on the cheek. Ben is driving, leaving Brock to climb into the passenger side. “What’s been happening?” I ask.