Page 67 of Cruel Saints
The manager comes toward me, and I wave him away. “I’m just here for a drink.”
“Enjoy, sir.”
“You ready?” Alexei asks as we head up the stairs.
“It has to be done,” I say, and then I walk out into the open. My skin instantly begins to prickle, knowing a bullet can hit me at any moment.
Keep your shit together, Lucian.
“Stand by,” Alexei mutters to Franco. “You do everything I say. Don’t hesitate.”
“Yes, Sir,” Franco answers.
I move around the pool toward the bar, and I have to fight the urge to glance at the buildings around the club.
“You’re doing good,” Alexei whispers next to me.
“Yeah, still breathing.” My words draw a chuckle from him.
When we reach the bar that’s still being stocked for tonight, I order a bourbon for myself and vodka for Alexei. I don’t bother asking Demitri, knowing he doesn’t drink on the job.
The bartender pours the drinks, and as I pick up the tumbler of bourbon, Demitri grabs hold of me and yanks me away from the counter. The tumbler shatters in my hand, right where my head was a second ago.
“Move, Franco. Hotel roof!” Alexei roars. He crouches, his rifle aimed in the direction the shot came from.
My heart pounds in my fucking ears as I draw my Glock from behind my back.
I watch as Alexei tracks the fucker through the scope on his rifle, and then he fires a shot. Getting up, he mutters, “I took out his knee so he won’t get far.”
Suddenly Demitri fires a shot, and a waiter drops to the floor, a gun scattering to the side. All the staff instantly holds up their hands as Demitri scans over them.
“There’s more,” he murmurs. “I can feel it.”
I don’t come here enough to know who’s an employee and who’s not.
Alexei checks the surrounding buildings through his scope while Demitri guards us, and seeing the two men work together, I understand why they’re the best.
Thank God they’re on my side.
“Matteo has him. Let’s go,” Alexei says. I get up from the crouching position. Alexei draws a Heckler and Koch from behind his back, holding the rifle in his left hand.
Demitri takes the lead, the three of us on high alert as we head to the stairs. My finger flexes on the trigger, every muscle in my body wound tight as we move down the steps.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Demitri whispers as we step into the ground floor section. “I can feel you.”
I raise my arms, my gun ready as my eyes go from one employee to the next. A guy pops up from behind the bar, and as he jumps over the counter, I pull the trigger, along with Demitri.
He drops down between the barstools, a bullet to the head and one to the chest.
I quickly glance around, and when I see the manager staring at us with shock, I train my gun on him. “You fucking search every employee before they’re allowed on the premises,” I bark.
“Yes, Mr. Cotroni. I’m sorry,” he whimpers.
“Clean up this shit, and you better be ready to open at nine, or it’s coming out of your pay.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Let’s go,” Alexei says.
When we walk out of the club, Franco’s already waiting with the G Wagon’s engine running. As soon as I climb into the back, I ask, “Where’s the fucker?”
“Matteo and the men are taking him to the docks.”
“Fucking mercenaries,” Alexei mutters. “He won’t talk.”
“At least I’ll get the satisfaction of killing him.”
When we reach the docks, I shove the door open, and with my Glock still firmly in my grip, I walk to the man Matteo has on his knees.
The man’s eyes lock on me, dead and impassive. There’s not even a sign of pain from the knee Alexei shot out.
He knows what’s coming.
I train the barrel of my gun on his forehead. “You come after me?” I grit the words out through clenched teeth. “Big mistake.”
He just keeps staring at me with zero emotion.
“Who do you work for?”
Again with the goddess shit.
“They all keep saying the same thing. It’s not even fun torturing them anymore,” Alexei mutters.
I press the barrel against his head. “I will fucking find out who you are and hunt your family to the ends of the earth. Who the fuck do you work for?”
He shakes his head. “I was hired by a man.”
“Greek?” I ask.
He nods. “I only know him as Zeus.”
These code names aren’t helping shit.
“Any distinct markings. Anything, and I’ll make it quick.”
“Nothing. We never met face to face.”
My eyes lock on the mercenary’s, and then I pull the trigger.
He slumps to the side, blood trickling from the bullet hole.
“Feel better?” Alexei asks.
“No, not at all,” I mutter.
Alexei pats my back. “Go home. Hold your wife. Tomorrow’s a new day.”
I shake my head as I let out a deep breath. “We have to end this. It’s been a month.”