Page 41 of Marx Girl
It’s so thick, long, and mouth-wateringly good. My breath catches.
Honestly… what the hell?
It doesn’t get any better than this view.
His body is perfect.
He gets into bed and pulls me into his arms. We kiss for an extended time, and then he puts his arm under my head as if he wants to spend time with me first. I like this change of pace. This is how we used to be when we were meeting in secret. We would spend hours in bed, naked, talking to each other in between making love. I kiss his chest. “You’re different tonight.” I smile against his skin.
“So you are you,” he whispers.
I glance up at his face in the darkness. “How so?”
“The way you looked at me tonight at dinner.”
“How did I look at you?” I frown.
He gently kisses my lips. “Like you used to.”
I roll onto my side and put my hand under my head, leaning on my elbow. “Like I used to?”
He rolls onto his side to face me and I find myself smiling.
“How did I used to look at you?” I ask.
“Like you liked me.”
My eyebrow rises, and I give him a cheeky smile. “I do like you.”
“One hopes so.”
I bite my bottom lip to stifle my goofy smile. “How long is it since you’ve been with someone?” I ask. I’m not sure what to make of Brock’s outlandish claim tonight. I can’t imagine Ben ever going without sex. He wouldn’t be able to do it. He’s way too sexual. Every cell of Ben’s body screams pounding hard sex.
His eyes hold mine. “A while.”
“How long is a while?”
He shrugs. “Couple of months.”
“How is that possible?”
He reaches over and cups my breast through my nightdress. “Well…” He pauses. “It’s kind of like eating out, I suppose.”
I smile and raise my eyebrows in question.
“Like a buffet,” he adds.
“A buffet?” I frown.
“Well, when you first go to an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant it starts out fun.”
I smile softly as I listen.
“You eat foods that you wouldn’t normally try.” He pauses as he dusts his thumb back and forth over my nipple with fascination. “You eat way too much of everything on the menu.”
I roll my lips as I watch him.
“The food fills you up,” he whispers as his eyes rise to my lips. “It keeps you going, but it never quite satisfies your cravings.”
He pinches my nipple hard and my breath catches.
“After a while the food becomes bland and tasteless. At least to me.”
I study him in the dark.
“And then one day I went to a specialty restaurant and I got to order exactly what I wanted.”
I smile softly. “What did you order?”
He runs his pointer down to my ribs and pokes me. “Prime rib.”
I giggle.
“But I got kicked out of that restaurant,” he continues.
“You left the restaurant by choice,” I correct him.
He smiles and cups my breast with his hand. “It wasn’t by choice, I can assure you.”
I frown softly.
“And then I had to go back to that damn all-you-can-eat buffet.” He narrows his eyes. “I was there for a really long time.”
I hate that he was there for a really long time, but I lean over and kiss him softly anyway. “What happened then?” I whisper.
“The food began to make me sick.”
I run my hand up and over his broad chest. I have to touch him, I can’t help it.
“And after a while the thought of eating something I didn’t want turned my stomach.” He kisses me softly. “I would rather starve than eat what I didn’t want anymore.”
Our eyes are locked.
“What do you want to eat, Ben?” I whisper.
“You.” His eyes hold mine. “I only want to eat you.” He kisses me softly. “I can’t go back to that buffet, Bridget.”
I smile against his lips, and God, if that isn’t the best restaurant story I’ve ever heard in my life. He kisses me. It’s soft and tender and everything I remembered that we once were. We kiss again and again, and slowly his body moves over mine until I am underneath him, our bodies rubbing against each other, seeking relief. My legs are wide open, and he is rocking onto me in the most perfectly hard way.
I cup his face in my hand and gently kiss his big beautiful lips as our eyes search each other’s. How do I feel so close to him this quickly? It’s like he’s never been away. “You’re the only person I want to eat in my restaurant, Ben,” I whisper.
He laughs and flips me over, so I’m on top of him. “Ride me home, Didge. Show me what I’ve been missing.”
My phone rings and I glance at my watch. It’s Bridget, and she’s on her lunch break. I glance over at Brock as we walk down the street together. Fuck it, I’m going to answer. “Hey.”
“Hi,” her sweet voice replies. I can tell she’s smiling.