Page 71 of Cruel Saints
Chapter 26
Waking up, I stretch my tender body against Lucian, where I’m lying half over him.
His arm tightens around my shoulders, and he presses a kiss to my disheveled hair. The sheets are rumpled around us as the memories of last night come to me.
The way Lucian loved me… God, I didn’t even know it was possible to experience such pleasure, to feel so much, to get lost in another person the way I got lost in him.
I cried, breaking in the safety of his arms, and he took all of my demons.
He wiped the cruelty and depravity from my life.
He released me from the shackles of my past.
Then he taught me how to love with all my heart. He showed me how to pleasure him in every way but one.
Lucian refused that I go down on him. Even when I told him I’m okay with it.
It was not negotiable.
Now that my mind is clear of desire and pleasure, I realize Lucian knows me better than I know myself. It would’ve tainted our night because I don’t think it’s something I’ll be able to do without being reminded of the past.
Suddenly Lucian flips me onto my back, and he presses a kiss to my neck. “Stay in bed and get more sleep. I need to go to work.”
Lifting my hand to his jaw, I brush my fingers over the bristles. “Be careful.”
“I will.” He gives me a chaste kiss then gets up. I turn onto my side, tucking my hands beneath my head as I watch my husband walk to the bathroom and as he gets dressed.
“I like it better when you’re naked,” I say, a teasing tone to my voice.
He chuckles and comes to give me another kiss, then he trails his nose down my neck and to my breasts. His lips tug at my nipple, making my desire increase, but then he gets up and walks to the door. “I’m going to be hard the whole fucking day,” he mutters as he opens the door. “Ti amo.”
“Ti amo,” I say, a happy smile on my face.
When Lucian shuts the door behind him, I stretch out again and then roll over to his side of the bed. I bury my face in his pillow, taking a deep breath of his scent.
My husband.
Thinking how Lucian just walked into my life and took what he wanted makes me feel giddy, and I let out a soft chuckle.
God, I’m so in love with him. My stomach is constantly fluttering with butterflies. My heart melts.
And he chose me.
Out of all the women he could’ve picked, he chose me.
I’m so lucky.
So happy.
Taking another breath of his scent, I get up and walk to the bathroom. I open the faucets and pour some bubble bath into the tub.
While the water runs, I brush my teeth and hair, tying the strands back into a bun so they won’t get wet.
With happiness hovering around my lips, I close the faucets and sink into the balmy water. While I soak my tender body, I remember how passionately Lucian made love to me. His hands on my skin. His mouth kissing every inch of me. How his body moved against mine while he filled me.
And his eyes.
God, his eyes.
They were dark as night, dominant and intense.
Ugh, why did he have to work today?
I finish my morning routine, and once I’m dressed in a brand new pair of jeans and a baby-yellow silk blouse, I slip on my high heels and go look for Aunt Ursula.
Finding her out on the veranda, I pour myself a cup of coffee and go sit by her.
“Did you sleep well?” I ask before taking a sip of my beverage.
“Yes, cara, and you?”
I didn’t sleep much but answer, “Very well.” Setting my cup down on the table, I stare out over the backyard.
“You look beautiful in the new outfit,” she compliments me. “We should finish our shopping from yesterday.”
My lips curve up. “Yes, I’ve taken all my old clothes out and placed them in bags. I thought we can drop them off at a shelter.”
“That’s a good idea. We’ll leave as soon as you’re done with your coffee.” Aunt Ursula gets up to take her empty cup into the house, then I hear her say, “We’re going shopping, Leo. Bring the car around to the front.”
I finish my coffee and go rinse the cup out, then I go get my phone from where it was charging in the living room. I notice a message from Lucian and open it.
Lucian: Do you feel me between your legs?
A smile splits over my face.
Me: Yes, and everywhere else.
He types his reply instantly.
Lucian: Good, because I can still feel you wrapped around my cock.
My body flushes with desire.
Me: I can’t wait for tonight.
Lucian: You better be naked in bed when I get home.