Page 4 of Marx Girl
You won’t forget this in a hurry, big boy.
His pumping gets harder and deeper, faster and faster, and I clench around him before I fall.
“Ahh…” I breathe.
I scrunch my eyes shut to stop the tears. He moans as he comes deep inside me.
We kiss, for a long time. It’s soft and tender, and his body is still in mine, slowly emptying itself with slow pumps.
“I love you, Ben,” I whisper.
“I love you, too,” he breathes as he rests his head against my cheek. He pauses for a moment. “That’s why I have to leave you.”
He pulls out of my body in one quick rush.
What? I sit up. No. “What are you talking about?” I whisper. “We can work it out.”
His eyes search mine. “This is goodbye, Bridget; don’t make this any harder than it already is.”
“Ben…” I whisper. My body is still throbbing from the beating he just gave it.
He pulls on his clothes and I watch on in silence.
Don’t go. Please, don’t go.
With one last, lingering kiss, he stands and leaves my room without looking back.
I stare at the door after it closes behind him.
No. Please, God.
That didn’t just happen.
Despair fills me.
I curl into a ball. My heart physically hurts in my chest, and I weep.
Five years later
I smile at my beloved sister across the backseat and squeeze her hand. “God, it’s so good to see you,” I whisper.
Tash smiles sadly. “It really is.”
“How long has it been since we were in the States?” Abbie frowns.
“Five months.” Natasha sighs as she blows out a deep breath. “But remember, you’re coming over for Thanksgiving.”
“Try and stop us,” Abbie murmurs as she reapplies her lip gloss. She rolls her lips as she studies her reflection in her compact mirror.
We’re in the back of Natasha’s car on our way to a cocktail bar to meet the boys. Natasha, my sister, has lived in the United States with her husband, Joshua, and their children for five years, and now she’s come home to Sydney, Australia, for a family wedding tomorrow. I’ve been so excited to have her home, I haven’t been able to sleep all week.
Our best friend, Abbie, is with us, along with Natasha’s two security guards who are in the front. Max is driving, and Anton is in the passenger seat.
Joshua, Natasha’s husband, is an app developer who hit the big time. Security is ridiculously high around her and their kids after everything they’ve been through.
Tash holds her hands in the air in an over-exaggerated gesture. “So, tell me everything. What have I missed?”
I shrug. “Well…” I glance at Abbie. “I don’t know.”
“I can’t wait to meet your new boyfriend, Didge.” Tash smiles.
I smile. Everyone calls me Didge. It’s short for Bridget.
“I can’t wait for you to meet him, either. He’s coming to the wedding tomorrow.” I smile proudly.
“Great.” Tash beams.
“Eric is…” Abbie pauses, and narrows her eyes as she thinks of the perfect analogy. “You’ll hate him, Tash.” She smirks.
My mouth drops open, but I’m unable to contain my broad smile. “You will not.” Bloody Abbie and her far too honest opinions.
“Will, too,” Abbie snaps. “Wait till you meet him. He spends more time looking in the mirror than looking at Bridget. He thinks he’s Starsky or Hutch, or some shit.”
Natasha’s eyes flicker to me in question.
“He’s not that bad.” I laugh. “And yes, he’s a cop… and he’s smoking hot, so he’s got a lot to love. Keep your opinions to yourself, Abs. Please remember you’re dating a gorilla on steroids. You can’t exactly judge.”
Natasha and Abbie laugh, and I glance up and see Max smirking in the rearview mirror.
“Yeah, well, that gorilla is an animal. I’m so down with gorillas.”
Tash and I smirk because Abbie is a slut—a bona fide, self-confessed, slut. She loves men and sex, and she’s enjoying every perk of being a super attractive single woman. Her hair is long and golden, and she has a kicking body that she shows off unashamedly.
She has every man she meets eating out of her hand.
Her mantra is no boyfriends, no strings… just fun.
And, boy, does she have fun. I don’t know how she has the energy, to be honest. It seems like a lot of work.
The car comes to a slow crawl before it stops, and we climb out to make our way to the bar where we’re all meeting.
Joshua, Cameron, Scott, and Adrian are all sitting at a table, and we make our way over.
“Didge!” Cameron calls as he grabs me in a headlock. I laugh and make my way around the table to kiss them all on the cheek.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you all. I’m getting a drink first and then I’ll be right back.” I smile.
I walk to the bar, buzzing because my family is home and it feels so damn good.
We’re in for a great weekend. They’ll all get to meet Eric tomorrow, and things are going to plan.